How to overcome sexual trauma: types, symptoms and treatment
Sexual traumas, understood as very bad experiences or traumatic experiences in the sexual sphere, They frequently lead to physical and, above all, mental disorders.through post-traumatic stress disorder.
In cases like this, a wide variety of psychological symptoms are observed, both behavioral, emotional and cognitive, and that is why it is important to seek professional help.
Apart from the therapeutic intervention, the person you can apply to your life a series of strategies to overcome sexual trauma and achieve early improvement in mental health. Next we will talk about sexual trauma, what are the main symptoms that are linked to this affectation and how we can face and treat it.
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What are sexual traumas?
We understand sexual trauma traumatic experiences related to sex, such as sexual abuse or rape (in the latter case the action is carried out both violently and with intimidation). These experiences leave a mark on the subject who suffers them, not only on a physical level but also on a psychological level. psychological, being these mental and behavioral alterations the affectation that lasts the longest and is more hard to heal
We must bear in mind that any act that is carried out without explicit consent, either because the subject is not in a position to express his consent or because he does not want the sexual relationship to take place, it will be considered abuse or rape according to the characteristics of the act.
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Symptoms of sexual trauma
Given the seriousness of the experience, we will observe affectations in all or almost all areas of the subject, altering their life at a behavioral, cognitive and emotional level. Despite the fact that time has elapsed since the abuse or rape, the individual may continue to be affected and even more so if they have not received treatment for it.
It is also common that, although we observe an improvement in symptoms, in situations related to sex, moments of intimacy, increase discomfort and make it difficult for you to cope, despite being well with your partner.
There is a long list of symptoms, which can vary in intensity or characteristics depending on the subject. Let us remember that each person is different and that not all will show the same pattern of affectation, for this reason an individualized evaluation and assessment must be carried out.

Some of the most common symptoms They are: increased mistrust (not only towards others, but also towards oneself), emotional lability, affectations of relationships social, decreased performance, increased shyness, social isolation, low self-esteem, guilt about what happened, deterioration in cognitive abilities such as memory or concentration, insomnia, sphincter control problems (especially in boys and girls) or substance abuse substances.
The symptoms that generate the greatest discomfort are linked to the causes already mentioned, that is, to traumatic situations, but we can also show affectations or difficulties during sexual intercourse if we have had an experience that has affected us without necessarily being a violation or abuse. In the same way, whenever it affects us, we must face it and go to therapy if necessary.
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Types of sexual trauma
There are two main types of sexual trauma, with their own characteristics and psychological sequelae. They are the following.
1. Sexual trauma caused by abuse
The consequences of this type of sexual trauma tend to have more to do with the general behavior of the person before others: there is a predisposition to mistrust and self-blame in the face of what happened and, in extreme cases, to antisocial behavior. In the event that the trauma arose in childhood or adolescence, the chances of experiencing school failure and difficulties with studies increase.
2. Trauma caused by rape
In the face of this type of sexual trauma, all the sequelae of the previous variant are usually given, and In addition, sexual blockages and fear of sex tend to arise. because of the "flashbacks" that the victim suffers when trying to maintain intimate relationships (yes, in some cases it also occurs in the type linked to abuse).
How to overcome sexual trauma
Now that we know the different symptoms and the seriousness that this affectation implies, affecting the functionality of the subject, it will be important to identify the symptoms and treat them in a personalized way according to their main disturbance.
Receiving professional help will be essential to be able to face and overcome discomfort. Thus, psychological therapy can help treat the different symptoms by applying techniques aimed at the behavioral, emotional and cognitive improvement of the patient. Apart from facing and being able to process the traumatic situation in an adequate way, this kind of psychological interventions They will provide strategies to deal with the different situations where symptoms and pain may increase or reappear. general discomfort.
In cases in which the symptoms are intense and it is necessary to reduce their intensity quickly, psychoactive drugs can be prescribed (under medical control) as a complement to psychological therapy; that is, this resource from psychiatry is not a substitute for the intervention of the psychologist. Drugs can be useful to reduce the initial discomfort, but later we must withdraw them progressively, since it cannot be a chronic treatment.
