How to make a SUMMARY of a job: step by step

There are times when you will be asked to make the first page of your work a summary in which you are able to synthesize all the content that you will develop later. This summary helps readers to know what your work will be about and teachers to identify if you have understood the topic well on which you have worked.
This task can be more difficult than it seems, that's why in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to explain to you how to write a resume for a job Step by Step.
A summary consists of a synthesis of the main concepts of a text, so that only the main ideas are understood, to later develop them, if the reader is interested. In case you have to study a job, a summary will be very useful to be able to better understand what the essential ideas and remember them more easily.
Thanks to a summary we will be able to identify which are the main ideas that form the structure of our work and which ones are complementary and serve us simply to expand information. In turn, a summary must be well linked in itself and cannot talk about unconnected topics without a common thread.
Generally, it is estimated that an abstract should have a 25% maximum extension of work, although many times it can even be less.

Image: Lifeder
When you find yourself in front of a blank page and you have so much information in your mind, it's hard to know where to start, so we're going to give you a step by step guide so that you can follow it when making your summary. Remember that a summary should be as efficient as possible, so you should only talk about the basic topics and not go into the details.
1. understand the work
To be able to make a summary of a work it is essential that understand each topic addressed in depth. If the work is yours, you won't have much of a problem, but if it belongs to someone else, you should try to read carefully and understand everything the author wanted to explain.
2. choose the ideas
Once you have finished your detailed reading, we recommend that you do a table with 3 lists different. In the first you must write all the ideas that you think are main, in the second the ideas high schools and in the third the ideas complementary.
In case the work is very extensive, you can do this exercise at finish each chapter or topics covered.
3. Develop the main ideas
Once you have separated the ideas by importance, you should keep only those of the first column, those that are essential to understand the work. With each of these ideas, you can develop a small paragraph explaining the concept and why it is important to the work itself.
You should not seek that the paragraphs are consistent with each other, but that the concept you want to address is well explained and be easily understood.
4. write the first draft
The time has come to put write the summary, but this time you will no longer be afraid of the blank page, because you will have already done all the previous work. Arrange the above ideas in the order you think will be easiest to understand and modify each of the paragraphs so that now acquire coherence each other.
It is crucial that you do this summary with your own words and not by copying paragraphs from the text, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to paste everything correctly.
Don't be afraid if some of the paragraphs don't quite fit together correctly, as in the next step you will finish perfecting the structure. Now it's time to let rest summary until tomorrow.
5. Check the summary
leave one restful night since you write the first draft of the summary, until you correct it, since during the night the ideas settle in your mind and the next day you will be able to see things much more clearly and having taken some distance.
Start reading the summary and make sure that all the ideas are well spun, that the topics that appear are essential and that there are no writing, grammar or spelling errors. It is recommended that you repeat this process, at least three times, to ensure that the result has been as polished as possible.
6. Choose the title
Title of any text must be chosen at the end, when all the cards are already on the table. If you don't have a title for your job yet, now is a good time to look it up; but if your job already has a name, you can try searching for a title for your abstract Make it eye-catching and make the reader want to discover what lies beyond those words.
It is also important that you know how to make a introduction to a job and the conclusions of a job, since it is an essential section and highly valued by teachers.
We hope that this article has been of help to you and that now you know how to write a resume for a job Step by Step. If you are interested in continuing to delve into this topic or a similar one, do not hesitate to consult our writing section.