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DIFFERENCES between Leninism and Marxism

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Leninism and Marxism: differences

The communism It has been one of the most important doctrines throughout the 20th century, being the main economic mode of important powers such as the USSR or China. But, not all communist and socialist systems are the same. In order to know the differences between two very important ones, in this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the differences between leninism and marxism.

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  1. What is Leninism?
  2. What was Marxism?
  3. What are the differences between Leninism and Marxism

What is Leninism?

Before discovering the differences between Leninism and Marxism, it is essential that we have a good understanding of the definition of both terms.

The Leninism is an economic, political and social doctrine created by the Russian revolutionary Lenin at the beginning of the 20th century. It is an adaptation of Marx's thought for it to function in a new State such as the USSR.

Lenin focused on criticism against capitalism, class struggle and the need for communism

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as main and central ideas taken from Marxism. But what Leninism did was take all these central ideas and modify different concepts of Marxism, to create a doctrine with its own identity.

Lenin's idea was that Marxism did not take into account the evolution that capitalism had had at the beginning of the 20th century, such as the birth of imperialism, so Marx's doctrine needed certain changes.

Leninism marked that a new central and unique party known as Communist Party, in which the workers were to unite to start a socialist movement and transform the state through revolution. The idea was that the party was the main supporter of the revolution to end capitalism, but that once this was destroyed it should pass to the dictatorship of the proletariat, since power should pass into the hands of the workers.

Leninism was key in history, since it was the main ideology of those responsible for the Russian Revolution that in 1917 ended the regime of the tsars and brought the creation of the USSR. Leninism was maintained for many more years, although after Lenin's death there were several Soviet leaders who changed part of their ideology.

What was Marxism?

The Marxism is a set of political, social and economic ideas and concepts derived from the ideas of the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, two important philosophers who were looking for a way to save a capitalism that they considered doomed to disappear.

Marxism considers that capitalism is the great economic system today, just like slavery in the ancient times or feudalism in the Middle Ages, but like these there will come a time when it cannot continue. Therefore, he defends the idea of search for a new economic system.

This critical system against capitalism would be one centered on a totally egalitarian society, in which there would be no classes because everyone would be equal, this being the basis of what we know as communism or socialism.

The idea of ​​Marxism is that the means of production are in the hands of the working class, being they who are in charge of the control. Therefore, it eliminates the option that a few control everything so that the bulk of the population can control the means of production.

Over the years, Marxism has served as influence for numerous thinkers and politicians, changing some of its elements to adapt to different countries. An example of systems based on Marxism can be found in Leninism, in Stalinism or the communist doctrine of Mao.

What are the differences between Leninism and Marxism.

Having commented on the main characteristics of Leninism and Marxism, we must list the main points in which these two systems differ from each other. The main differences between leninism and marxism are the following:

  • Marxism is a much broader doctrine, since it seeks to attack the problem of global capitalism, while Leninism is just a variation of Marxism focused on the situation in the USSR.
  • Leninism defends the figure of a single party to be able to change the system, while Marxism considers that it is not necessary, since the power must belong to the people naturally.
  • We can say that Marxism is the theory, while Leninism is the idea of ​​Marx put into practice, changing certain elements to try to fix this belief in the people.
  • The capitalism that existed at the time of Marx was not the samel that Lenin had to face, since it had evolved in recent years. That is why the way of confronting capitalism is different in both options.
  • Marx considers Can communism and capitalism coexist? while Leninism needs capitalism to disappear so that communism can rule.
  • Marx considers capitalism to be an outdated system and that for this reason it must disappear, while Lenin hates capitalism and that is why he wants it to disappear.
  • Marxism was more peaceful, but Lenin considers that this is so because at the time there were no possibilities of revolution, and therefore Leninism does not understand its doctrine without the revolution.

And these are the main differences between Leninism and Marxism, the most prominent and relevant.

Leninism and Marxism: differences - What are the differences between Leninism and Marxism

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  • Stalin, J., & Roces, W. (1970). The foundations of Leninism. Grijalbo.
  • Sebag, L. (1969). Marxism and structuralism. XXI Century of Spain Publishers.
  • Konstantinov, F. R. AND. d AND. R. I v. (1980). Foundations of Marxist-Leninist philosophy.
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