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How to start from scratch in life? 8 steps to follow

There is a wide variety of contexts and situations that could cause a person to want or have to start from scratch and launch a new life plan, these being such as a change of place of residence, having to adopt healthier lifestyle habits for health reasons, the loss of a loved one, a sentimental breakup or a change of job.

Faced with these and other similar situations, it is important for that person to know how to start from scratch in life and launch a new plan that allows her to direct her life towards new purposes that make her feel fully with her life and with herself.

In this article we will see what they are the necessary steps to know how to start from scratch in life, being important that they are all taken into account and carried out in the best possible way for each one.

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8 tips and strategies to start over in life

If you want to start over in life by changing habits and routines (or even changing where you live), keep these general recommendations in mind.

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1. Facing a possible duel and saying goodbye to the previous stage

To know how to start from scratch in life we ​​must have said goodbye to our previous stage, which sometimes implies overcome a grieving process.

When a stage of life is abandoned to start over, it is necessary for the person to consciously say goodbye and leave that stage correctly closed in order to start a new one. without any type of ballast caused by nostalgia or any kind of hitch that is detrimental and puts an obstacle when starting the new plan that helps to start again zero.

In those cases in which someone wants to start from scratch in life due to the loss of a loved one, a separation from a couple or a conflict family that has caused the separation with some relatives, it will be very important that the person takes the time he needs to go through a process of duel that allows him to assimilate in the most balanced way possible this important loss so that you don't get stuck in the past when starting from scratch and embarking on a new journey.

Tips for starting from scratch
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2. Find a purpose and get your priorities in order

Even in the worst moments, those in which one does not feel like doing anything, it is always advisable to look for a purpose that guides us in life towards some direction that fills us, this objective being one of the most important steps to take into account when we want to find a way to start from scratch in life.

It may be difficult to find that purpose at first, but it is part of the process and therefore one must allow oneself to go through this situation until it appears. Meanwhile, one should try to do those activities that make him enjoy, at the same time that they should not be neglected. daily chores at work, at home, taking care of relationships with your partner, family and friends and, of course, course, self-care should not be overlooked (practice of regular physical exercise, healthy eating, enough rest, reading a book that we like, meditating, etc.).

When looking for that purpose that helps us start from scratch in life, it is important to put our priorities in order to facilitate this process, since that once we have them clear it will be easier for us to find that purpose that marks the path we must follow to feel good about ourselves themselves. To put our priorities in order we can use the technique of "brainstorming" in order to draw up a list of possible resolutions to implement to help us change what we don't like about our present and start from scratch.

Once the list of purposes has been prepared, we must think about the steps that will help us to start advancing on the path to follow, and these must be the small enough to be able to carry them out effectively, taking into account various alternatives to put in place in the event that some unforeseen

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3. open new doors

When looking for how to start from scratch in life, it is important that the person opens new doors with the in order to be able to implement the necessary tasks to continue in the right direction towards its purposes, but that this stops your curiosity to live new experiences, learn new things, try a new job, undertake something, etc.

It is also important that the person is open-minded in order to adapt to these new opportunities and thus be able to live these new experiences consciously. All this with an attitude of openness to experience and personal deserving of having a full life.

4. Analyze wants and needs

When someone wants to start over in life, another step they must take is take a deep, comprehensive look at your most important wants and needs that you would like to see fulfilled.

In this phase, correctly differentiate between those desires and needs that are due and can be fulfilled in the short, medium and long term. term, since some of them, if they are not carried out at the right time, it might be impossible to comply with them and, of course, all of this they must be desires that are within their reach, since it would not be easy to fulfill the desire of a person overnight. get rich

Instead, it would be easier to try to fulfill more realistic goals, such as looking for a job with better conditions than the current education, continue training at an academic level, reconcile family, personal and work life, take a trip, study for an opposition, etc.

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5. Establish a viable plan and put it into action

Once the pertinent work of introspection of the previous phase has been done, it is important that the person establishes a viable plan and Make an adequate schedule of tasks and actions in the most concrete way possible that allow you to put the plan into action.

For this, a good option would be to write down in a notebook all the steps to follow in the most detailed way possible and also the possible obstacles that could arise, in order to be prevented and it is possible, it would also be useful to write down some guidelines to put in place to prepare for these difficulties.

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6. Find sources of motivation

Another of the phases that must be followed when starting from scratch in life is for the person to look for sources of motivation and strengthening elements that help not to decay and thus continue advancing along the path you must follow to fulfill each step of the plan that you had previously established to achieve your goals. purposes.

When looking for sources of motivation, it is important that the person carry out self-care, both physically and psychologically, and who has sources of support at the social and family level that allow the person to have a support at times when they might experience greater difficulties. For example, talking to others about our plans will expose us to new sources of motivation, because we will want to meet the expectations that we have generated around us.

To stay motivated, the person must keep in mind those social and personal factors that help him stay motivated and continue forward in those moments of crisis or falls during the new path to follow when you have decided to start from scratch in the lifetime.

  • Related article: "The 10 keys to motivate yourself"

7. Work on resilience to face possible obstacles

In addition to looking for sources of support and motivation to face possible obstacles along the way, it is important for the person to train resilience, and for this it is useful to prepare strategically to successfully face and come out stronger from all those obstacles that you foresee that could arise, as well as before any unexpected.

The person must take into account all those factors and situations that could hinder his path when starting from scratch and must also train a series of positive emotional management strategies that allow him to fight the blows and respond efficiently in order to continue advancing.

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8. Get on the new path and try to stay on it

Finally, when we want to look for how to start from scratch in life, after having gone through each and every one of the previous phases, we must have acquired and trained enough the necessary strategies to lead us on this new path and try to keep them going in our day to day, without forgetting them, in order to be able to live this new lifetime. In other words, this new way of living must be present in a sustained manner, it cannot be a single occasional effort. Yes indeed, as the weeks go by, it will cost less.

It is important to get started, step by step, giving the person the time necessary to comply with all the elements of the previous phases that will help you in his personal planning, since now he should have a strong social support network and family, with personal motivation and resilience strategies that will allow you to fight against any obstacle that could arise.

Once all the previous ingredients are given, the person will have enough resources to start from scratch, launching a new plan of life that fills him without fainting along the way, being very important that he be tenacious and tirelessly stay on the path to follow until he fulfills his purposes.

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