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The 110 best phrases of resilience

Resilience is one of the most important capacities of people, and one of the least known, to the point that it is often underestimated.

It is what allows us to face different types of significant problematic situations, such as work crises or important personal losses, in a practical and healthy way. If we are resilient we can not only help ourselves, but also those around us.

Therefore, in this article we will review several of the resilience phrases most inspiring, which help to understand its characteristics and importance.

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The most interesting phrases about resilience

To verify the importance of this human ability, here we will take a tour of the best resilience phrases, commented.

1. Resilience is about overcoming the unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to thrive. (Jamais Cascio)

Resilience is based on moving forward despite all the problems.

2. Part of resiliency is deciding if you're going to feel miserable about something that matters, or if you decide to feel miserable about something that doesn't matter. (Elizabeth Edwards)
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How do you act in the face of problems?

3. In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity. (Albert Einstein)

There are opportunities that come at the worst times.

4. If your ship doesn't come to save you, swim towards it to find it. (Jonathan Winters)

Although opportunities come, you must fight for them.

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5. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with it. (Henry Ford)

To get ahead you have to know how to overcome obstacles.

6. You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, you cannot have both. (Brene Brown)

You can't get far if you stay in your comfort zone.

7. Character cannot be developed in quiet and stillness. Only through trials and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. (Helen Keller)

The tests are to make your strengths known.

Reflections and Quotes on Resilience

8. A little crack in you doesn't mean you're broken, it means you were put to the test and you didn't fall apart. (Linda Poindexter)

A failure does not determine your future success.

9. A good half of the art of living is resilience. (Alain deBotton)

Life is full of good and bad times.

10. Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than what you had before. (Elizabeth Edwards)

All beginnings are difficult, but if you know how to work around this one, you can improve.

11. He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Having a purpose to fight for gives us motivation to keep going.

12. Life is not a matter of having good cards, but of playing well with a poor hand. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Having all the advantages does not guarantee that you will win.

13. When you return to the path, you return to the point where you left off, not to the point where you started. (Henri Nuwen)

All knowledge learned remains within our mind.

14. Failure is not falling, but refusing to get up. (Chinese proverb)

Your mistakes don't count, but the times you learn from them and try again.

15. Falling is part of life, getting up is part of living. (Joseph N. Harris)

Recovering from failure is entirely up to you.

16. I am more than my scars. (Andrew Davidson)

Your scars count all the fights you've won.

17. It is not adversity, but your reaction to adversity, that will determine the course of your life. (Dieter Uchtdorf)

The problems are as big as you think they are.

18. Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you can do. (John Wooden)

You can't control everything, so focus on what you're best at.

19. Learn to be happy with what you have while pursuing everything you want. (Jim Ron)

If you are grateful for what you have, you will appreciate every little success.

20. Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional. (Roger Crawford)

It all depends on how we deal with problems.

21. I know it can seem like getting up, breathing, and even moving is a struggle. But please do it, many doors are waiting open for you. (Tamara Brown)

Life may seem strenuous, but in time you will see your rewards.

22. In three words I can summarize everything I have learned about life: Keep going. (Robert Frost)

The lessons teach us to look for our horizon.

23. The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall. (Confucius)

Courage is about trying something again.

24. Resilience is not a single skill. It is a variety of coping skills and mechanisms. (Jean Chatzsky)

Although it is a capacity, in reality we put into practice many human virtues that help us to get out of the problem.

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25. If you fell yesterday, get up today. (H.G. Wells)

The only thing left for us when we are down, is to go up.

26. Those with the strongest character are riddled with scars. (Kahli Gibran)

The great achievers have gone through terrible falls.

27. Adversity has the gift of awakening talents that would have remained dormant in prosperity. (Horace)

It is in adversity where some manage to discover their potential.

28. Adversity is like a strong wind that rips away everything except the things that cannot be ripped away. In it we see ourselves as we really are. (Arthur Golden)

Difficulties make us know ourselves as we really are.

29. If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal at any time. (Carlos Santana)

Having a positive attitude gives us a better perception to find a way out.

30. Resilience is the ability of a system, business, or person to maintain its core purpose and integrity in the face of radically changing circumstances. (Andrew Zolli and Ann Marie Healy)

Resilience can be applied in any area of ​​life.

31. Courage is resistance to fear, control of fear, not absence of fear. (Mark Twain)

It is the way we manage to defeat fear.

32. The trickling of the water makes a hole in the water, not by force, but by persistence. (Ovid)

When we do something step by step, in the end we accumulate a great achievement.

33. Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, it is learning to dance in the rain. (Vivian Greene)

You can't run away from problems, so deal with them the best way you can.

34. Warriors should suffer their pains silently. (Erin Hunter)

Each person has an inner struggle that they have battled on a daily basis.

35. Prosperity does not exist without many fears and disasters; and adversity does not exist without comfort and hope. (Francis Bacon)

Good and bad things happen to maintain a kind of balance.

36. It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that best responds to change. (Charles Darwin)

It is our adaptation to change that allows us to improve.

