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Irish Bloody Sunday

Irish Bloody Sunday: Summary

Ireland and Northern Ireland They have always been two nations with many conflicts over the search for more rights. These tense, constant situations have caused very painful moments in the history of both regions, and one of the worst moments experienced was the Bloody Sunday or Bogside Massacre. To get to know this event and to know everything that involved it in depth, in this lesson of a Teacher we are going to offer a Irish Bloody Sunday recap.

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  1. Background to Ireland's Bloody Sunday
  2. Summary of the events of Bloody Sunday
  3. Aftermath of Ireland's Bloody Sunday

Background to Ireland's Bloody Sunday.

In the early 1970s, Northern Ireland was at a time of great tension, since the so-called Northern Irish conflict or The Troubles He was at a point of maximum stress. In this confrontation were:

  • On the one hand, the unionists, being the Protestant side that wanted to remain united to the United Kingdom
  • On the other hand,
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    republicans, Catholics who sought union with Ireland and thus the sUnited Kingdom separation, being this second side much smaller in number of followers.

In 1972 the deaths of people on both sides were more and more common, and it was common for someone fighting for one of the two to turn up dead every day. The main people responsible for the deaths were on the Republican side the IRA, a terrorist group that sought liberation and independence from all over Ireland. On the union side, British Army and Ulster Police, who had been in the Bogside area since the battle that took place in the area in 1968, were the cause of the deaths.

In the Bogside area, Catholics faced heavy reprisals for being a small group, receiving discrimination, such as in voting. At the end of 1971, moreover, the Act of Special Powers, which allows people thought to be IRA members to be detained without trial, even if there is no evidence.

In response to what they considered a betrayal by the British, the derry neighborhood closed the entrances, calling himself free derry and not letting the English in.

Irish Bloody Sunday: Summary - Background to Irish Bloody Sunday

Summary of the events of Bloody Sunday.

The Sunday January 30, 1972 One of the hardest moments in the history of Ireland and the United Kingdom took place: the so-called Bloody Sunday.

That day, the citizens of Derry started a peaceful march to protest against the discrimination suffered, although the British government told them that the march should not cross the borders of Free Derry, so that there would be no problems. The protest organizers wanted no trouble and asked the IRA not to take any action.

Although most of the demonstrators followed the itinerary, changing the route several times through the English barricades that did not allow progress towards certain areas, about fifty people decided not to follow the way. These people began throw stones at english soldiers who were on the barricades and they responded by throwing rubber balls and water to the small protesting group.

Shortly after, some paratroopers occupied a building close to the demonstration and the citizens threw stones at the military group, which responded opening fire with the group of protesters. At the same time, british military vehicles they entered to disperse the demonstrators, running over some of them.

Fourteen were the people killed at the demonstration, all of them protesters unarmed. Most of the Irish were killed by paratroop fire, but there were others run over by Irish vehicles, some others by shrapnel, and even some by balls of eraser.

Ireland's Bloody Sunday: Summary - Summary of the events of Bloody Sunday

Aftermath of Bloody Sunday in Ireland.

To end this summary of Bloody Sunday in Ireland, we must talk about the consequences that it brought, since being one of the most important events of the entire Northern Ireland conflict, it is interesting to understand the importance it had both locally and globally.

The news of the death of 14 protesters spread like wildfire and Protestants were created in much of the world as a reply. There were protests and attacks as a response in cities like Belfast, Dublin, Milan, Germany or New York. Most of the world sided with the protesters, understanding that the UK was to blame.

In the politics of the English country, the event was highly commented, with clashes between the government of the time and the deputies closest to Northern Ireland, such as the slap in the face by Bernadette Devlin against the interior minister of the time.

Many they feared that a war could happen between Ireland and the United Kingdom for what happened, although it never took place. To curb political problems it was decided that Northern Ireland would be controlled from London, suspending the region's Assembly.

An important consequence of the event was that the IRA won a lot of support, since at that time it was a very weak organization with little power, but it received many volunteers after the murder of the protesters. Thus, the IRA resurfaces, creating enormous problems due to the constant attacks.

At first, a quick investigation was carried out that relieved the British soldiers of responsibility, since it was said to have been in self-defense, although none of the demonstrators were armed and many were shot dead in the back.

In 1998 Prime Minister Tony Blair launched another investigation, in which the soldiers were blamed, and causing the British Prime Minister to apologize for Bloody Sunday.

If you want to read more articles similar to Irish Bloody Sunday: Summary, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Khan, O. (2003). Bloody Sunday. Cinemania, (89), 103-103.
  • Cruset, M. AND. (2011). The Good Friday Agreement in Northern Ireland and its reality today. Contemporary magazine, 78-93.
  • Reyes, j. d Northern Ireland conflict: In your head, there is pain, violence and peace. Different looks at experiences of conflict and peace, 126.
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