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The 110 best phrases against sexism

People must be valued for their abilities, for the way they manage to face problems, see the world and interact with others.

However, there are many groups that discriminate against other people based on their biological traits or characteristics. A clear example of this is sexism, a type of discrimination based on the idea that women are human beings. inferior, while men are seen as those in charge of carrying out the main responsibilities.

In this article you will find a selection of the best phrases against sexism that invite us to fight for a world without this kind of injustice.

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The most inspiring phrases against sexism

This is a collection of phrases against sexism to reflect and question ideas based on stereotypes and prejudices.

1. Before God, we are all equally wise and equally foolish. (Albert Einstein)

Our abilities are not determined by our gender.

2. Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance. (Kofi Anan)
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The goal behind gender equality.

3. The man also took the reins in the house; the woman saw herself degraded, turned into the servant, into the slave of man's lust, into a simple instrument of reproduction. (Friedrich Engels)

How women's oppression began.

4. Neither in equal opportunities, nor in equal pay for equal work, is there, by far, parity between women and men. (Jose Luis Lopez Aranguren)

It is especially the labor field where sexism abounds.

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5. Equality is the soul of liberty; in fact, there is no freedom without it. (Francis Wright)

There can be no true freedom if a group of people is oppressed.

6. Gender is between the ears and not between the legs. (Chaz Bond)

Our sex does not carry specific gender roles.

7. Until we have equality in education, we will not have an equal society. (Sonia Sotomayor)

Everything starts from a good education.

8. Equality may be a right, but there is no human power that can ever make it a fact. (Honor de Balzac)

A bleak future for equality.

9. The cause of the woman is that of the man: the two rise or fall together. (Alfred Tennyson)

It is not favoring one over another, it is having the same opportunities.

10. I do not want women to have power over men, but over themselves. (Mary Wollstonecraft)

The true cause of feminism.

quotes against sexism

11. The sun rises for everyone, and when it rains we all get wet.

We all go through the same thing.

12. The problem of women has always been a problem of men. (Simone deBeauvoir)

It is a problem of humanity.

13. When women have power they greatly improve the lives of everyone around them. (Prince Henry of England)

Women don't tend to be selfish about their accomplishments.

14. Calling women "the weaker sex" is a slander; it is the injustice of man towards woman. (M. Gandhi)

What are the reasons for calling a woman the weaker sex?

15. I would venture that "Anonymous", the person who wrote so many poems without signing them, was almost always a woman. (Virginia Woolf)

It is certainly the most likely scenario.

16. The level of civilization to which various human societies have reached is in proportion to the independence that women have enjoyed. (Flora Tristan)

Advancement also depends on female freedom.

17. There where someone fights for their dignity, for equality, for being free... look them in the eye. (BruceSpringsteen)

They are people who deserve to be helped.

18. Equality is like gravity, a necessity. (Joss Whedon)

A need that we all must have resolved.

19. Qualifying gender violence as a 'women's issue' is part of the problem. It gives a huge number of men the perfect excuse not to pay attention. (Jackson Katz)

Letting women solve a problem where men are also involved is making the conflict bigger.

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20. Woman will truly be equal to man the day an incompetent woman is appointed to an important post. (Francoise Giraud)

Do you think this is true?

21. If you practice fairness, even if you die you will not perish. (Lao Tse)

The change begins with us.

22. A feminist is someone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men. (Gloria Steinen)

The feeling of each feminist.

23. Women are worth more than gold, what happens is that they don't know it, it's like the people are subjugated because they don't decide to act and claim their freedom. (Alex Pimentel)

There is still a need for women to recognize their worth.

24. I would like to remove all sexists, racists and homophobes from our audience. I know they're there, and that annoys me. (Kurt Cobain)

I wish this could be eradicated as if it were a disease.

25. Not all citizens of a State can be equally powerful, but they should be equally free. (Voltaire)

This is what equality is based on.

26. The test of whether or not you can do a job should not be the organization of your chromosomes. (Beauty Abzug)

To do a job, the aptitudes for it must be taken into account, not the sex of the person.

27. The first equality is equity. (Victor Hugo)

This is how we started to be equal.

28. Where equality is not discussed, there is also subordination. (George Bernard Shaw)

Every change starts with a discussion.

29. All human beings have their own dignity and each one is an end in itself. (Immanuel Kant)

We all deserve respect for the people we are.

30. All men are the same in at least one respect: their desire to be different. (William Randolph Hearst)

Every person wants to stand out in her life.

31. Racial, gender, sexual and other forms of discrimination and violence cannot be eliminated without changing the culture. (Charlotte Bunch)

Everything can change, even a culture that oppresses a part of its people.

32. Economic and professional discrimination is determined much more by sexist social attitudes than by law. (Jose Luis Lopez Aranguren)

Discrimination is a social creation.

33. The saddest thing a woman can do is play dumb to make a man like her. (Emma Watson)

No woman should change the essence of her to please someone else.

