The 110 best phrases of Eminem
Marshall Bruce Mathers III, better known in the world and in the musical sphere as Eminem, is a rapper, music producer and actor of American origin; he is also known as 'Slim Shady', an alter ego come in honor of his first record album.
Not only has he obtained different recognitions for his musical career, but he also won a Oscar for best song, thanks to his single 'Lose Yourself' from the movie '8 Miles' where it was protagonist.
In this article you will find a collection of Eminem's best phrases, both from his song lyrics and from his statements to the media.
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Eminem's most memorable phrases
If you want to know the way of thinking of this rapper, he continues reading; This is a selection of the most interesting Eminem phrases.
1. My only goal was to become a rapper.
A goal that he achieved until it became part of his life.
2. Trust is hard to come by. That is why my circle is small and closed.
You do not need to have many friends, but loyal friends.
3. You have to find that inner strength and get it out of you no matter what.
It costs, but it is not impossible.
4. When I say or do something, I do it. I don't care what you think about me. I do all this for myself.
Do things to please yourself.
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5. You don't get another chance at life. Life is not a Nintendo game.
You can't restart your life.
6. You can do whatever your mind wants.
The mind has no limits.
7. A normal life is boring.
Everyone has their perception of a normal life.
8. Success is my only option, not failure.
Having a fixed mission.
9. If you are the father, be a father. Do you know what I mean? I am a father. I have daughters.
Being always present in the lives of his daughters.
10. Each album reflects what I'm going through or what's going on in my life at that moment.
Placing your personal life in your art.

11. It doesn't matter how much you want to lie down and not get up anymore.
There are times when we want to give up.
12. I used to go to McDonald's and Taco Bell every day. But the guys at the bar began to recognize me and I couldn't face it.
The price of the fame. Losing privacy.
13. You have to find that inner strength, and get everything bad out of you.
When you take the bad out of your life, you make room for better opportunities to come.
14. I've always wanted this, but it's turning out to be more of a nightmare than a dream.
Sometimes success becomes a heavy burden.
15. If people take something from my music, it should be a motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working and don't back down.
Perseverance is the key to any success.
16. To the people I forgot, you weren't on my mind for some reason and probably don't deserve any thanks anyway.
People who do not bring anything good to our lives, must go.
17. Nobody likes to fail. I want to be successful in everything I do, which is not much.
Failures always have a bad taste in the mouth.
18. I don't care if you're black, white, straight, gay, lesbian, tall, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. It's that simple.
Kindness has nothing to do with our characteristics.
19. Rap was my drug, when I had to resort to other things that made me feel that way.
A favorable addiction.
20. God gave you the shoes of your size, so put them on and wear them.
You can with all those obstacles that surround you.
21. I'm not the only one who feels what I feel. I think a lot of people can see themselves in my shit, whether they're white or black, it doesn't matter.
Music has no preferences.
22. My album is not for little children to hear. It carries a warning sticker and you must be over 18 years of age to obtain it.
Placing a disclaimer of responsibility for his album.
23. Love is just a word, except when you start to define it.
What love means to him.
24. Do you have enemies? Well, that means you defended something tooth and nail.
Don't let yourself be defeated by those who want to see you fall.
25. I'm on my feet, I'm going to face my demons, I'm getting ready, I'm going to stand my ground.
Acknowledging that we have a problem is the first step.
26. People can try to reinvent themselves.
Everything changed can be positive to improve.
27. Sometimes you just have to let the shit slide and say 'Fuck it' and move on.
There are things that you just have to put aside to continue.
28. Everything I've said, I was certainly feeling it at the time.
She has never hidden her feelings.
29. Fame hit me like a ton of bricks.
A blow that almost knocked him down.
30. I think my first album opened a lot of doors to push freedom of expression to the limit.
The importance left by his first album.
31. In dealing with those who stab you in the back, I learned one thing. They are only powerful when you turn your back on them.
There will always be people who want to humiliate you because they consider you a threat.
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32. Don't you dare judge me: you have no idea what I've been through.
No one knows the other's personal struggles. That is why we must be kind.
33. You can do what you want with your life. It just depends on how you drive it.
Do what you want as long as it doesn't harm innocent people.
34. Behind every successful person there is always a small group of haters.
There will always be those who envy you for everything you have achieved.
