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The 110 best weekend phrases

We all need to recharge after a hard daily work routine in the week that leaves us exhausted, and it is natural that it is so; Those moments of disconnecting and relaxing prevent our physical and mental health from playing tricks on us. Therefore, you should not underestimate the healing power of that leisure time on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

In this article you will find a selection of the best phrases about the weekend, commented, that inspire and allow us to appreciate all the facets of these days.

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Great phrases about the weekend

This is a series of weekend phrases that will make you see the importance of it.

1. In New York, it seems there is no Monday, Saturday, or Sunday. The city is always moving. The atmosphere is great. (ThierryHenry)

New York is one of the cities with great activities to do any day of the week.

2. It's finally the weekend! It's time to have unlimited amounts of fun.

Weekends are usually for having fun and de-stressing from work.

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3. I've been known to hang out and party on his day. I had a weekend that lasted a few years. (Vanilla Ice)

When you are in good company, fun is daily.

4. Men are simple things. They can survive a whole weekend with just three things: drinks, boxer shorts and batteries for the remote control. (Diana Jordan)

Men enjoy being at home watching a good movie and enjoying their favorite drink.

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5. Take the time to do what you love to do, this weekend. (Catherine Pulsifer)

The weekend is an ideal time to do everything that brings you happiness.

6. Spend some time this weekend on home improvement; improve your attitude towards your family. (Bo Bennett)

Spending time at home is also a fun way to spend these days off.

7. When you're young, you should live every weekend. Even if you look like a scarecrow, you have to go! (Jonathan Brandis)

Young people really enjoy the weekends.

8. Spending a weekend with Hitler would have been boring in the extreme, although you would have had a greater certainty of coming back alive. (Alan Bullock)

Avoid being around boring people on a weekend.

9. I don't like to be away all weekend and even less so at night. Because for 20 years, I have had children who are in school. (Meryl Streep)

Spending time with the children during the weekends is something essential that every parent has to do.

10. Girls' Weekends: Because life is too short to stay worthy.

Sharing with friends is a very successful plan to do the weekend.

reflections on the weekend

11. I didn't grow up in a house – we moved around a lot, and always lived in apartments. But we saw each other a lot; we went to open houses almost every weekend. I think that's why I always wanted a house. (Ellen Degeneres)

Getting together on weekends is a tradition in many families.

12. As kids, we were at concerts like Michael Jackson every weekend. My first concert was Earth, Wind and Fire. (Kim Kardashian)

Culture is a topic that should be included in the weekends.

13. I usually get up at 6 at night, even on the weekend. (Nick Frost)

Many people do the same thing every day.

14. I've been lucky enough to make some movies that will last longer than opening weekend and those movies are the ones I'm proud of. (George Cloon)

Interesting things happen on weekends too.

15. Why wait for the weekend to have fun? (Loesje)

Any day of the week is ideal to have fun and have a good time.

16. Veterans, weekends and plane landings are the same. If you can get away from them, they are successful. (Casey Stegel)

Many weekends are usually very boring.

17. Sometimes the weekend gets hijacked by work, but as my mom would say, this is the right problem. (Julian Fellows)

On weekends they also work.

18. A weekend in Vegas without gambling is like being a born-again Christian. (Artie Lang)

Spending a weekend in Las Vegas is totally fun.

19. The weekend is often seen as a time to relax or a time to do what you wanted to do throughout the week. week but couldn't either a time to catch up on needed sleep or a time to visit with family and friends. (Byron Pulsifer)

The weekend is ideal to finish the tasks of the week and catch up on family problems.

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20. Happy weekend! Life is short, grab a friend and do what excites your spirit.

Enjoy the weekend, rest and do everything you want to do.

21. Sunday! A family day out with a weekend twist thrown in for good measure. (Anthony T. Hincks)

Sundays are days to be with family.

22. There are 365 days and 52 weekends in a year. Even if you have little free time, you can still take weekend getaways. Does that count as a vacation? Of course. (Anita Kaltenbaugh)

During the year there is time to take a little getaway, so dare.

23. Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance, but they disappear when you get close to them. (John Shirly)

Weekends are longed for, but they go by very quickly.

24. This weekend don't think about Monday, it will come soon. (Robert Rivers)

Enjoy the weekend, it lasts very little.

25. Give a man a fish and he has food for a day; teach him how to fish and you can get rid of him for the whole weekend. (Zenna Shaffer)

Weekends are for resting, so get rid of annoying people.