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34. Whatever freedom we fight for, it must be a freedom based on equality. (Judith Butler)

A freedom where everyone can have access to various opportunities.

35. In this family there are no bosses, we are a cooperative.

Society would have to work as one big family.

36. Gender equality must be a lived reality. (Michelle Bachelet)

It must stop being a dream to become a reality.

37. If someone believes that he is limited by her gender, race or origin, he will become even more limited. (Carly Florina)

Limitation begins when one builds barriers around oneself or another person.

38. The soul has no gender.

So we should start seeing each other from the soul.

39. Only after women begin to feel at home on this earth do you see a Rosa Luxemburg appear, a Madame Curie. (Simone deBeauvoir)

When women gain self-confidence, they become unstoppable.

40. The woman is like the soldier's backpack. Without it, one fights with ease; but what about at the end? (Santiago Ramon y Cajal)

Many women are underestimated.

41. Our men believe that making money and giving orders are the bases of power. They do not believe that power is in the hands of a woman who takes care of everyone throughout the day and gives birth. (Malala Yousafzai)

Everyone has important jobs in society.

42. I am not saying that everyone is equal in ability, character, or motivation, but I do say that should be equal in their opportunity to develop their own character, their motivation, and their skills. (JohnF. Kennedy)

Everyone should have access to a good education and work.

43. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow you. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead you. He walks beside me and be my friend. (Albert Camus)

No one is superior to another.

44. What greater happiness or what greater glory than to belong to a country where laws, equity and the judgment of public opinion are respected! (Francisco de Paula Santander)

A dream country.

45. No man is good enough to rule any woman without her consent. (SusanAnthony)

No man has the right to control a woman.

46. If women and girls were treated the same as men in rights, dignity and opportunity, we would see political and economic progress around the world. (Hillary Clinton)

The importance of not creating labels based on gender.

47. If we don't support each other, we fall.

We win together or they defeat us all.

48. Our true nationality is human.

Our first identity is to be human.

49. Of course... The bad thing is that women, instead of playing a role, have played a rag in the history of humanity (Mafalda)

Over the course of history it has been disturbingly overshadowed.

50. Better go take a look, and if there is freedom, justice and those things, they wake me up, whatever the world of number is, are we?

I wish we could wake up to a better world.

51. Our society is masculine, and until women enter it, it will not be human. (Henry Ibsen)

Humans are men and women and we deserve a world for both.

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52. It's about time we once and for all have equal pay (as men) and equal rights for women in the United States of America. (Patricia Arquette)

The labor equality that women pursue.

53. If half our businesses were run by women and half our households were run by men, things would be better. (Sheryl Sandberg)

An equitable distribution.

54. What women still need to learn is that no one gives you power, you must take it. (Rosseanne Barr)

Only women are in control of their destiny.

55. Lies are very difficult to kill but a lie that attributes to a man what was actually a woman's job has more lives than a cat. (Marie Curie)

The lies about gender roles.

56. The quest for human freedom can never be complete without freedom for women. (Betty Ford)

A totally free world cannot exist if there are women who still suffer.

57. Mom, what future do you see for this movement for women's liberation??? No, nothing, leave it. (Mafalda)

There are women who transgress themselves.

58. If it weren't for that from the navel to the south the girls have... humanity, where would it be born?

Remember that life begins in the womb.

59. If justice exists, it has to be for everyone; no one can be excluded, otherwise it would no longer be justice.

Justice is the first institution that must be egalitarian.

60. If you educate us the same, we will be the same.

An equal education forms adults who will not persecute discrimination.

61. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans, just as blacks were not made for whites, or women for men. (Alice Walker)

No one exists to please another.

62. Humanity needs both men and women. So why do they see us as less than equal? (Beyonce)

A question that makes no sense.

63. Love is not domesticated, it is not improvised, it is not imposed; It is built between two. In all fairness. (Yasmin Khadra)

Love is built with teamwork.

64. Educating in equality and respect is educating against violence. (Benjamin Franklin)

Fighting violence starts with educating children.

65. Raise the flag of equality, women! Fight for your rights and count on my loyal collaboration! (Louisa MayAlcott)

The insatiable struggle of women.

66. Women are responsible for two-thirds of the jobs done worldwide and without However, they earn only 10% of the total income and only 1% of the properties… So, are we the same? Until the answer is yes, we can't stop wondering. (Daniel Craig)

Why is there such a radical difference in the work between men and women?

67. I was raised to believe that excellence is the best way to deter racism and sexism. And that's how my life works. (Oprah Winfrey)

An excellent way to combat discrimination.

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68. They dazzlingly demonstrate that it is not the inferiority of women that has determined their insignificance. (Simone deBeauvoir)

It is the inferiority imposed by men and even other women.

69. Equality for women is progress for all. (Ban Ki-moon)

It is an advance for society.

70. There can be no friendship without equality. (Swami Vivekananda)

No friendship is based on superiority and inferiority.

