Emotional stability: what it is and how to enhance and develop it in yourself
Emotional stability has to do with being able to regulate our feelings, something that helps us to be able to face different situations in a better way, maintaining a good balance in our emotions.
On the other hand, although it has been observed that there may be a genetic predisposition to have more or less emotional stability, we can work on it through habits and routines to increase this ability.
In this article we will explore the concept of emotional stability, what are its psychological benefits, and how to improve this capacity.
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What is emotional stability?
emotional stability is a trait that some people have to be able to face and manage their emotions favorably. Negative emotions can always arise, but some individuals are very good at managing them in order to reduce the affectation they cause and prevent them from being a problem.
In this way, subjects with this ability will be able to overcome and deal with stressful situations or problems without these having an excessive impact on them. On the other hand, by not getting stuck in negative emotions, they are able to see the situation from a positive outlook, are less likely to develop pathology and therefore live longer happy.
The concept of emotional stability is present in different areas of Psychology, recognizing above all the personality model of the five greats or Big Five; it presents 5 personality traits along with their opposites, in the case of emotional stability the opposite is neuroticism, with characteristics such as anxiety, hostility, depression or impulsiveness.
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The importance of being emotionally stable
emotional stability is a fundamental trait to achieve a functional and controlled life. As we have seen, one of the traits is impulsiveness, in this way neurotic or unstable subjects will respond in a hasty manner and may act incorrectly.
We will say that an emotionally stable subject is characterized by showing a tendency to remain neutral. Thus, in the same way that he is able to control negative emotions and that they do not affect him intensely, he does not express many positive emotions either. They are quiet and calm subjects.
Let us remember that nothing in the extreme is good, so constantly feeling very intense positive emotions can be harmful, since that with very high probability can turn to the negative pole, this pattern is the characteristic of the subjects with disorder bipolar. Other individuals who display emotional instability as a common trait are individuals with borderline personality disorder.
In this way, One of the main effects or consequences of presenting or not presenting emotional stability is the ability to correctly face events. Unstable subjects interpret the situation in a negative way, they focus on the bad, thus generating greater stress, anxiety or frustration, they can become paralyzed and unable to mobilize to solve the problem. conflict.
Contrary, emotional stability provides the person with a greater capacity when it comes to knowing how to perceive the situation positively and thus be more motivated to act and achieve change. We thus see how emotional stability can be considered a protective factor against the development of pathologies.
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Causes of emotional instability
In the same way that it happens with other affections, the presence of emotional instability shows a genetic tendency, that is, linked to biological factors, and environmental influence (or variables specific to a situation). These can be: changes in biological rhythms, such as waves, brain activity or changes in metabolism; difficulty concentrating or sleeping (insomnia); the type of education or upbringing; for example, a direct relationship between overprotection and less emotional stability has been observed.
Other variables that can influence are: pregnancy, unhealthy or disorganized lifestyles, not sleeping the necessary hours, not eating the right amounts or doing so at odd hours or consuming substances toxic.
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Symptoms of emotional instability
There are no symptoms or signs that determine emotional stability, but there are characteristics, behaviors or behaviors that are most frequently linked to this alteration, indicating with high probability its presence. Let's see what they are.
feeling of sadness
Excessive positive feelings
frustration intolerance
loss of constancy
Difficulty thinking
Being constantly influenced by the problem
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How to work emotional stability
As you know, emotional stability shows a genetic predisposition, which means that there are people who have an easier time developing it, but this does not mean that you cannot work and train to achieve a better level of it.
Here are some strategies and techniques that can be useful to increase our emotional stability, we will see that many are linked to a good lifestyle and habits healthy.
1. take time for yourself
Sometimes we don't feel good, we are irritable, in a bad mood, but we can't find the reason. The best way to know the reason for our state, because there are things that affect us, is get to know oneself and the best way to do it is by dedicating time to ourselves. Having moments to be alone is good, it allows us to reflect and know how we are and what are the causes of this state, thus being much easier to know how to act and face the situation.
In the same way, it is not necessary to feel bad to dedicate time to ourselves. Knowing each other will also help us deal with possible problems or difficult events that may happen in the future.

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2. Appreciate the positive events that happen to you
As we have already said, people with emotional instability tend to focus and focus only on the negative, thus affecting the possibility of solving the problem or overcoming the situation. It is normal that after a negative event we feel bad, but we cannot stay anchored in this feeling, in bad thoughts.
Take your time, but do not be passive and find a way out of this situation. Maintaining social contact, with the people who love us and love us, helps us to distract ourselves, to feel supported and to be able to express our feelings.
3. Establish a healthy routine
Maintaining a healthy routine, both sleeping and eating, helps regulate our body and feel better not only physically but also mentally. It is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a day and eat a varied diet, which provides us with all the nutrients. Fatigue or a bad mood can be linked to bad habits, we must not forget to satisfy basic needs.
4. Sports practice
Playing sports helps us to disconnect, to stop thinking about our worries for a while while helping us feel better physically. Physical exercise is linked to the increase in endorphins, which is a neurotransmitter with the function of reducing the sensation of pain, making it easier for us to feel better.
The great variety of sports that exist allow adaptation to the needs and tastes of each person. It is not necessary to practice them intensely, it is better to do them continuously, thus forming part of our aforementioned healthy routine.
5. Accept that it is impossible to control everything
One way to reduce frustrations or to not fixate on the bad is to be aware that we cannot control everything and there are situations or events that do not depend on us. For this reason we will not give it more importance than it has, if we cannot do anything to change it, we should not fall into the trap of wanting to control it.
6. Don't be guided only by emotions
Emotions, both positive and negative, are necessary and help us to know how we are and how we are, but We should not guide ourselves and make decisions only by valuing emotions; we must also take into account our rational part, see the facts, the events in a more objective way, to be able to assess what is the best alternative for us, both at the present moment and in the future and taking into account the consequences that it may suppose.
Likewise, acting more rationally also helps control our emotions and reduce our impulsiveness. We return to the approach made earlier, extremes are not good, so being very rational or very emotional is not positive, we have to find the middle ground.