26. If the weekend was a person, I would give him a big hug and a kiss.

Weekends are a gift that we should take advantage of.

27. I consider myself a serious teacher who, during the weekend, writes novels. (Umberto Eco)

The weekend is to do what we can not do the other days.

28. Weekends are too short to sleep! (Bryant A. loney)

These rest days are made for sleeping.

29. No matter how stressful the week has been, the weekend has arrived and let the good things happen.

After a complicated week, you have to enjoy some pleasant moments.

30. It was Friday, I blinked, and before I knew it, it was Sunday night.

Good things don't last long.

31. When you're single, your weekend days are wide-open vistas that stretch out in all directions; in a relationship, they are like the sky over Manhattan: perforated, folded, compressed.

Singles enjoy the weekend in a different way than married people.

32. It's the weekend, which means I feel 100% motivated to do absolutely nothing. I would say that so far, I have succeeded.

Weekends are made for sleeping all day and still sleeping.

33. I am always happy to meet my friend, and my friend is my weekend. (Debasish Mridha)

You always have to enjoy the weekend, no matter what you do.

34. There is no quote out there that can fully describe how great the weekend is.

No words can express how wonderful weekends are.

35. Weekends are sacred to me. They are the perfect time to relax and spend time with family and friends. (Marcus Samuelson)

There is nothing more sacred than spending a weekend resting.

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36. On the Sixth Day, God created man, the kind of result you often get when you go to work on a Saturday. (Robert Brault)

It is very difficult to work a weekend.

37. I still work weekends because I like it; I enjoy it. I just don't care. (Edgardo Osorio)

There are people who work weekends and enjoy it.

38. Today thinking about the Internet. American women often fall into the trap of, 'Oh, these are my weekend clothes. This is my work clothes. This is what I wear at night. It's so old fashioned. (Michael Kors)

Clothes don't make the weekend.

39. This is not a premiere weekend. It is a career, building a set of movies. (George Clooney)

Working a weekend is not something monstrous.

40. Something tells you that the weekend has arrived and you can give yourself a little pleasure. (Helen Mirren)

When the weekend comes, enjoy every moment.

41. The only reason we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend. (Chuck Palahniuk)

We are always eager to tell what we did at the end of the week.

42. Of all the days that it is in the week I love it, but one day and that is the day that comes between Saturday and Monday. (Henry Carey)

Sundays are magical.

43. Hands up if you're ready to do something you'll regret this weekend. Go ahead! You have my blessing. (Florence Welch)

On weekends a thousand crazy things are done.

44. There are two types of people, those who work from Monday to Friday thinking that Friday afternoon will arrive or those who enjoy their work, who do not care that the weekend arrives.

As long as you have a job, it doesn't matter if you work every day.

45. Dear weekend, can you last a little longer? I'm not ready to go back to work yet.

The bad thing about the weekend is that it lasts very little.

46, Pretend it's the weekend, … We could pretend all the time. (Jack Johnson)

Sometimes it provokes to imagine that the weekend has already arrived.

47. It's finally the weekend and I just wanted to send some love your way.

At the end of the week it comes like a spring dew.

48. I mostly work during the week, and on the weekend I get to hang out with friends, so it balances out pretty well. (Jimmy Bennett)

Friends and weekends shake hands.

49. There is a fine line between Saturday night and Sunday morning. (Jimmy Buffett)

Saturdays should be eternal.

50. Nothing in the world is more expensive than a woman who is free for the weekend.

It refers to women making a lot of messes in a weekend.

51. I am learning the power of going away for the weekend and keeping myself company. (Zoé Saldana)

Being alone is also a good plan for the weekend.

52. Weekend planning is a privileged time to apply the priority deathbed test: In your deathbed, do you wish you had spent more weekend hours shopping or walking through the woods with your sons? (Hal Borland)

It is important to share these days with family and children.

53. Always put some of the fun, freedom and wonder of the weekend into your work week. (Rashed Ogunlaru)

Bring that same feeling that the weekend has to the other days.

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54. Thank God it's Friday, because the weekend has landed and it's time to forget about work and break it off!

When the weekend arrives, you have to leave the problems behind.

55. One of the great moments of my life was seeing 'Star Wars' on its opening weekend in Hollywood. I was watching all these people enjoy this movie, and I thought: animation can do this. (John Lasser)

The best movies are best enjoyed on weekends.

56. The only happy end I know of is the weekEND! (Anonymous)

Happiness is synonymous with the weekend.

57. I hope our friendship doesn't end at the end of the week. See you on Monday!

Many friendships are gone as fast as the weekend.

