The 110 best phrases that rhyme
Phrases are not limited to expressing literal information; They can also express through sensations, sounds or even the musicality of words combined with each other. They help us express some emotion or state without the need to explain it in depth, especially if we do not find the most appropriate words for it.
The charm of rhymes is due to the fact that they activate our brain when finding the relationship between the words or the implicit message that they carry due to the musicality that these phrases have. As an example, here you will find a selection of the best phrases that rhyme (in Spanish).
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The most interesting rhyming phrases
This is a short list of rhyming phrases that you can use for any time you need to express something funny, beautiful, or clever.
1. Arancha, the one who stays so hot.
A very popular phrase that shows how names can rhyme.
2. The moon is very smiling tonight... because the first quarter begins!
The moon and her beauty as protagonists.
3. I have renounced you, serenely, as the criminal renounces God.
A rhyme of a lost love.
4. In the absence of love, some tacos al pastor. (Mexican proverb)
There are evils that only food can cure.
5. Spread your wings and try again, celebrate life and take to the skies again.
When we fall, we only have to get up.
6. Faces we see, hearts we do not know. (popular saying)
Not all people who claim to be good are.
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7. You absorb my space and slowly make me yours, my pride dies and I can't be without you. (Luis Miguel)
A rhyme of a passionate love.
8. Sitting on the toilet I start to think how expensive food is and where it ends up.
A strange phrase about indigestion.
9. Sana sanita, little frog's ass, if it doesn't heal today, it will heal tomorrow. (popular saying)
A saying widely used for children to calm down when they get hurt.

10. The sun may be clouded forever, the sea may dry up in an instant; the axis of the earth may break, like a weak crystal.
A poem that shows a metrical rhyme.
11. To whom heaven has sent for our good and protection. (anonymous romance)
About sending good energies.
12. How would I know how to love you, woman, how would I know how to love you, love you like no one ever knew. To die and still love you more. (Pablo Neruda)
One of the most famous love poets.
13. You ask me to be friends. Tell me, what do I earn? I love a friend, but you... you... I love you.
When friendship becomes an impossible love.
14. If I were Superman I would take you flying... but since I'm not, you screw up and walk away.
A clever phrase to annoy someone interested.
15. Give me a moment, maybe you'll find me interesting.
A moment long enough to change things.
16. The men in the wheat field for a piece of bread. (Atahualpa Yupanqui)
Work to survive.
17. Lady, love is violent, and when it transfigures us, our thoughts turn to madness. (Ruben Dario)
Love is the cause of many losing their reason.
18. Although time passes and you are not with me, remember that I will always remember you.
A promise in the distance.
19. Fools and crazy people do not have them in a few.
Curiously, there are more ignorant people than open-minded people.
20. God praying and with the mallet giving.
No one escapes his sentence.
21. Belmonte, the one that is like the mountain goats.
About someone who is very active.
22. Some believe that time and absence killed them, but her train sold a return ticket.
Selflessness can kill any kind of relationship.
23. I have thought of his eyes and his numerous feet. (Cesar Vallejo)
That person who never leaves your mind.
24. It's not that I'm dying of love, I'm dying of you. I die of you, love, of love of you, of my urgency of my skin of you, of my soul, of you and of my mouth and of the unbearable that I am without you. (Jaime Sabines)
It's not just love, it's loving that specific person.
25. To where the heart inclines, the foot walks.
We go where we are happy.
26. If you knew that just a kiss from your lips would be enough to steal my soul, my looks and even my breath.
A kiss is a love spell.
27. More years, more disappointments.
Time is responsible for revealing the true face of people.
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28. Whoever wants a woman to tell her suddenly, that she doesn't complain after they take her away for a fool.
Never hide your feelings, you can lose that opportunity that you want so much.
29. Whoever gets up early, God helps.
A popular saying to get up early and with energy.
30. He who has eyes let him see, he who has an ear listen and he who cannot find peace let him fight. (Kase-O)
Find that peace you deserve.
31. Marina, the one that turns sardines fine.
For those people who believe a lot.
32. They are one of those kisses that are neither cold nor hot, but if they are from your mouth, I also want them. (Alejandro Sanz)
There are loves that don't bring us good things and still we can't let go.
33. Many years may pass, distances may separate us, but love and hope will always unite us.
Hope is the last thing you lose.
34. To whom she much she has, more she comes to him.
So think a lot of positive thoughts.
35. Irene, the one who only calls you when it suits her.
Of those people who only look for others out of interest.
