The 110 best phrases about logic
Many people have the mistaken idea that logic is a cold and calculating way of learning and thinking, where emotions have no place and can only be used by people with superior intelligence or who are inclined towards math.
But the truth is that logic exists in every aspect of our lives; It occurs when we choose something that suits us, having a good management of emotions or responding assertively to a problem.
In this sense, here you will find a selection of the best phrases about logiccommented and explained.
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The most interesting phrases about logic
This is a collection of phrases about logic that can help you understand its value, or its nuances.
1. By an overwhelming logic it is impossible for a man who goes whores to be faithful.
No person who looks for easy satisfaction respects a commitment.
2. Only in the mysterious equations of love can any logic be found. (Russell Crowe)
Love has its logical clothes.
3. Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. (Albert Einstein)
It is necessary to have reasoning, but also to make use of the imagination.
4. In dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. (Dale Carnegie)
People are emotional by nature.
5. Most of our so-called reasoning consists of finding arguments to continue believing as we already do. (James Harvey-Robinson)
Sometimes we use reason to find valid excuses.
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6. Everything is possible, unless it is not.
There is no truer statement.
7. Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end. (Leonard Nimoy)
Logic allows us to see the world as it is.
8. As for logic, his syllogisms rather serve to explain things already known to others than to learn. (Rene Descartes)
Using reason as a form of education.
9. Logic, given the misuse that is made of it, is better for stabilizing and perpetuating errors founded on the ground of vulgar ideas, than for leading to the discovery of truth. (Sir Francis Bacon)
When reason is used in the wrong way.

10. We live in a society where lies are routine, betrayal is logic, and fashion is the burqa that covers hypocrisy.
A society that makes no sense.
11. The child who has the freedom and opportunity to manipulate and use his hand in a logical way, with consequences and using real elements, develops a strong personality. (Maria Montessori)
Logic is also about using the tools around us.
12. Logic is overrated. (Anonymous)
Not everything can be explained in a rigid way.
13. The logic of thought must always come to the aid of the insufficiency of knowledge. (Friedrich Engels)
A way to complement knowledge.
14. Logic, like whiskey, loses its beneficial effects when taken in large quantities. (Edward John Moreton)
It ends up becoming an imposed nuisance.
15. Logic is one thing and common sense another. (Elbert Hubbard)
Do you think this is true?
16. If someone does not value the evidence, what evidence will he provide to show that he should value it? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic? (SamHarris)
A paradox that keeps going around in circles.
17. While physics and mathematics can tell us how the universe began, they aren't very helpful in predicting human behavior because there are too many equations to solve. (Stephen Hawking)
Humans are creatures that act on instinct rather than logic.
18. Today's scientists have substituted experiments for mathematics, and wander equation after equation, finally building a structure that has no relation to reality. (Nicholas Tesla)
A critique of the actions of modern scientists.
19. Logic is the art of being wrong with confidence. (Joseph Eod Krutch)
Not to lose security in us when this happens.
20. For those who do not know mathematics, it is difficult to feel the beauty of nature. If you want to appreciate her, you need to learn the language in which she speaks. (Richard Feynmann)
Math is everywhere.
21. Selective memory to remember the good, logical prudence so as not to ruin the present and defiant optimism to face the future. (Jean Shinoda Bolen)
Skills that we must put into practice at all times.
22. My ideas are of an indisputable logic; the only thing that makes me doubt is that they have not been applied before. (Antoni Gaudí)
The importance of having confidence in ourselves.
23. Logic told me that I would never see this place again and that's what I did, I survived. (Tom Hanks)
Logic speaking to us at critical moments.
24. And cut the logical ties, does not imply the only true possibility of adventure? (Oliver Girondo)
Put aside the reason to venture. Maybe a little risky?
25. Against logic there is no armor like ignorance. (LaurenceJ. Peter)
Ignorant people often prefer to stay in that state forever.
26. Fear is the enemy of logic. (Frank Sinatra)
Fear makes us believe false things about ourselves.
27. With logic in pursuit, the impossible begins to seem difficult. The difficulty decreases where the impossible is finally done. (Thomas Vato)
When obstacles are overcome, our courage grows.
28. Human beings lose their logic in their desire for revenge. (Elizabeth Cady StantonVista)
Revenge is a path that consumes you until it destroys you.
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29. Logic is an instrument to reinforce prejudice. (Elbert Hubbard)
There are supposed logical foundations that have nothing to do with it.
30. Logic is a poor guide compared to custom. (Winston Churchill)
The routine can be more powerful than any other skill developed.
31. The rational understanding of things we call logic and God simply chooses to give it away in drops with the name of wisdom. (Hermes Antonio Varillas Labrador)
Understanding of logic develops over time.
32. After all, metaphysics may be nothing more than the art of being certain of something that is not, and logic the art of confidently walking into error. (Joseph Wood Krutch)
Two different arts that benefit people.
33. Well ordered and in logical succession, some words help each other, and the totality, full of meaning, is easily remembered for a long time. (Sigmund Freud)
The power of words.
