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The 110 best phrases to start over

There are times when we face situations so difficult or painful that they force us to start over; although it is a difficult thing to do, it is what really leads to success.

That is why you have to learn from mistakes, get back on your feet after having failed in previous attempts, and turn our life around, this time having learned from the mistakes we we committed In this way, these phrases to start over can inspire you to achieve it.

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110 phrases to start over in life

Remember that there is no impediment to doing something you love, whenever you want; no matter your age or the difficulties you have been through, there is always room to reorder our priorities and turn our lives around. So, to motivate you, here we will review a list of the best phrases to start over.

1. Success happens when you go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. (Winston Churchill)

If you fall, get up again, whenever necessary.

2. "Someday" is not a day of the week.

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Put a date on your projects so that success can come.

3. The first step doesn't get you where you want to go, but it gets you out of where you are. (Anonymous)

Success does not always come at the first opportunity, but it is a beginning.

4. You are never too old to set a new goal, or dream a new dream. (CS Lewis)

Age is not an impediment to starting over.

5. In order to continue I have to start all over again. (Leon Gieco)

It's always good to start over.

6. Nothing is lost if you have the courage to proclaim that everything is lost and you have to start over. (Julio Cortazar)

Don't be ashamed of your failures and mistakes, instead have the courage to start over.

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7. Nowadays not starting is much worse than being wrong. (Seth Godin)

If you make a mistake, don't give up, just keep going.

8. The key to your future is hidden in your daily life. (Pierre Bonard)

Find a time of day to nurture your future.

9. Every new beginning comes from the end of some other beginning. (Seneca)

Life is a constant beginning.

10. Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole ladder yet. (Martin Luther King)

Never lose faith.

11. We spend a lot of time making a living, but not enough time living it. (Theresa of Calcutta)

Don't waste time, enjoy every moment.

Reflections to start over

12. How little noise true miracles make! How simple are the essential events. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Starting over is always a miracle.

13. What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly. (Lao Tzu)

Change is part of nature.

14. Failure is the opportunity to start over with more intelligence. (Henry Ford)

Mistakes allow starting over to be done more intelligently.

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15. From my mother I learned that it is never too late, that you can always start over. (Facundo Cabral)

Having good habits is not a matter of age, but of disposition.

16. The beginning is the most important part of the job. (Plato)

When you start a new project, do it not with annoyance, but with love.

17. People change when they realize the potential they have to change things. (Paulo Coelho)

You can, don't be afraid of change.

18. Engrave this in your heart; Every day a new year begins in us, a new life. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Every day is a new opportunity to start.

19. Perhaps death is an obligation to start over in order to invent new dreams. (cotton white)

Death is somehow a new beginning.

20. All things are already said; but since no one listens, you always have to start over. (André Gide)

No one has the last word, so keep going.

21. Be willing to be a rookie every morning. (Meister Eckhart)

Every day is a learning, so take advantage of it.

22. Don't wait for perfect conditions to start. Getting started makes the conditions perfect in itself. (Alan Cohen)

There is no perfect time to start, so get to work.

23. Nothing is more detrimental to a new truth than an old error. (Johan Wolfgang Goethe)

Don't let your past mistakes influence your new beginnings.

24. Loving yourself is the beginning of an adventure that lasts a lifetime. (Oscar Wilde)

You have to have faith in yourself, only in this way can you achieve success.

25. Do not advance because problems push you, do it because your dreams drive you.

Let your dreams be superior to the difficulties.

26. When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the wind takes off against the wind, not with it.

If something gets difficult, fight harder.

27. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (Lao Tse)

Start small, that's the key.

28. The cave we fear to enter has the treasure we seek. (Joseph Campbell)

The best path is the one that has obstacles to overcome.

29. This starting over each day without you, this sensation of the sea that I navigate and have already lost… (Jorge Guillén)

There are times when it is difficult to start over.

30. There is no age to start being gallant or to stop being. (Lin Yütang)

From a young age you have to know that starting is for the brave.

31. The door of happiness opens inwards, you have to withdraw a little to open it: if you push it, it closes more and more.

Happiness does not lie in the outside world, but comes from within you.

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32. If you start, you have the opportunity to evolve and correct to turn your mistake into a success. If you don't start anything, you'll never get that chance. (Seth Godin)

Even if you do not achieve what you have set out to do, you can be calm with having achieved it.

33. It's never too late to become who you want to be. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Don't say you're old to start over, there's always a chance.

34. There are only two mistakes that can be made on the way to the truth: Not starting and not going to the end. (Buddha)

Never stop starting and always reach the goal.

35. Life should be a continuous education. (Gustave Flaubert)

Knowledge makes you great.

36. You have to accept the unknown, lose your fear, and the rest is simple. (John Lennon)

Face the unknown with courage, only in this way will you achieve success.

