Education, study and knowledge

The 9 Best Coaching Masters in Chicago (Illinois)

The Master's Degree in Professional Coaching with Emotional Intelligence and NLP offered by the D'Arte Human & Business School training centerl is one of the most recommended in the field of Professional Coaching.

With this Master you will be able to acquire in your daily work the most useful techniques and tools in the field of professional coaching, especially those related to emotional management, communication skills, leadership skills and adaptation processes to change.

The Master consists of 1,500 hours divided into 2 cycles in which theoretical-practical content is taught, where each student will be able to carry out coaching exercises with real clients. In addition to that, the Master offers an individual mentor who will offer coaching sessions to each participant.

The Master in Professional Coaching of the Mediterranean School of Psychology It is aimed at anyone who wants to specialize in one of the areas of coaching that is most in demand in today's market.

With this Master each student will be able to access various regular Masterclasses taught by professionals renowned and will enjoy direct access 24 hours a day to all the virtual content of the course.

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This Master has a duration of 800 hours of work and consists of a complete agenda of 4 modules in which teach the main theoretical foundations of coaching and the most useful tools for each objective specific.

The Kuestiona training center offers this Mayeutic Coaching Online Master for anyone who wants to learn the art of coaching from a group learning methodology of self-knowledge and spiritual development.

With this Master you will integrate communication and leadership skills into your daily work, you will learn to organize and guide teams, to carry out group coaching processes, to acquire new points of view and to solve problems existential.

This program consists of both practical and theoretical content and allows each student the opportunity to be certified by the International Coaching Federation.

The Neuroscience & Coaching Institute offers this Neuroscience Based Professional Coaching Training Program in Chicago, offered by video call to any participant who wants to specialize in this very specific and requested branch of coaching.

This program has a duration of 2 years and consists of various modules of 3 months duration each, among which Neurocoaching, Neurosciences and Coaching, Leadership, Communication and practical sessions of the Program.

Become a true expert in Neurocoaching at the hands of one of the most recognized coaching centers in the world and with whose program you will obtain an International Certification of the International Association of Coaching, an Institution of great prestige.

The European Quality Business School presents its Master in Emotional Intelligence, a multimedia and interactive training program with downloadable content in PDF.

It is a Master especially indicated for all those people who want to become experts in Emotional Intelligence and in acquiring the main skills in the field of recognition and emotional management, as well as in managing teams of job.

With the participation in this Master each student will receive the title of Master in Emotional Intelligence, Issued by European Quality Business School and Endorsed by ANCED (National Association of e-Learning and Distance Centers), which includes the Notary Certificate European.

The Coaching and Leadership Master offered by the University of Barcelona It is taught online, has a duration of 12 months and its start date is May 2022.

With this Master you will become a true expert in coaching and leadership techniques for managers and in In it you will find a complete agenda of 10 modules in which both theoretical and practical.

Some of the main topics covered in the agenda are emotional intelligence, Life Coaching, NLP, managerial coaching, team coaching, organizational coaching and the main competencies of the coach.

The professionals of the Crearte Coaching center offer an Expert Course in Online Coaching approved by the International Coaching Federation and aimed at anyone who wants to become coach from the comfort of your home and obtain an accreditation as Coach Coach ACC (Associate Certified Coach).

The course has a duration of 200 hours of work and includes 9 information modules where contents related to the coaching skills and the coaching process, 12 hours of individual online follow-up and 38 hours of practical laboratories online face-to-face

The Fundares training center offers the Master in Emotional Intelligence & Identity Life Coach in the online modality, taught and accredited by FundAres-International Neuro Coaching and Business School and the UVIC-Central University of Catalonia.

This Master has a duration of 7 months or 2 years and in it each student will learn the most important theoretical-practical contents related to emotional self-awareness, communication skills, self-motivation and the development of teams of emotionally smart.

The ILC Academy offers an International Coaching Certification, which has endorsements from institutions such as the ICF and the International Association of Coaching, two of the most recognized in the world.

With this online certification, each person will become a recognized Life Coach worldwide and will obtain the tools necessary to enhance their leadership skills and all kinds of knowledge in the field of relationships interpersonal.

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