34. There is always a kind of hidden logic. (Christian Lacroix)
There are solutions waiting to be found.
35. Logic is logic. That's all I say. (Oliver Wendell-Holmes)
Can not it be a different way.
36. Computers are made up of nothing more than logic gates stretched out to the horizon in a vast numerical irrigation system. (Stan Augarten)
The way a computer works.
37. The arithmetic of life does not always have a logical reason. (Inshirah Abdur-Ra'uf)
There are equations that each person must solve with their own reason.
38. The logic of words must yield to the logic of reality. (LouisD. Brandeis)
Words can do us as much good as they can help us use perpetual harm.
39. Better not to have any logic than to have no feelings. (Charlotte Bronte)
Logic and feelings do not need to be fought.
40. The man tries to apply a logic that does not really exist. (Javier Sanchez)
Looking for an invented answer to calm his anguish.
41. There is the feminine intuition and it is very useful when you have to make decisions, but it clashes with the masculine logic. What men have to do is put aside the ego and listen. (Jon Voight)
Talking about feminine logic.
42. Logic: the art of thinking and reasoning in strict accordance with the limitations and incapacities of human incomprehension. (Ambrose Bierce)
An interesting way of calling logic.
43. The true logic of this world is the calculation of probabilities. (James Clerk Maxwell)
But above all to take advantage of those opportunities.
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44. Every work of science great enough to be remembered by a few generations offers an example of the faulty state of the art of reasoning at the time it was written; and every major step in science has been a lesson in logic. (Charles Sanders-Peirce)
Reasoning in science has not always been logical.
45. Experience, the only logic that is sure to convince a diseased imagination and restore it to resilient health. (Mark Twain)
Experience is what teaches us the most valuable lessons of our lives.
46. It is with children that we have the best opportunity to study the development of logical knowledge, mathematical knowledge, physical knowledge, and so on. (John Piaget)
The importance of stimulating children in different areas.
47. You don't think, you just be logical. (Niels Henrik David Bohr)
There are those who hide behind logic in order not to see beyond.
48. No simple logic is strong enough to support the total construction of human knowledge. (John Piaget)
Human knowledge is abstract.
49. Logic is a poor model of cause and effect. (Gregory Batson)
You have to try a lot to conquer it.
50. Man is not logical and his intellectual history is a record of mental reservations and commitments. He clings to what he can in his old beliefs, even when he is forced to give up his rationale. (John Dewey)
Beliefs often outweigh evidence.
51. Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
It is a barrier that prevents us from experiencing the rest of the world.
52. Logic is wonderful, but sometimes you get better results by thinking. (Sir Terry Pratchett)
Logic is not absolute.
53. When introduced at the wrong time or place, good logic can be teaching's worst enemy. (George Polya)
When you force someone to have only logical-mathematical reasoning, they can develop great frustration.
54. You can only find the truth without logic if you have already found the truth without it. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
An interesting reflection.
55. What distinguishes the real from the unreal is in the heart. (John Forbes-Nash)
We all have some logic within us.
56. Love is illogical, love had consequences: I did this to myself and I should be able to bear it. (Marie Lu)
It is usual to believe that love is crazy.
57. Aristotelian logic is the navigation engine in the world of ideas. (Diana Uribe)
The beginning of all scientific advance.
58. Reason: the arithmetic of emotions. (Elbert Hubbard)
The way logic and emotions come together.
59. Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. The sense of humor is simply common sense, dancing. (Clive James)
Two sides of the same coin.
60. If you pursue reason far enough, it always leads to conclusions that are contrary to reason. (Samuel Butler)
Do not get carried away only by what your reason says. Also listen to your heart.
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61. Not all opinions are the same. Some are much more robust, sophisticated, and better supported by logic and argument than others. (Douglas Adams)
That is why it is important to respect and listen to all opinions.
62. Hope is independent of the apparatus of logic. (Norman Cousin)
Hope is a feeling.
63. The logical consequences are the scarecrows of the foolish and the headlights of the wise. (Thomas Henry Huxley)
Different ways of being seen.
64. A detective imbecile is a clever imbecile, a logical imbecile, the worst because the logic of men instead of compensating for their imbecility doubles and triples it and makes it offensive. (Xavier Marias)
When logic plays against us.
65. Logic will never change emotion or perception. (Edward deBono)
It is an undeniable reality.
66. Love is not the absence of logic but logic examined and recalculated heated and curved to fit within the contours of the heart. (Tamara Webber)
It is another kind of logic.
67. Logic is like the sword, those who appeal to it will perish by it. (Samuel Butler)
Be careful what weapons you use.
68. Common sense, though it tries, can't help but be surprised from time to time. (Bertrand Russell)
There's always something new to learn.
69. The logic of law is an artificial system of reasoning, exclusively used in the courts of law, but of no use anywhere else. (John Quincy Adams)
On the true use of the laws.
70. Only a great intelligence is capable of instilling a logical sense to insane ideas. (Milan Kudera)
A skill that can be used on any occasion.
71. Mathematics expresses values that reflect the cosmos, including order, balance, harmony, logic, and abstract beauty. (Deepak Chopra)
The beauty behind the math.