37. Everyone tries to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things. (Frank A. Clark)

Start by doing small things and then you will have the confidence to carry out big projects.

38. You don't have to be great to start, but you do have to start being great. (Joe Sabah)

Start small like the big ones.

39. In love, only the beginning is wonderful. That's why we find so much pleasure in starting over. (Prince Carlos José de Ligne)

The beginning is often easy, but along the way, things get difficult.

40. Open your eyes, look within: are you satisfied with the life you are living? (BobDylan)

It is good to do an inner introspection to know what it is that we want to have.

41. A journey is a new life, with a birth, a growth and a death, which is offered to us inside the other. Let's take advantage of it. (Paul Moran)

This life is unique, take advantage of it.

42. Not looking back is a way to start over. (sho)

Keep going and don't look back.

43. Many people believe that when they have overcome a mistake they no longer need to correct it. (Mariano José de Larra)

Mistakes are lessons.

44. It is not always necessary to change places to have a better life. Sometimes all it takes is opening your eyes. (Richelle E. Goodrich)

Changing the environment is not always the solution.

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45. If God closes the door and the window, he entertains the idea that it is time to build a brand new house. (Mandy Halle)

If an opportunity is taken away from you, look for another alternative.

46. The way to start is to stop talking and start doing it. (Walt-Disney)

Start fighting today.

47. Only if you have lost your loss, we will cut the thread to start again. (Roberto Juarez)

Regardless of the cause, start over.

48. Next year you will regret not starting today.

Tomorrow may be too late to start, so do it now.

49. Change can be scary, but do you know what's scarier? Allow fear to prevent you from growing, evolving and progressing. (Mandy Halle)

Do not give room to fear as it paralyzes and does not let you move forward.

50. The right time to start is not tomorrow or next week, but now. (Arnold Joseph Toynbee)

Today is the time to start, so do it.

51. While you blame the anchor, you dare not let go of the rope that binds you to it.

Don't let other people's opinions influence you.

52. I discovered that a new beginning is a process. A new beginning is a journey, a journey that requires a plan. (Vivian Jokotade)

Plan every step and movement you take.

53. Everything is repairable, we are still on time. Who knows if even new pleasures! (Charles Baudelaire)

Starting over can be an incredible adventure.

54. All great deeds and all great thoughts have a ridiculous beginning. (Albert Einstein)

You might think that starting over doesn't make sense, but it actually does.

55. Forgiveness says that you have another chance to start over. (Desmond Tutus)

Forgive yourself for the mistakes made and leave everything behind.

56. Life does not deserve to worry so much. (Marie Curie)

Do not live immersed in worries, that causes a lot of damage.

57. Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you will be doing the impossible. (San Francisco de Asis)

Start by doing simple things and you will see how you have the power to do anything.

58. Ultimately, the important thing is to start. No matter what, then there will be time to think about the details. (Alaine)

Don't think about it too much, just start.

59. Let's forget the baggage of the past and make a new beginning. (Shahbaz Sharif)

Leave the past in its place, it has no place in your present.

60. Whatever your plans, the success of your day starts now. Take a deep breath and start with enthusiasm.

Put enthusiasm every day in what you do.

61. Reaching the end does not mean ending. Many times I wonder if finishing something is just the beginning of a new path. And that doubt is what pushes me to try to start over. (Pablo Alboran)

Finishing something is not the end, it's just the push to start a new project again.

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62. All works of art must begin... By the end. (Edgar Allan Poe)

Sometimes endings turn out to be impulses for new beginnings.

63. Sometimes life requires more from you than you have to give, and demands that you reinvent yourself if you really want to live. (CurtisTyrone Jones)

Life requires reinventing yourself to move forward.

64. Recreate your life always, always. Remove stones, plant rose bushes and make candy. Start again. (Coral Coral)

Either way, start over, don't stay on the floor.

65. Nothing is lost if you have the courage to proclaim that everything is lost and you have to start over. (Julio Cortazar)

If you have a loss say it clearly, but start again.

66. History is a relentless start again. (Thucydides)

There are many people who have started again, follow the examples of him.

67. Life has been given to us, but it has not been given to us ready-made. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

Your life is only your responsibility.

68. In order to continue I have to start all over again. (Leon Gieco)

To move forward you have to go back and follow another path.

69. The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings. (David Weinbach)

Try to have more beginnings than endings.

70. New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. (Lao Tse)

A defeat is painful, but it also represents a new beginning.

71. What would life be like if we didn't have the courage to try something new? (Vincent van Gogh)

Life wouldn't be magical if we didn't fill it with new things.

72. What appears to be the end is often actually a new beginning. (Unknown author)

A failure is just the beginning of a new opportunity.

73. The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings. (David Weinbach)

You want a happy life, never stop starting.

74. I don't worry too much if I win or they beat me. I am more interested in seeing whether or not I am capable of exceeding the parameters that I take for good. (Haruki Murakami)

Your goal should be to improve yourself more every day.