58. I respect the fact that people have worked hard all week and want to go to the movies on the weekend and be entertained. (Michael Moore)

Going to the movies and entertaining yourself is ideal after a week of hard work.

59. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people tell you that you are not capable of doing. (Walter Bagehot)

The weekend is appropriate to do what we want to do.

60. Unless it is an emergency, please do not disturb me after 6:00 p.m. And the weekends. (Merv Griffin)

Everyone must have a schedule to get rid of work.

61. I know you've been working hard all week, so I got you a little present. It's called Saturday and Sunday. I hope you enjoy it, and use it well. (Anthony T. Hincks)

Saturdays and Sundays are to rest and recharge the batteries to face a new work day.

62. Beware of boyfriends! It's going to be another weekend. Either you keep your wallet full of coins, or if it's empty you tell your girlfriend that you lost your wallet. Have a weekend full of fun!

The bride and groom go out and enjoy the weekends.

63. Those who continue to work at a job they hate because of the money alone are more likely to be stressed out, and very unhappy. … They live for their vacations and weekends. Unfortunately, they are sadly missing out on the happiness of everyday life. (Catherine Pulsifer)

The days of the week also have their charms.

64. Without the weekend, where would the week be? (Anthony T. Hincks)

Everything has its complement.

65. Why not try to ease your troubled mind by taking a walk in the park, or going on a weekend hiking trip with family or friends and enjoy the view? It can surely do wonders for a weary mind and soul. (E.L. Herndon)

Clear your mind by relaxing over the weekend.

66. Get in the habit of getting up bright and early on the weekends. Why waste precious time in bed? (Marilyn VosSavant)

Go out and enjoy your Saturdays and Sundays.

67. The weekend is a time without an alarm clock, without rushing, without urgent phone calls, without working nights! (Catherine Pulsifer)

Live your weekend to the fullest.

68. This weekend, remember that the Lord is with you at all times, guiding you through every moment of your life. Where you are now is exactly where you are supposed to be.

God gave you Saturday and Sunday to rest and have fun.

69. How nice it is on a Saturday night, When I've tried all week to be good, and not speak a word that was bad, and forced all I could. (Nancy Sproat)

Saturday night lends itself to endless activities.

70. Do you know what I want to do? Wake up on a weekend and you don't have to go anywhere and do nothing. (Derek Jeter)

How tasty it is to spend a whole weekend doing nothing.

71. My father was a musician, but he was a weekend warrior. He was a welder, actually, and worked his whole life at the Ironworks in Beloit, Wisconsin, and played in a swing band on the weekends. (Robin Zander)

There are people who have a job during the week and exercise their passion on the weekends.

72. A dog doesn't know the difference between Saturday, Sunday and Monday, so I have to walk the dog early on those days too. (Donna Shallala)

Just as animals see the days in the same way, men should too.

73. There is little chance that meteorologists can solve the mysteries of weather until they understand the mutual attraction of rain and weekends. (Arnot Sheppard)

Rainy weekends are a blessing.

74. Sunday nights often feel like the weekend is over before it has even begun. (Catherine McCormack)

I wish it didn't come on Sunday night.

75. Wherever you go on this beautiful and relaxing weekend, be sure to always remember to bring your happiness of your own sun with you, so that you can spread that happiness to all the people who find.

The weekend does not make the man, but the man makes the weekend.

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76. My father was an airline pilot, so we traveled more spontaneously than many families. On a Thursday, we might decide to go somewhere like Barbados the next day for a long weekend. (Chris Hadfield)

There are times when you can choose the place and time to extend your weekend.

77. I would be very happy if I spent from Saturday night to Monday morning alone in my apartment. This is how I refuel. (Audrey Hepburn)

Do not feel bad if you do not have a plan with friends for the weekend, you have the best company by your side, yourself.

78. I've always loved the "Weekend Update" people. (Chevy Chase)

Saturdays and Sundays are for repowering.

79. Isn't your motto "Thank God It's Friday" in vain? They live on the weekends when they can go do what they really want to do. (Richard Nelson Bolles)

Weekends allow us to give free rein to our beloved hobbies.

80. There is no weekend, all weakened. (Tuff Beta)

Weekends are wonderful.

81. Music is the silence between the notes, my favorite silences are called: Saturday and Sunday.

Music is a pleasant company to have on a different Saturday and Sunday.

82. We need the spirit of Sunday to carry over into Monday and continue into Saturday. (Edward McKendree Bounds)

If this were true, what would life be like?

