Education, study and knowledge

Do we entrepreneurs or professionals communicate well?

For the authentic development of man and society that respects and promotes the human person in all its dimensions, it aims to achieve two objectives: continuity and constant renewal.

On the one hand, it is constant because it maintains the same underlying inspiration, in its fundamental guidelines for action; and on the other hand it is new, since it is subjected to the necessary adaptations due to the variation of conditions and the constant flow of events. Therefore, the same is expected of the company as a social institution.

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Another way of understanding professional and personal development

The concept of business development or personal development does not coincide with that which is limited to satisfying the material desires exclusively, without paying attention to the permanent value of spiritual and human development of everyone.

Experience shows us that the permanent denial of creativity both individual and corporate causes a sense of frustration that

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can predispose HR to “psychological migration”; workers may not feel valued and not get involved with the company they represent, in the end of the mission for which the company lives.

Looking for a fit between the satisfied needs

Negotiation is understood in the "Anatomy of the Company" as an alternative or complementary treatment to achieve positive goals.

For good business health, development must be both economic and cultural, political and human, avoiding that the mechanisms to be used are so automatic that they make rigid the situations that require continuous adaptations of changes, and taking into account that these mechanisms must be subjected to ethical-moral analysis, and here we are talking about social responsibility.

A healthy business must be run and operated by healthy people. There are also companies that can be self-centered and talk too much about themselves in the presentation to a possible potential client, which It could affect the closing of sales, since it gives the impression that the important thing is not the needs that must be covered at that moment. Does the company listen to the market to make possible changes? Do we listen to customers? Do we practice Active listening?

Correct communication in the company

Do we communicate well?

Alexithymia is the neurological disorder that consists of the inability of the subject to identify their own emotions and consequently, the inability to give them verbal expression.

When each person, each company understands what its mission is, power struggles cease to exist, everyone understands that they have their place and that they are essential for the operation as a whole.

business climate affects the proper functioning of workers, in the same way that the atmospheric climate affects living beings. at an emotional and psychobiological level, and even at a health level when there are catastrophes due to climate. The business climate is improved with good internal communication, a clear vision of the functions of the departments, leadership, motivation, and appropriate training in each case.

Respect is a personal and business value at the level of Internal Human Resources, and at the social level in the interrelation with other companies in the same or different sectors that have to coexist in the market, and also taking into account the environment.

The development process also needs a service of solidarity; everyone is called to take their place, and above all, Confidence, Balance and Illusion are needed. All this to Humanize the Company.

The mesofia method, helps improve the Anatomy of the Company, focusing on both human and institutional improvements, and developing capacities and values ​​with the use of Personalized consulting, elite training and psychotherapies adapted to each person (sophrology, social psychology, psycho-oncology, neuropsychology, NLP, logotherapy, social skills and directives, etc.).

One of the most beneficial personal skills in our relationships is Assertiveness. In the same way, the assertive company or assertive professional positions itself in a healthy way in the market. If the assertive behavior facilitates the flow of information in the work groups we are avoiding the “company cholesterol”.

Since we are born, people are social beings and we carry latent the action of others. A) Yes, the company is also a social institution. HR feel they belong to that group, and it is the groups and not the isolated individuals that constitute the functional units in the struggle for existence. And the set of these groups form society. The culture and personality of companies are integrated on the behavior patterns of human resources.

In relation to biological rhythms, in the company there are also circadian rhythms (wake-sleep) in terms of their work time, the working days are equivalent to wakefulness and openness, availability of action, etc. And the circanual rhythms (over the course of a year) are associated with better trading times depending on sectors, summer-rest periods, etc.

My interest in making a business comparison with the human body is the invitation to becoming aware of the corporeality of being, and the importance of each organ or cell both at the human anatomical level and at the business and human resource level.

We are all important and necessary in the world! As people and as institutions at the service of their “sacred contract”, which is their Mission. That is the Anatomy of the Company and the importance of communicating well; many human anatomies, merging their activities together and interrelating with society, with other companies or professionals.

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