71. Equality implies individuality. (Trey Anastasius)

It is the way in which the quality of individuality is magnified.

72. Educate for coexistence, to become aware of justice, so that not a single talent is lost due to lack of opportunities. (Josephine Aldecoa)

Basic elements that must be present in education.

73. Feminism is the radical idea that women are people. (Angela Davis)

The right of women to express themselves without any inconvenience.

74. Until we have equality in education, we will not have an equal society. (Sonia Sotomayor)

Education needs to change.

75. Different look, same value.

Value is not determined by our sex.

76. It is fear that makes us lose our consciousness. It is also what makes us a coward. (Marjane Satrapi)

The fear of what they will say is the worst enemy of women.

77. It's time we see gender as a spectrum instead of two opposing ideals.

The way genders should be viewed.

78. The same amount of respect and attention is due to every human being, because respect has no degrees. (Simone Well)

Respect is not measured by our genders.

79. I want for myself what I want for other women: absolute equality. (Agnes Mcphail)

The goal that all women pursue.

80. The problem with equality is that we want it only with those from above. (Henri Beque)

Equality is for all social sectors.

81. A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. (Gloria Steinen)

No woman needs a man to survive and vice versa.

82. I have never pretended that you consider me superior, on the condition that you do not consider me inferior. (Gonzalo Torrente Ballester)

We should all see each other as partners walking on the same side.

83. It is obvious that the values ​​of women often differ from the values ​​created by the other sex and yet it is the masculine values ​​that predominate. (Virginia Woolf)

This happens with patriarchal societies.

84. Well-behaved women rarely make history. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

It is the rebellious women who stand out.

85. I can't say if women are better than men. However, I can say without hesitation that they are not worse. (Golda Meir)

They are people who complement each other.

86. Privilege is the greatest enemy of law. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

Privilege breeds discord.

87. Women are capable of anything; and men are capable of all the rest. (Henri Francois Joseph de Regnier)

They all have different strengths and abilities.

88. They make women inferior, not that she was born that way. Religion and the prevailing system have relegated it to women. (Alex Pimentel)

It is the social systems that have diminished women.

89. There is a plan and a purpose, a value in all life, regardless of location, age, gender or disability. (Sharon Angle)

We all have a purpose.

90. The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of tolerance comes when we are in the majority. (RalphW. Sockmann)

With understanding we managed to unite.

91. We are better when women are empowered: this leads to a better society. (John Legend)

Empowered women build a better world.

92. I am a woman and I write. I am a commoner and I know how to read. I was born a servant and I am free. I have seen wonderful things in my life. I have done wonderful things in my life. (Rose Montero)

Our conditions do not define us.

93. Anyone who knows a bit of history knows that progress would be impossible without the female figure. (Karl Marx)

It is the female figures who take care of future generations.

94. Equality is a vital need of the human soul. The same amount of respect and attention is due to every human being, because the human being has no degrees. (Simone Well)

All human beings deserve the same amount of respect.

95. I call myself a feminist man. Isn't that what you call someone who fights for women's rights? (Dalai Lama)

Men can be feminist too.

96. Fighting for women's rights often makes us synonymous with hating men. I just know that one thing is true: we need to stop these thoughts. (Emma Watson)

We must break down the belief that feminism is against men.

97. Gender inequality diminishes the ability to see the other as similar.

With this perception only people are despised.

98. The achievement of gender equality requires the participation of women and men, girls and boys. It is everyone's responsibility. (Kofi Anan)

Everyone must participate in this fight.

99. There is no barrier, lock or bolt that you can impose on the freedom of my mind. (Virginia Woolf)

Mental freedom is impossible to overthrow.

100. I do not want women to have power over men, but over themselves. (Mary Wollstonecraft)

It is about women having the reins of their lives.

101. A man only has the right to look down on another when he has to help him up. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

The only way we should look at someone from above.

102. Equal rights for all, privileges for no one. (Thomas Jefferson)

Privileges are the main evils of society.

103. As soon as woman is granted equality with man, she becomes superior to him. (Margaret Thatcher)

Women have the potential to do great things.

104. The good of the many is preferable to the opulence of the few. (Jose Marti)

An unjust society is one that favors a few over a group.

105. It is always more valuable to have the respect than the admiration of people. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

Respect shows how people value your abilities.

106. Being free is not just getting rid of one's chains, but living in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. (Nelson Mandela)

What it means to be truly free.

107. The longer we live, the more we realize that we are like other people. (Oliver Wendell-Holmes)

We all go through the same stages of life.

108. Women's equality must be a central component in any attempt to solve social, economic and political problems. (Kofi Annan)

A solution that can solve other social problems.

109. All men should be feminists. If they cared about women's rights, the world would be a better place. (John Legend)

The men who put themselves in the place of women are the ones who really understand their situation.

110. No one will ever win the Gender War because there is too much fraternization with the enemy. (Henry Kissinger)

A war that can only be fought with love.

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