37. If I have eight hours to cut down a tree, I will spend six of them sharpening my axe. (Abraham Lincoln)

When you create a firm foundation, the rest happens more easily.

38. The works are half finished when they have started well. (Seneca)

Every beginning, even if difficult, is necessary.

39. Think of yourself and also help others.

It is not about forgetting yourself, but about sharing your kindness with others.

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40. Don't judge me by my successes, judge me by the times I fell and got back up. (Nelson Mandela)

The way we know the true character of a person.

41. The trick is to metabolize pain into energy. (Julie Cameron)

Use your negative feelings as motivation to rise up.

42. When it suddenly seems like you've lost everything you thought you'd gained, don't despair. Your healing is not a linear process. You have to expect delays and regressions. (Henri Nuwen)

You need time to grow and be the best version of yourself.

43. Enthusiasm is common, but resistance is rare. (Angela Duckworth)

Not everyone appreciates this ability.

44. My barn may have burned down, but now I can see the moon. (Mizuta Masahide)

In every bad moment, we can find a piece of something positive.

45. When you think all is lost, the future remains. (Bob Godard)

The future will always be there, offering you a new opportunity.

46. Although no one can go back and have a new beginning, everyone can start from now and have a new ending. (Carl Bard)

Don't cling to what couldn't be, focus on starting what you want to do now.

47. You can fight, you can complain about everything you've lost... or you can accept it and try to get something good out of it. (Elizabeth Edwards)

That decision is entirely up to you.

48. You may have to fight a battle more than once in order to win it. (Margaret Thatcher)

Achievements are not given on the first try, you need to be consistent.

49. Use your scars to remember that you survived deep wounds. (Steve Goodier)

Your scars are not to embarrass you, but to show how strong you are.

50. It is during our worst fall that we die or learn to fly. (Sira Masetti)

A moment that pushes us towards our destiny.

51. At all times keep your attention on the task at hand. Perform each task as if it were the last, avoiding distraction, drama, vanity and complaining about your situation. (Marcus Aurelius)

Dedication and perseverance are key to achieving the goal we set for ourselves.

52. Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is doing, not getting; in the attempt, not in the triumph. (Zig Ziglar)

That is why we should celebrate every little achievement we acquire.

53. Set small goals and never give up.

If you feel overwhelmed by a goal, break it down into small goals that make you work every day, but without losing motivation.

54. The human mind is a fearsome instrument of adaptation, and nowhere is this more clearly displayed than in its mysterious powers of resilience, self-protection, and self-healing. (Thomas Wolff)

Our mind is our biggest enemy or biggest cheerleader.

55. That resilience has not been studied, despite the fact that all the doctors have verified it, is very telling about our culture, a culture for which survivors remain suspects. (Boris Cyrunik)

There are things that society does not consider important, just because they are not observable.

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56. A champion is someone who gets up when he can't. (Jack Dempsey)

He is someone who keeps trying despite the risks.

57. 90% of life is about staying calm. (Chris Feudner)

You cannot solve a problem by being in a state of agitation.

58. I love the man who can smile in the face of problems, who can draw strength from anguish, and grow brave through reflection. (Thomas Paine)

When we have a positive attitude, conflicts stop looking catastrophic.

59. Never be a victim of life... be the conqueror. (Mike Norton)

Choose the role you want to have in life.

60. Resilience is born when you cling to self-love, when you dare to reach heights you didn't think you could achieve. (Gregory Boyle)

The first step to resilience is having self-confidence.

61. Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They may make mistakes, but they never give up. (Conrad Hilton)

You can't succeed if you stay in bed doing nothing.

62. Always make a full effort, even when the odds are stacked against you. (Arnold Palmer)

Don't let the risks intimidate you, there is always a percentage of success.

63. You learn to be resilient, to survive, when you know that you are capable of contributing positively in the world. You fight when you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. (Bad Naidoo)

Resilience is natural, but we strengthen it every time we manage to face a conflict and rise up.

64. The human spirit has strength beyond measure, the kind of strength that is capable of bringing down every wall and wall that comes our way. (Nikki Rowe)

It is always necessary to nurture our self-confidence.

65. Success is the sum of small efforts made day after day.

Things are achieved by doing something every day.

66. There are no secrets to success. This is achieved by preparing, working hard and learning from failure. (Collin Powell)

The only secret to success is to be consistent.

67. However you define success, you will have to be resilient, strong, authentic and agile to get there. (Joanie Connel)

To be successful, you need to be resilient.

68. You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only option left to you. (BobMarley)

You can't underestimate your strengths until you put them to the test.

69. Life doesn't stop and neither should you. (Akirog Brost)

If there's one thing life teaches us, it's that you can always start over.

70. If the fire in your heart is strong enough, it will burn the obstacles that come your way. (Suzy Kassem)

The first force is mental.

71. The human capacity to manage difficulties is like a bamboo; much more flexible than you would think at first life. (Jodi Picoult)

Nobody thinks they are capable until they put their knowledge to the test.

72. No matter where you are on your journey, that's where you need to be; the end is always ahead. (Oprah Winfrey)

Everything has its moment, do not despair.