83. But weekends are special, even if your schedule is all over the place, (Helen Mirren)

Saturdays and Sundays are special.

84. Imagine living a life where every day is your Saturday and Sunday. Make every day your weekend. Make every day a game day. (JamesA. Murphy)

Each person can make their days a weekend.

85. I hate weekends because there is no stock market. (Rene Rivkin)

There are some people who are so involved in their daily activities that they don't like the weekend.

86. My favorite thing of all time is a weekend in New York City when there's a blizzard. Everything gets very quiet, and everyone goes to the movies and the parquet. (Idina Menzel)

Everyone likes to spend their weekend their way.

87. Stop stressing and relax. It's finally the weekend! (Unknown)

Get the stress out of your life and enjoy your weekend.

88. It's okay if every weekend doesn't lead to great times and bonfires and laughter that goes on for hours on end. Some weekends can be quiet, still, with plenty of room to contemplate. And in that contemplation room, there is room to grow. (Morgan Harper Nichols)

Creativity comes out of days in solitude.

89. I treat every night and weekend as little slices of retirement because no one is guaranteed a long, career-ending one. (Mike Hammar)

Everyone dreams of a pleasant retirement.

90. A wild and crazy weekend involves sitting on the front porch, having coffee and reading a book. (robertm. gates)

Reading a good book accompanied by a drink is a perfect plan for the weekend.

91. Does your life have a purpose? Are you contributing something useful to this world, or just shuffling papers, banging on a keyboard, and coming home to a drunken existence on the weekends? (Tim Ferries)

Try to live that when the weekend comes you want to have a good time.

92. If you find that you are stressed during the week, then it is even more important that you focus on what you want to do during the weekend, do not bring work home. (Kate Summers)

Avoid doing office work at home, spend your time resting and spending time with friends and family.

93. Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely useless. (Bill Watterson)

It refers to how important it is to do different things on Saturdays and Sundays.

94. Never in my life have I found myself in a situation where I stopped working and said, Thank God it's Friday. (Helen Mirren)

Many people like their work.

95. - In an ideal world, I would spend every weekend at home in Zermatt, Switzerland. (Vanessa Mae)

Spending weekends at home with the family is very important.

96. I seriously think, who doesn't usually sleep in the last 10 years, unless it's the weekend and I've had a night with my friends, because I like to start my day. (Selena Gomez)

Enjoying with friends is a plan for the weekends.

97. Every day is a weekend when you're retired!

After a life working, the days are now weekends.

98. Weekends don't pay as well as weekdays, but at least there's soccer. (S.A. Sachs)

Men love the weekends as they have the best soccer games.

99. Stay away from the fall signs for a while and you'll be as good as rain comes on the weekend. (Elizabeth C. Bunce)

Live each day as if it were Saturday and Sunday.

100. The weekend comes with your best days. You can reflect on the amazing and productive week you had and you can think about how you are going to approach the next week.

The weekend is a good time to plan a good week.

101. Dear weekend, I want to sleep in your arms.

The weekend is for sleeping and sleeping.

102. It's weekend. Do something that your future self will please you for.

It's not just fun on the weekend.

103. Weekend Forecast: Light drinks with a 70% chance of poor decisions and poor judgment. A growing probability of regret and hangover for Sunday.

On Saturdays excesses are committed that are paid on Sundays.

104. I live a normal life, take care of our baby, cook, and look forward to the weekend so I can spend some time with my husband. It is the type of change that we all secretly dream of, but that is not always easy to manage. (Angela Lindvall)

With each stage of life, what is done on the weekend also changes.

105. Look forward to the weekend and give yourself and your friends a laugh, or inspire each other, by quoting some of these quotes.

May your weekend be full of laughter.

106. The time spent in temporary happiness like the movie or the outing or the weekend at a beach is all synthetic; with shelf life of one or two days. (Vikram)

There are very interesting things to do on the weekend.

107. No one wants to give up a long weekend excuse to dress up and try to outshine each other. (Elizabeth Eulberg)

The weekend is to rest not to overshadow anyone.

108. The rhythm of the weekend, with her birth, her anticipated joys, and her announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Life goes on after the weekends.

109. Good weather all week, but on the weekend the weather sucks. When it's too hot they complain, too cold they complain, and when it's fine, they're watching TV. (Rita Rudner)

People don't take advantage of the things that are given to them.

110. It's weekend. Take it easy and give your soul a chance to catch up with your body.

Rest over the weekend so your mind and body can balance.

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