The intervention of mental health professionals can also be complemented with routines and habits that you can do yourself in your day to day. In this sense, it is very important that the patient collaborates, that he is motivated to favor the progress of the treatment, and that he do some personal emotional management work on your own, otherwise recovery will be more difficult more slow.
So back to the question of how to overcome sexual trauma through actions performed by oneself. Below we will mention some strategies that may be useful to improve the patient's condition and help to improve quickly.
1. forgive yourself
As we have already seen, a typical symptom of sexual trauma is self-blame; blame themselves for having been victims of abuse or rape. Although it may seem contradictory, since it is clear that at no time will the victim be guilty of the facts, the idea often arises in her of what would have happened if she had acted differently or if she could have avoided it.
But all these assumptions are projected on facts that we cannot change, and in no case does the victim's actions justify the action that the aggressor performed.
In order to overcome the event and be able to improve our state, it is necessary that we allow ourselves to do so. That is, if we feel guilty it will be very difficult for therapy or treatment to help us, since our own thinking will not allow us to turn the page and heal ourselves.
2. Don't be in a hurry
Any process of improvement, of change towards emotional well-being, needs time. Do not get overwhelmed if you see that, despite receiving treatment, you continue to show symptoms, the important thing is that you see that you are progressing. As with any affectation, there may be relapses or situations that reactivate some symptom, but These should be a signal to remain vigilant and continue working so as not to return to the situation initial.
3. allow yourself time
It is good to have time to dedicate ourselves, to relax, do what we like and be able to reflect and know how we arewhat is our state In this way, if we spend time, it will be easier to identify the different situations and why it happens to us everything, and to be able to act preventively if we detect any symptoms or sensations that are different from the usual.
With this advice we do not mean that you are constantly aware of what you think or what worries you, just spending a little while a day is enough to know our status and act if it were necessary.
4. identify your emotions
Although we know the different emotions, sometimes we find it difficult to identify how we feel, what emotion the situation generates in us. We must bear in mind that a mix of complex emotions and feelings may occur, that is, we can feel more than one emotional experience, and may even show apparently opposite and incompatible emotions, both positive and negative, in the same situation.
For example, we may want to be more intimate with our partner, but because of the traumatic experience we had, we are afraid to face the situation.
For this reason, it can be useful to try to identify and distinguish different emotions. By implementing a emotions diary, this recognition process will become easier for you.
Try to exercise emotional identification in your day to day, with the different emotions that arise. In this way, when you see some of the negative emotions increase or that cause you discomfort, you can act preventively, relaxing, breathing or acting so that it decreases.
5. stay active
Staying active doing activities that you like, that help us to be better, is also favorable for the recovery process. Playing sports or physical exercise benefits both your internal and external state, that is, it benefits your physical health, keeping you fit and your mental health, helping to clear your mind. In the same way, it facilitates the production of a type of neurotransmitters, endorphins, which reduce the sensation of pain, discomfort and promotes feeling good.
Other activities that may help you include: perform relaxation exercises, meditation or yoga. They are practices that will help reduce your state of stress, your tension, at the same time that they will help you connect with yourself, to be more aware of yourself and your present.
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6. express how you feel
Externalize how we feel, our fears and worries, frees us and helps us to be stronger, to be able to face and overcome all these worries and fears associated with sexual trauma.
Few things solve themselves, especially when we refer to events as delicate as the reaction to a traumatic experience. For this reason, it will be essential that you face your state, and a first step that can be useful to really know how you feel and what you felt, is by externalizing your mental states through of the emotional labeling.
You can do this act of expressing yourself with acquaintances, family or friends, who can be supportive, feeling that you are not alone and that you have people who understand you and are willing to help you and/or with a professional who, in the same way, will serve as support and through their knowledge and experience will be able to help you work and train techniques and strategies that can be useful to improve your condition and face the different risk situations that may arise in the future.