73. There are much better things ahead of us than those we have left behind. (c. s. Lewis)

Yes, the past hurts, but if you keep that feeling you will not be able to see the good that awaits you.

74. Do you not see how necessary a world of sorrows and problems is to form an intelligence and turn it into a soul? (John Keats)

It is through challenges that we manage to acquire our strengths.

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75. If your heart is broken; make art with its pieces. (Shane Koyczan)

The pieces can form a new piece.

76. Life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient. (Steve Maraboli)

Life doesn't change, we do.

77. Do not say to yourself: “All is lost; I have to start all over again." Is not true. What you earned, you earned… (Henri Nouwen)

The things you have now are what you have achieved with your struggle.

78. Knowing that there is a bright side, trusting it and acting as if it does exist anyway, provided that you you were willing to work in another way or to enter through another door, a door that you may have avoided in the past. past. (Julie Cameron)

Look for every good moment you can and you will see that nothing is as disastrous as you think.

79. A positive attitude in the face of adversity goes a long way.

In fact, it is what can change everything.

80. Rest, enough for today.

Do not forget that breaks are what help us recover energy to continue.

81. Success is based on your willingness to work hard no matter what obstacles come your way. (David Goggins)

Obstacles are there to be overcome.

82. Stoicism teaches how to keep a calm and rational mind no matter what happens to you and helps you understand and focus on what you can control and not worry and accept what you cannot control. (Jonas Salzgerber)

Every bad moment leaves us with a valuable lesson that serves us for the future.

83. Failure never overcomes me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. (Og Mandino)

Believing that you can do it will make you indestructible in the face of any difficulty.

84. Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Bad times sooner or later pass.

85. Resilience is born when you cling to self-love, when you dare to reach heights you didn't think you could achieve. (Gregory Boyle)

Resilience comes from self love.

86. From suffering arise the strongest souls. (Kahli Gibran)

Pain builds our character.

87. You can meet many defeats but you must not be defeated. It may even be necessary to face defeat so that we can know who we are. (Maya Angelou)

Knowing who we are makes it easier for us to build the path we want to travel.

88. The permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all the obstacles, discouragements and impossibilities: that is what distinguishes the strong souls from the weak ones. (Thomas Carlyle)

The best things are built little by little, but without stopping.

89. Each adversity, each failure, each anguish, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. (Napoleon Hill)

Any problem offers us a new lesson to learn.

90. And one has to understand that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the strength to go forward despite fear. (Paulo Coelho)

Fear will always exist, it is up to us to make this paralyze us or not.

91. In the depths of winter I finally learned that there was an invincible summer inside me. (Albert Camus)

Feed that inner strength, because it is the one that will take you far.

92. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. (AND. AND. cummings)

The greatest courage is defeating our insecurities.

93. Victory belongs to the most persevering. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Success belongs to those who do not give up.

94. To bounce back from bumps along the way as well as failures, you need to focus on emphasizing the positive. (Jean Chatzsky)

The only way to get ahead is to keep a positive mind.

95. Success in life is not always winning, but never giving up.

The true secret of life.

96. Resilience is understood as the ability of the human being to face the adversities of life, overcome them and be positively transformed by them. (Edith Grotberg)

The real reason for resilience.

97. Get up and make the day wonderful despite the obstacles. (Tamara Brown)

Only you can make your day something good or bad.

98. Resilience defines the spring of those who, having received a blow, have been able to overcome it. The oxymoron describes the intimate world of those wounded victors. (Boris Cyrunik)

It is that, despite stumbling, we continue walking.

99. If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant or weak, come back to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you arrive there you will discover yourself as a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong. (Masaru Emoto)

When we feel bad, we have to take a break to reconnect with ourselves.

100. We must accept that change is part of life.

All changes can be profitable.

101. Always remember that you are bigger than your circumstances, you are more than anything that can happen to you. (Anthony Robbins)

The correct way to see problems is as something that only you can overcome.

102. A problem is an opportunity to give the best you have. (Duke Ellington)

A more assertive way of looking at problems.

103. Persistence and resilience come only to those who have had the opportunity to show how they act in the most difficult moments. (Gever Tulley)

You can't be resilient if you don't seek to try again.

104. The oak struggled against the wind and broke; the willow bent when necessary and survived. (Robert Jordan)

There are times when we must give up something to get something much better.

105. It is not adversity, but your reaction to adversity, that will determine the course of your life. (Diet F. Uchtdorf)

Many of the problems transform depending on how we perceive them.

106. The world breaks us all... afterwards some are strong in the broken places. (Ernest Hemingway)

Life is hard for everyone, but getting back together is a personal decision.

107. Maybe what happened to me will change me. But I refuse to let what has happened to me reduce me. (Maya Angelou)

You must look for any change to be beneficial to you.

108. We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. (Martin Luther King)

Disappointments pass, but hope is eternal.

109. Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you hit a wall, don't turn around or give up. Find out how to climb it, go through it or go around it. (Michael Jordan)

Problems will keep coming, so it's better to know how to deal with them, rather than let them pile up.

110. Always remember this: every time you've told yourself that you couldn't move on, you have.

So keep cheering.

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