35. Get the necessary motivation to not give up and not be defeatist; no matter how much you want to come down and fall apart.
A difficult but necessary process to move forward.
36. Sometimes I feel like rap could be the key to ending racism.
Do you think this could be true?
37. I will be what I set out to be, without a doubt I will achieve it.
And what do you want to be?
38. Sometimes I'm really good, but sometimes I can be a really bad person. I think all people in the world are like that.
No one is completely good or bad.
39. I can't sit and wallow, in my own grief, but I know one fact: I'll be a tough act to follow.
You can only get up or continue lying on the ground.
40. We sing for these children who have nothing.
Being an example of overcoming.
41. I had nothing that was really for me, school, a home… nothing until I found that something I loved, music. And that changed me forever.
Something that marked a before and after in his life.
42. My writing process, the way I create my lyrics; is that I just write down everything that comes out of the rhythm that I'm feeling.
Your personal process for writing.
43. I personally think rap is the best there is.
Showing all his love for rap.
44. I can't tell you what it really is, I can only tell you what it really feels like.
There are things that cannot be explained.
45. We walk this road together, through the storm, no matter the weather. Cold or hot.
Together at all times.
46. Sporadic thoughts will pop into my head and I'll have to write something, and next thing I know I've written an entire song in an hour.
Songs that start as a long idea in the mind.
47. Life is too short and I don't have time to sit around just wasting away.
The attitude we should have in life.
48. The legend of the angry blond will remain in your memory and in your heart when I leave.
A mark that will never be erased.
49. You only have one shot, do not miss your chance to shine because the opportunity only comes once in a lifetime.
Life is to short to waste it.
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50. I do say things that can impress people, I think. But I don't do things that surprise them in a bad way.
The road to success is not always rosy.
51. That's why we cling to the moment, trying to freeze it and own it, squeeze it and hold it, because we consider those moments golden. And maybe you'll understand when we're gone.
The reason we can't let go of certain memories.
52. Put on my shoes, just to see what it feels like to be like me.
No one can judge you if they haven't put themselves in your position.
53. Nobody asked that life give us this hand of cards that we carry, but we must play it ourselves and turn them over without waiting for help.
Fight with the weapons you have available.
54. If I could take it all back now, I wouldn't. I would have done more shit than people said I shouldn't.
It is the way in which we recompose ourselves in the face of our adversities that we build the future.
55. I try to treat all the money I make like it's the last time I'm going to do it.
A very good way to treat money.
56. I don't think I've ever read poetry. I'm really not book smart.
A custom that did not reach him.
57. Guns are bad, I assure you.
There is nothing good about using weapons.
58. There was a time when he thought, "Damn, if I had been born black, I wouldn't have to go through all this."
About the scorn he received for being a white rapper.
59. My father? I never met him. I haven't even seen a picture of him.
About not having a father figure around.
60. I have learned not to get angry about everything and to value what I should feel grateful for.
A very healing change of attitude.
61. There is no mountain you can't climb, no tower too high, and no plane you can't learn to fly.
If you have confidence, you can go as far as you want.
62. Sometimes I act as if nothing bad affects me; if I let negativity get the best of me, then my insecurities could eat me alive.
A tactic that is necessary to employ.
63. It feels good that your work is respected again.
Showing pride in what he does.
64. Music is a reflection of being.
An essential part of being human.
65. I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There is no in between. People will either love you or hate you for it.
That is why there are times when we should not listen to others.
66. It was my decision to clean myself, I did it for myself. It's true that I probably did it subliminally for you.
The only person who can rid you of your demons is yourself.
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67. Each part reveals a stage of my life that was or a stage of my life that is right now.
Putting a bit of himself in his songs.
68. I have become a happier person, instead of continuing to hate myself.
A breakthrough in your life.
69. Much of the truth is told in jest.
Many true things are expressed through comedy.
70. When you're a little kid, you don't look at color, and the fact that my friends were black never crossed my mind.
Racism is learned.
71. Nobody knows me that I'm cold, walk this road alone. It's no one's fault but mine, it's the path I've chosen to follow.
To move forward sometimes it is necessary to do it alone.
72. I'll be you, let's change our shoes just to know what it would be like to feel your pain, and feel mine, enter other minds just to see what other people see the shit.
