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The 12 best expert Psychologists in Adolescents in Monterrey

The psychologist Ramon Antonio Lara Lopez has more than 25 years of experience behind him and currently attends both in a face-to-face and in telematic sessions to adolescents who may be going through a period of discomfort.

His intervention is based on the joint application of various therapies of proven efficacy, with which he treats cases of anxiety, codependency, addictions, sexual abuse, family conflicts, marital crises and low self-esteem.

This professional has a Higher Degree in Analytical Psychotherapy, has a Specialty in Addictions and is a specialist in applying Brief Therapy and Humanistic Therapy.

the psychologist Denise Rendon She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, she has a Degree in Expertise in Graphology and she also has an International Master's Degree in Calligraphic Expertise and a Master's Degree in Development Organizational.

His intervention is offered both in the face-to-face modality and in remote sessions, in which cares for adolescents who may be going through a period of discomfort or psychological alterations of all.

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This professional is an expert in jointly applying Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy together with other effective guidelines, with the which addresses cases of anxiety, depression, codependency, family conflicts, divorce and deficits in the management of the wrath.

The psychologist Luis Guillermo Segura Herrera He has specialized throughout his career in serving adolescents who may present psychological difficulties of all kinds, both online and in person.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, as well as other effective guidelines with which she attends addictions, cases of anxiety, codependency, depression, marital crises and difficulties emotional.

This professional has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, has a Doctorate in Philosophy with an Option in Psychology and also has a Master of Science with an Option in Psychology from the Health.

Victor Ferdinand Perez He has a degree in psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, in addition to being a recognized specialist in psychotherapy in children and adolescents achieving very positive results throughout the process.

Among the pathologies that he has treated the most are addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other type of substances, separation and divorce processes, and patients affected by problems of low self-esteem.

Violet Levy She has a degree in psychology, and has completed several master's degrees related to mental health, among which we find the master's degree in cognitive behavioral therapy, rational, emotive behavioral therapy, and therapy psychoanalytic.

She stands out for being an excellent expert in treating adolescents and adults, treating cases of anxiety, depression and stress problems, to patients with low self-esteem problems, and other types of disorders psychological.

Patrick Madrigal He has a degree in psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México, he has a diploma in psychology transpersonal from the Universidad Iberoamericana, and has also completed a master's degree in communication sciences. education.

He is an expert in the treatment of adolescents and adults, serving adolescents in a situation of alcohol addiction, tobacco and other types of substances, with dependence on the internet and new technologies, and with anxiety disorders, among others.

Valentin Sebastian Velazquez He has a degree in psychology from the Valle Grijalva University, he has a diploma in therapy cognitive behavioral, and also has a master's degree in clinical psychology and psychotherapy from the center CECIP.

He has treated patients with all kinds of pathologies, among which we find obsessive-compulsive disorder, of sleep such as insomnia, and addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, achieving very good results.

emotional astronaut is a renowned psychological center located in Mexico City where you will find an excellent team of professionals specialized in the field of mental health ready to help you when you need it you need.

They have a podcast called ''From another planet'' where they talk about issues related to health mental health, sexuality and well-being, in addition to having very positive results after the treatments made.

Xochitl Carmona She has a degree in psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México, has a course in programming neurolinguistics, and is also a specialist in mindfulness and in the treatment of adolescents with different types of pathologies.

Throughout all these years he has treated patients with anxiety, depression and stress problems, in low self-esteem, and with problems in school performance caused by ADHD and spectrum disorder autistic.

Sandino Montes Vicencio He has a degree in humanistic psychology from the well-known Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo, he is a specialist in adolescence, and carries out treatments to the particular needs of each patient.

He has extensive experience in the treatment of addictive disorders to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, in situation of mourning in the face of the loss of a loved one, and in cases of depression in adolescents, achieving very good results.

Joshua Gonzalez He has a degree in psychology from the Regiomontana University, a master's degree in health psychology from the same organization, and he is also a specialist in psychology applied to couples therapy and in emotions.

He is a specialist in psychological intervention in crisis situations, in sexual and couple psychotherapy, and in psychological abuse and child abandonment, managing to significantly improve the quality of life of their patients.

Ramon Antonio Lara Lopez He has a degree in psychology from the Regiomontana University, in addition to being a specialist in care counseling to adolescents who are suffering from some type of addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

They have treated people with anxiety, depression and stress problems, with different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of open spaces, and in a situation of mourning the loss of a being Dear.

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