36. Now flatterer, tomorrow traitor.
Not everyone who flatters you is sincere.
37. Some time or voice or time, we can be together or be together, live, die in that great silence of hardness, mother of brilliance. (Pablo Neruda)
The hope of a future with that special person.
38. When I met you, I was afraid to look at you. When I looked at you, I was afraid to love you. And now that I love you, I'm afraid of losing you.
The fear that abounds in love.
39. I know that you will be better when I leave, and I know that everything will continue as if nothing had happened. (The fifth station)
Although we are down for some situation, the world keeps turning.
40. I would like to be a butterfly and fly from flower to flower, and come to your house and say "Hello my love".
A fun and very romantic date.
41. Friend reconciled, enemy bent.
Most enemies were once our friends.
42. You can't buy love, you don't need money, what you really need is the courage to say I love you.
When you 'conquer' someone with money, you are fabricating a false relationship.
43. Even if the monkey dresses in silk, the monkey stays.
A derogatory phrase about physical appearance.
44. La Libertad is an old woman, whom I met in the bohemia, next to many people, and without anyone seeing her. (Facundo Cabral)
Freedom is only appreciated when you no longer have it.
45. From evils to goods they say that it is easily passed; but from evils to evils, I say that it is more frequent. (Pedro Calderon de la Barca)
Unfortunately, bad things have more range and travel faster.
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46. My dreams and the beats of my heart are yours, I would like you to correspond to me in order to calm my reason.
That anguish of not knowing if we are reciprocated.
47. With bread and wine walks the way.
Foods that for many, are essential.
48. I hope and she loves you even half, as much as she loves you she is crazy that you let her go free.
Nobody loves in the same way.
49. He loves me… who knows. I love him... and he knows it.
Have you experienced an unrequited love?
50. From saying to doing there is a long way.
Not all deliver what they promise.
51. He acts gracefully in the face of his ignorance. (Kase-O)
Excellent life advice.
52. This heart that beats and thinks of you every day, could never forget you since you will always be in me.
When that special person gets deep inside you.
53. Against fortune, there is no art.
When you form your luck, no one can stop you.
54. Just as iron cannot be frozen, my heart cannot forget you.
A promise of eternal memory.
55. The naughty puppy, he doesn't want cheese because he likes the bone.
About those daring people.
56. He who robs a thief has a hundred years of forgiveness.
Do you think this is true?
57. Bridge of my loneliness through the eyes of my death, your waters go to the sea, to the sea from which there is no return. (Emilio Meadows)
That love that is lost forever.
58. My life, my life, the world and color, my life, my life, silences and song. (Facundo Cabral)
Life is made of good and bad times.
59. He who excuses himself accuses himself.
Many excuses are for not assuming one's responsibilities.
60. The phyllomena whale looks like a mermaid.
They all have beauty.
61. With the glories the memories are forgotten. (popular saying)
There are those who are blinded by fame to the point of losing their humanity.
62. In the solitude of silence, I wonder the reasons, how was the beginning, of these beautiful emotions.
Loves that we do not know how they began.
63. Greedy heart, has no rest.
Miserly people are never satisfied.
64. I'll be honest: I don't want the moon, nor the sky, nor gold, nor diamonds... I just want to see you smile.
When you truly love someone, their smile fills you completely.
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65. You will teach to fly, but they will not fly your flight; You will teach to dream, but they will not dream your dream. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Be an inspiration, not to be imitated but to be better.
66. Whoever follows her, he gets her.
If you seek you can find.
67. How sad to walk and not know where to go, but sadder is loving you and not being able to tell you.
There are those who prefer to keep their love secret.
68. Don't hate me for loving you, hate me for forgetting you.
When a person is forgotten, what we feel for them is also forgotten.
69. I sell advice but I do not have any for myself.
Has this happened to you?
70. When you look at the stars remember me, because in each of them there is a kiss for you.
A beautiful message of love.
71. Love me this year, love me each of the seasons, and keep all these beautiful emotions in a corner.
A love that wants to be eternal.
72. If you give me fortune, don't take away my reason, if you give me success, don't take away my humility, if you give me humility, don't take away my dignity. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Every time you win something, you run the risk of losing something else.
73. It is wise to forgive injuries and forget grievances. (popular saying)
Resentment affects us more than that person who generated it.
74. Each one talks about the fair according to how it goes in it.
Everyone's experiences are different.
