Education, study and knowledge

Adaptations of organisms to the environment 1

Welcome to UnProfesor, in today's video we are going to continue with the ecology block, and we are going to discover some of the adaptations of organisms to the environment.

We will find adaptations of temperature, humidity, salinity ...

Adaptations of organisms to temperature:

- Homeoteros: capable of regulate your temperature bodily, as is the case with human beings. Some adaptations are the fact of having hair, feathers, fat coat ...

Also migrate to warm areas when it is very cold. Or if, on the contrary, it is very hot, they lead a twilight life or a night life.

- Poikilotherms: those iunable to regulate it, and that in fact all they do is reflect the temperature of the medium, with which, if the medium lowers the temperature, your body temperature cools. And if it goes up, it goes up too.

They hide under the ground, they can lead a twilight or night life, they can have very long legs that allow them to move away from the ground... And otherwise, if it is in very cold environments, they can reduce your metabolism and get to hibernate.

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If you have any questions or comments about the adaptations of organisms tohalf, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video, some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.



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