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The 16 types of reinforcers (and their characteristics)

Reinforcement is a widely used technique in behavior therapy. It is frequently applied in children and in intellectual disabilities, in order to increase or develop different types of behaviors.

For this technique to be effective, the reinforcer must be adequate. The reinforcer (or reinforcement) is any stimulus that increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated in the future. In this article we will know the different types of reinforcers, according to six classification criteria.

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Behavior modification through reinforcement

positive reinforcement is a type of operant behavioral technique, which serves to develop or increase behaviors. Normally, the behaviors that we want to increase or enhance are those behaviors that are adaptive and positive for the child's learning.

There are different types of reinforcers, which are applied depending on the situation, the child (characteristics, age, preferences,...), their relationship with the therapist or the father/mother, the availability of resources, the context, etc.

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Reinforcement is the process by which the application of a stimulus increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated in the future. On the other hand, the reinforcer or reinforcement is any stimulus that increases the probability that a behavior will be repeated in the future.

Some examples of reinforcers are: a compliment (verbal reinforcement), a type of food that the child, jelly beans, more time watching cartoons, a game, a book, tickles, jokes, etc.

types of reinforcers

There are different types of reinforcers, depending on the criteria we use to classify them. We can classify them according to six different criteria:

1. According to its origin

According to the origin of its reinforcing value, we find the following types of reinforcers.

1.1. primaries

Have an unconditioned or innate value. For example, food or drink.

1.2. Secondary or generalized

They become reinforcers through learning. They have a more specific character.

1.3. widespread

They are reinforcers multiple answer (for example money or tokens from the token economy system).

2. Nature

By their nature, we can list the following types of reinforcers:

2.1. Material or tangible

They have a physical entity (for example a ball or a bicycle).

2.2. Edible or manipulable

They are eaten or can be handled (eg gum or candy).

23. Social

They are interpersonal in nature; encompass verbal and non-verbal language (for example, praise or caresses).

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2.4. Of activity

It's about the behaviors that are pleasurable for the subject (eg going to the movies or shopping).

2.5. Premack's principle

It occurs when a low-frequency activity increases its probability of occurrence by associating it with another high-frequency one.

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3. Reinforcement process

According to the reinforcement process, the types of reinforcers that we find are two:

3.1. extrinsic

The reinforcement is open and observable.

3.2. Intrinsic

Is a covert reinforcement (for example thoughts or images).

4. Administrator

We find two types of reinforcers:

4.1. external

the reinforcer someone administers it to the subject, that is, another person.

4.2. self-reinforcing

They are self-applied reinforcers (by the same subject).

5. Receiver

Depending on who receives the reinforcer, these can be classified into:

5.1. Direct

The subject himself is the one who receives the reinforcer.

5.2. Vicars

The subject observes how another subject receives the reinforcer.

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6. Programming

We find two types, according to their programming:

6.1. Natural:

They have a high probability of occurring in the environment (for example a good grade in the school environment).

6.2. artificial

They are those that are applied under specific conditions (for example, the chips).

How is positive reinforcement applied?

As we have seen, we have many types of reinforcers to choose from; our choice will depend on some variables already mentioned.

Furthermore, for positive reinforcement to be effective, it must be applied correctly. There are a series of guidelines to do so, which we list below:

  • Precisely specify the behavior to be modified.
  • Identify and select effective reinforcers (specificity and variety).
  • Administer reinforcers immediately (not delayed).
  • Contingent Application (that after the behavior always comes the reinforcer).
  • Control competing contingencies.
  • Avoid satiation of reinforcers.
  • Estimate the optimal amount of reinforcer: deprivation/satiation and effort.
  • Adhere to the scheduled reinforcement schedule.
  • Generalization and fading: design a reinforcement schedule change when appropriate.

Reinforcement effectiveness

In the end, what matters is not so much the nature of the reinforcement or stimulus (that is, what type of reinforcement it is), but rather that the behavior that we want to increase actually increases thanks to said reinforcement. That is, what makes a reinforcer really effective is that fulfills this function.

Thus, it is not so much that there are certain types of reinforcers more effective than others, but that everything will depend on the situation and the subject.

Some evidence that shows us that a reinforcer will be effective, They are:

  • Let the child “hook” on the reinforcer.
  • Not wanting to “leave” the situation by reinforcing (looking for other stimuli, for example).
  • Let him ask for it.
  • Make him laugh or smile while he has the reinforcer.

Other techniques

Other techniques similar to those of positive reinforcement, which have the same function (enable the development or increase of certain behaviors) are: shaping, chaining, fading, and rule-driven behavior.

Bibliographic references:

  • Gonzalez, A. (2005). Contributions of behavioral psychology to education. Synectics, 25, 15-22.
  • Vallejo, M.A. (2012). Behavior Therapy Manual. volume i Madrid: Dykinson.

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