75. The emotion of undressing and slowly discovering the fire; the rite of caressing by setting fire. (Joan Manuel Serrat)
That emotion of surrendering body and soul.
76. How sad is the moon when the sun does not accompany her, how sad you are a woman when your love deceives you.
There are those who, even being victims of infidelity, cling to their relationship.
77. You are what I'm always thinking, with every thought I keep falling in love. (John Santacruz)
Love begins in our head.
78. Love without jealousy is not given by heaven.
Jealousy can end any relationship.
79. As a friend I met you, as a friend I looked at you and one day without thinking about it I fell in love with you.
It is very common for friends to end up in love.
80. Wherever I went I ran over reason, mocked virtue, mocked justice and sold women. (Jose Zorrilla)
An act of evil continues.
81. Blue is the sky, blue is the sea, and fire is the kiss that I want to give you.
An interesting comparison of passions.
82. Before you get married, watch what you do.
Marriage lets out the true character of couples.
83. Love hurts, without you, it rains until it gets wet, love hurts, without you, it hurts to death, love hurts, without you, everything is so gray. (Alex Synthek)
When that special person is not there, everything seems to be in darkness.
84. Water that you should not drink, let it run.
Let go of what you do not commit to.
85. Heat of your hands, shelter of my skin, bonfires are your eyes, your face my honey.
When you complement yourself perfectly with someone.
86. You cannot change your heart, like your hat, without having suffered first. (Andres Calamaro)
All lost love needs its duel.
87. Do not think that I love you, because in reality I love you more than you think.
Everyone knows how much he really loves.
88. If I were the sea and you were a rock, I would make the tide rise, to kiss your mouth.
What are you capable of doing for love?
89. A dead king, put king.
When someone misses an opportunity, someone else takes it.
90. Do not give up that life is that, continue the journey, pursue your dreams. (Mario Benedetti)
Life is an eternal journey.
91. To another dog with that bone.
When someone tries to trick you.
92. Sighs and fragrances in the shade of the branches. (Juan Ramon Jimenez)
hidden loves.
93. Every master has his own trick.
Everyone has their success tactics.
94. I need you, like in the sunlight, in this cold winter, to give me your warmth. (Yellow)
When that person becomes the most important thing in your life.
95. There is another world of palm trees and horses, where man only owns what he does with his hands. (Facundo Cabral)
A world of fantasy or reality?
96. The liturgy of farewells, the stray bullet that comes for me, the nostalgia that bitter the flight, the soundtrack of what I lived. (Fito Paez and Joaquin Sabina)
That moment when we realize everything we have lost.
97. If you go to the fridge and find only one tomato, remember your love is crazy as hell.
A rhyme that connects two different things.
98. You won't go to bed without knowing one more thing.
Every day we learn something new.
99. At point blank range, only the china and the charro. (Mexican proverb)
A custom shared by both Mexicans and Chinese.
100. I dreamed that the fire was frozen, and that the air burned, thus dreaming impossible, I dreamed that you loved me.
Of those loves that are thought, are impossible.
101. I must pretend there are others. Is a lie. Only you are. You, my misfortune and my fortune, inexhaustible and pure. (Jorge Luis Borges)
When you are so attached to a love that it is impossible to think of someone else.
102. Zamba of my hope, grateful as a love, dream, dream of the soul, which sometimes dies without blooming. (Louis H. Morales)
Not all dreams come true.
103. Belatedly, in the gloomy garden, belatedly a butterfly entered, transfiguring the dismal summer evening into a miraculous dawn. (Jose Angel Buesa)
About those who make us regain hope.
104. Rocío, to whom you can not say a peep.
Those who get upset when they are not told what they want to hear.
105. Teach me that forgiveness is a sign of greatness and that revenge is a sign of lowliness. (Mahatma Gandhi)
Forgiveness helps you move on, while revenge gets you nowhere.
106. If I love you it's because you're my love my accomplice and everything and on the street side by side we are much more than two. (Mario Benedetti)
Those loves that are partners in crime.
107. Grateful with life, I looked at the sky and felt blessed.
A moment of internal realization.
108. Seeing the blooming rose is what I like most in this life.
Take care of the nature around you.
109. I have a pity that does not let me fall asleep and that is that for you, I would be able to give up all my desires.
Would you be able to give up everything for love?
110. The poet forged in his mind verses of love and pain, darts of silk and steel, which he plunged into my heart. (Miguel Angel Yusta)
Love and pain that go hand in hand.