Putting ourselves in the other's position allows us to empathize.
73. Maybe I made mistakes in the past because I'm only human, but I'm man enough to stand up to them now.
The most important thing is that we do the right thing in the face of our mistakes.
74. I'm a bit weird about making new friends.
Showing his introversion.
75. Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will just be a dream.
How do we know if all this is real?
76. Somewhere deep inside of me is a decent man, only he can't be seen.
For some, it is difficult to show that light that is within us.
77. In my opinion, I am a fighter, my heart is lighter, my soul is the fluid. My flow causes it.
A fighter who earned his success.
78. It's better that you lose yourself in the music, this moment is better if you own it, it's better if you never let it go.
Power of music.
79. I may talk about killing people in my songs, but that doesn't mean I do.
It's just a metaphor about seeking revenge.
80. If you rummage through the dashboard of my car you will find a rap record or tape. That's all I buy, all I live for, all I listen to, all I love.
The music genre you love the most.
81. As soon as I hear the beat, almost immediately what I want to write comes to mind.
How it flows with the music.
82. I don't think I've ever considered myself Superman. But there were people who thought of me that way, and maybe I believed them a little...
The support of people is important for our confidence.
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83. I am who I am and I say what I think. I don't make a face for the record.
Always being honest even if it brings you problems.
84. Shit… how much damage can you do with a pencil?
We must always be careful with our words.
85. The moment I used my adversities to my advantage, my career skyrocketed.
The power of using our problems in favor.
86. I do it because I can. I can because I want to. I want because you said I couldn't.
Demonstrating his value to those who did not believe in him.
87. If you had an opportunity, to seize what you always wanted right now, would you take it or let it slip away?
What would be your decision?
88. I don't want to be the next Tupac, but I don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet either. So while I'm here, I'll do the best I can with my time.
Leaving your own mark.
89. Don't let them tell you that you are not beautiful. They can go to hell: be true to yourself. Be proud of who you are, always.
People throw hate at what they envy.
90. I was a poor white trash, without glitter, without glamour, but I'm not ashamed of anything.
Another form of racism.
91. I was a smart kid, but I hated school.
A situation that many young people share.
92. I am who I am and I say what I think. I state that I will not show my face.
Don't be afraid to express yourself.
93. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a weird movie, you know, everything is so weird that sometimes I wonder if it's really happening.
Not believing the direction his life has taken.
94. I don't hate women, it's just that sometimes they make me angry.
A problem that leads to the wrong side.
95. Now that I understand that I am an addict, I definitely have compassion for my mother. I understand.
A recognition that led him to appreciate what he has.
96. The truth does not guarantee tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.
That's why you should take advantage of every opportunity you get.
97. I don't think you can really change who you are, because who you are is pretty much where you come from and what you've done so far.
Your actions are what determine your identity.
98. In the land of assassins, the mind of a sinner is a sacred place.
Twisted minds praising each other.
99. That doesn't mean younger kids can't get it, but I'm not responsible for every kid out there. I am not a role model, and I do not claim to be.
Doing his part to make it clear that his music is not children's content.
100. Everyone has been through some shit, either drastic or not so drastic.
Each person assesses their problems differently.
101. Be yourself and be proud of yourself. And although it sounds corny, never let them say that you are not beautiful.
Be proud of who you are.
102. Now it's rap that gets me high again.
About his passion for rap.
103. You'd have to walk 1,000 miles in my place just to see what it's like to be like me.
No one knows our fight.
104. But the things that I'm really passionate about, if I don't achieve them, if I don't succeed, what do I have?
Obsessed with always being successful.
105. The fact that my best friends were of color never became an issue until I was a teenager and started rapping.
Little ones don't understand about racism.
106. If there is no drama and negativity in my life, all my songs will be boring.
Using his experiences as musical inspiration.
107. I would go to Denny's or Big Boy to eat alone. It was a really sad picture. I got so fat that people started to stop recognizing me.
A very dark moment in his life.
108. Don't use drugs, don't have unprotected sex, don't be violent, leave that to me.
A warning about the danger of risky behavior.
109. Everyone has goals, aspirations or whatever, and everyone has been to a point in their life where no one believed in them.
Many successful people achieved their goals without anyone's support.
110. I always say this about my music, and music in general: Music is like a time capsule.
Music is timeless.