75. Life is something so serious that you have to take it as a joke. (Ernesto de la Pena)

Life must be lived in such a way that everything is a party.

76. No river can return to its source; however, all rivers must have a beginning. (Proverb)

Even if a new beginning is not what you were used to, don't let anything stop you.

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77. I hope you live a life you're proud of and if you find you don't, I hope you have the strength to start over. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

If you don't like something in your life, then work to change it.

78. Courage is… getting up every morning to make today better than yesterday.

Try to make every day better.

79. Disappointment is a hammer that hits you; if you are made of glass it will break you, but if you are made of iron, it will forge you.

If something disappoints you along the way, fill yourself with courage if you keep going.

80. It is not always necessary to start with the first notion of the things that are studied, but with what can facilitate learning. (Aristotle)

Learning new things helps to achieve success.

81. Some people need to stay on top. They are afraid to start over from scratch because they fear criticism. (Eric Cantone)

Do not be one of those people who gives more importance to what they will say.

82. There will come a time when you think it's all over. That will be the beginning. (Epicurus)

If you think there is no solution, start over.

83. The beginning is half of everything. (Pythagoras of Samos)

Get started, the rest will be easy.

84. I appreciate all the people who told me no. It is for them that I do things for myself.

Do not listen to the comments of others.

85. We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore excellence is not an act but a habit. (Will Durant)

Include habits in your life.

86. Every beginning has its magic. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Beginnings are often fun, keep the same attitude along the way.

87. Nothing is predestined, obstacles from the past can become gateways that lead to new beginnings. (Unknown author)

Turn mistakes into a springboard to reach the goal.

88. You can leave bad habits behind by starting with a thought that says, 'I am leaving behind the need for these things in my life. (Wayne Dyer)

Having positive thoughts drives you to go far.

89. Starting from scratch is not a disgrace. It's usually an opportunity. (George Matthews Adams)

Don't look at new beginnings as a setback, because they are not.

90. It is worth living with intensity, and you can fall down once, twice, three, twenty times, but remember that you can get up and start over. (Jose Mujica)

No matter how many times you fall, get up and keep going.

91. If it comes out, it comes out. If it does not come out, we have to do it again. Everything else is fantasy. (Edward Manet)

Every day there are opportunities, even if they are minimal to start over.

92. There is always tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity to do things right. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

When you open your eyes every morning, life gives you another chance, take advantage of it.

93. Life is new every day. (Gregory Maranon)

Every sunrise is a new beginning.

94. Twenty years from now you will regret the things you didn't do, so drop the moorings and sail out of your comfort zone, find the wind in your sails. Explore. It sounds. Discover. (Mark Twain)

Get out of your comfort zone, otherwise you will not advance.

95. What never begins, never ends. (Patrick Osorio)

How do you plan to finish, if you haven't even started.

96. The beginning is the beginning of the end.

The only way to finish something is to start doing it.

97. As long as you have the courage and a sense of humor, it's never too late to start a new life. (Barbara DeAngelis)

Always be willing to start over.

98. All glory comes from daring to begin. ( EugeneF. Ware)

Success belongs to those who dare to start.

99. Unable to fight so much past, he opened his eyes and straightened up. (Julio Cortazar)

Dragging the past only leaves us stuck.

100. Life is Beautiful. May future generations free it from all evil, oppression and violence and enjoy it fully. (Leon Trotsky)

Teach your children that starting over is not a matter of failure.

101. Although no one can go back and make a new beginning, anyone can start now and make a new ending. (Carl Bard)

What prevents you from doing something now that you wanted to do before and couldn't?

102. Nobody can take away your memories - every day is a new beginning, create good memories every day. (Catherine Pulsifer)

Live each day as it is a new opportunity that life offers you.

103. Trust in time, which usually gives sweet solutions to many bitter difficulties. (Miguel de Cervantes)

Time has the ability to put things in their place.

104. You will realize that what seems like a sacrifice today, tomorrow will end up being the greatest achievement of your life.

Sacrifice today, tomorrow enjoy the achievements.

105. One must finish before having said everything. Some have said it all before starting. (Elias Canetti)

Do not proclaim your plans, they may not come true.

106. I soon learned that when you emigrate you lose the crutches that have served as your support until then, you have to start from scratch, because the past is erased with a stroke of the pen and nobody cares where you come from or what you have done before. (Isabel Allende)

There are times when starting over is the only option.

107. Every moment is a new beginning. (T.S. Eliot)

Today is a good day to start.

108. Every moment the counter is reset to zero and the human being has a wonderful gift: the opportunity to start, and try again. (Arturo Perez Reverte)

Don't be afraid, start over.

109. If you can dream it you can do it. (Walt-Disney)

Believe in your dreams, when you least expect it they become reality.

110. I don't regret the things I did, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance.

Repentance is often late.

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