72. Logic is good for reasoning, but bad for living. (Remy de Gourmont)
You cannot deprive yourself of your emotions if you want to live fully.
73. Logic takes care of itself; all we have to do is watch and see how he does it. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)
Things unfold your way.
74. Logic is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't always beat real thinking. (Terry Pratchett)
People have their own way of thinking that is not always correct.
75. Nothing is fair. The most you can hope for is to be logical. Justice is a rare disease in an otherwise healthy world like an oak. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
Sometimes the best justice is to try to understand.
76. Tell me what logic can it have that I love you!
When love surprises you unexpectedly.
77. The last function of reason is to recognize that there are an infinity of things that surpass it. (BlaisePascal)
We are not absolute because there is always something that is greater.
78. We prove by logic, but we discover by intuition. (Henri Poincare)
Both are necessary because they complement each other.
79. Logic, the only science that is admitted to have not improved century after century, is the only one that has not developed symbols. (Augustus DeMorgan)
Logic has the same precept as years ago.
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80. He is a true fugitive who flees from reason. (Marcus Aurelius)
You cannot escape your reason forever.
81. Practice has a logic that is not that of the logician. (Pierre Bourdieu)
Everyone has their personal routine.
82. Men tend to confuse the strength of their feeling with the strength of their argument. (WilliamE. Gladstone)
A good argument is one that is given while calm.
83. What is devoid of meaning is as difficult for us to retain as what is confused or disordered. (Sigmund Freud)
It is something that invites us to find out what lies beyond.
84. But man has such a passion for systems, for abstract deductions, that he is willing to disguise the truth, to close their eyes and cover their ears to the truth, just to justify their logic. (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)
That attraction to the strange and unknown.
85. The recent heated mind the cold touch and the relentless scrutiny of logic. (WilliamE. Gladstone)
Exaggerated emotion does not listen to reason.
86. If so it was, so it could be; if so, so could it be; but since it is not, it is not. It is a matter of logic. (Lewis Carrol)
Ways logic works.
87. But logic could never convince the heart. (Colin Raye)
There are things that do not reach the heart.
88. There is no more common and more fatuous error than appealing to logic in cases that are outside its jurisdiction. (Samuel Butler)
Logic only works in its field.
89. I never guess. It is a destructive habit of the logical faculty. (Arthur ConanDoyle)
You have to say things with base.
90. The fact that logic cannot satisfy us awakens an almost insatiable hunger for the irrational. (TO. N. Wilson)
An eternal search to feel comfortable.
91. A wise man is not governed by others, he does not try to govern them either; he prefers that reason alone prevail. (La Bruyere)
Imparting reason is what helps us to enter a state of calm.
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92. A completely logical mind is like a completely sharp knife. (Rabindranath Tagore)
It becomes a double-edged sword.
93. Logic is a response to passion. (Herb Fall)
A response that helps control us.
94. Let philosophy students first learn logic, then ethics, then physics, and lastly the nature of the gods. (David Humes)
The way philosophy students should learn.
95. When God speaks, we have to mobilize, not reason. (Joyce Mayer)
That's why you have to know how to listen.
96. The logical place to find a voice from other times is a graveyard from other times. (Howard Philips Lovecraft)
The voices of yesterday have remained in their remnants of the past.
97. Perfect numbers, like perfect men, are very rare. (Discards)
Nothing is perfect in this world.
98. Logic is the anatomy of thought. (John Locke)
The way we build ideas.
99. I'm no better than anyone at understanding what makes people tick, particularly women. (Stephen Hawking)
Women and their particular sixth sense.
100. Mathematics is the music of reason. (James Joseph Sylvester)
The vital importance of mathematics.
101. If I were to start my studies again, I would follow Plato's advice and start with mathematics. (Galileo Galilei)
There is something in mathematics that makes it a mystery to discover.
102. What must be said should always be as concise, logical and clear as possible. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo)
Being ambiguous in what we say can bring many problems.
103. Logic is the technique by which we add conviction to the truth. (Jean de la Bruyere)
It is a tool that allows us to discover the truth.
104. The big mistake is in supposing that even the truths of what are called pure algebra are abstract or general truths. (Edgar Allan Poe)
Not even logic is a total truth.
105. You can be totally rational with a machine. But if you work with people, sometimes logic has to take a backseat to understanding. (Akio Morita)
People don't always respond to logic.
106. The mysteries of attraction could not always be explained by logic. Sometimes the fissures of two separate souls can be what binds them together. (Lisa Kleypas)
Love is not explained by reason.
107. Never waste your energy trying to explain to the flies why honey is healthier than shit, because the most logical reasoning is anger.
There are people who simply cannot be taught without feeling attacked.
108. Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience. (Rita MaeBrown)
A critique of the use of intuition.
109. If you plan it and it seems logical to you, then you can do it. (Robert Ballard)
Logical paths should lead you towards that goal you want to achieve.
110. Of all the animals in creation, man is the only one who drinks without being thirsty, eats without being hungry, and speaks without having anything to say. (John Steinberg)
Each being has its own logic.