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80 phrases of self-love to be inspired

Feeling good about yourself influences the way we relate to others and our own self-esteem. This simple idea has been expressed many times throughout history, as can be seen by reviewing several of the most inspiring self-love phrases pronounced or written by influential thinkers and that have survived to this day.

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A selection phrases of self-love

Next we will see several phrases of self-love very useful for become aware of the importance of self-esteem.

1. You are always with yourself, so you better enjoy the company (Diane Von Furstenberg)

Very few people seek these moments, most fear them.

2. Self love has very little to do with how you feel about your appearance. It's about accepting all of yourself (Tyra Banks)

A phrase of self-esteem that helps to value the acceptance of bodily perception and not the demands of others.

3. The worst loneliness is not being comfortable with yourself (Mark Twain)

About the unease of knowing that you can't even cope with yourself.

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4. Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance (Oscar Wilde)

A relationship that will improve your quality of life.

5. Love is a miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives (Louise L. There is)

An experience that it gives us back our appreciation for ourselves.

reflections of self love

6. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

The important thing is our perspective of the experience.

7. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval (Mark Twain)

It is the most important of all.

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8. The person who does not value himself cannot value anything or anyone (Ayn Rand)

Everything starts with oneself.

9. Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are (Malcolm S. Forbes)

This reflection can help us to review our priorities linked to personal development.

10. Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are (Marilyn Monroe)

It is not appreciating what you already have, despising yourself.

11. The best thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself (Michel de Montaigne)

We must not let ourselves be conquered by the demands of the environment in which we live.

12. I prefer to be true to myself, even at the risk of making a fool of myself in front of others, instead of being false, and incurring my own loathing (Frederick Douglass)

This phrase of self-love brings us closer to practicing spontaneity.

13. Be true to what exists within you (André Gide)

Respond to your wishes and needs.

14. It is never too late to be what you could have been (George Eliot)

You can always start over

15. You yourself, as much as any other being in the entire universe, deserve your own love and affection (Buddha)

We can all reach that state.

16. The scariest thing is to accept yourself, completely (C. g. Jung)

know each other deeply It carries the risk of encountering something unpleasant, but it is worth it.

17. Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it (M. Scott Peck)

About the value and esteem we give ourselves.

18. Self love is the source of all loves (Pierre Corneille)

If we learn to love ourselves, we will know how to love others.

19. If we didn't love ourselves at all, we could never love anything. Self love is the basis of all love (Thomas Traherne)

It is the first thing we must cultivate.

20. If you have the capacity to love, love yourself first (Charles Bukowski)

Another tip that encourages us to appreciate each other.

21. Owning our stories and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we will ever do (Brené Brown)

This phrase of self-love rescues value as a quality of a person who is esteemed.

22. Love should not be considered blind, but self-love (Voltaire)

A real and conscious friend.

23. Freeing yourself from your own self-criticism is also freeing others from it. Loving yourself is an act of love towards the world (Vironika Tugaleva)

...always with the aim of transcending.

24. Celebrate who you are deep in your heart. Love yourself and the world will love you (Amy Leigh Mercree)

Enjoy the experience of loving yourself.

25. We cannot be so desperate for love that we forget where we always find it; inside (Alexandra Elle)

It all depends on your own attitudes and decisions.

26. Go to your thing and don't worry if others like it (Tina Fey)

On originality and individuality.

27. As I began to love myself, I stopped longing for a different life, and I could see that everything around me was inviting me to grow. Nowadays I call it “maturity” (Charlie Chaplin)

Always look for a personal improvement.

28. If you are not happy with your appearance, you have to ask yourself how much self-esteem you have (Tyrese Gibson)

And that may be the end of your anguish.

29. Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends (Aberjhani)

The best thing is to deliver the best of our efforts.

30. I'm in love with the art of knowing myself (Minaa B)

Loving yourself is a pleasant experience.

31. The only person who can get me down is myself, and I'm not going to let him get me down anymore (C. Joy Bell C)

A promise for the benefit of our well-being.

32. All love begins with inner love (Vironika Tugaleva)

About how we learn to love.

33. You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try to accept yourself and see what happens (Louise L. There is)

Analyzing the events that happen is essential to get to know each other well.

34. Make a promise to yourself right now: declare that you are worthy of your time and energy (Deborah Day)

Create situations that favor your personal development.

35. I think the prize of conformity is that everyone loves you, except yourself (Mae Brown)

An ingenious phrase of self-love that draws attention to the paradoxical nature of the human mind.

36. Take care of yourself the same way you take care of your flowers. Be kind, careful, stay vibrant and bloom without shame (Minaa B)

Offer your best qualities.

37. Jealousy has more of self-love than of love (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

About jealousy and what it entails.

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38. Love yourself and be satisfied with the incredible life you are creating (Amy Leigh Mercree)

Be satisfied with your fruits.

39. When a woman becomes her best friend, life is easier (Diane Von Furstenberg)

This solves many needs.

40. There is no limit or barrier in the heart of a person who loves himself and others (Shannon L. alder)

...because he manages to put himself in the other's place easily.

41. Our first and last love is self-love (Christian Nestell)

For Nestell, respect oneself it is essential to experience an adequate affective life.

42. We often assume that we suffer from ingratitude, while in reality we suffer from self-love (Walter Savage Landor)

Sometimes we can get confused when we lack something.

43. The most important relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself (Steve Maraboli)

She will bring you closer to your happiness.

44. Your healthy self-esteem is sexy (Amy Leigh Mercree)

This will generate situations in which you will take more care of yourself.

45. A person learns to love himself through the simple acts of loving and being loved by another person (Haruki Murakami) when you learn something by constant practice.

46. In your life it is important that you know how spectacular you are (Steve Maraboli)

So that nothing distracts you and makes you feel vulnerable, it is important that you respect yourself.

47. A well-ordered self-love is just and natural (Thomas Aquinas)

This phrase of self-esteem of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the qualities of a good self-esteem are highlighted.

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48. Self love is the elixir of an immortal heart (Amy Leigh Mercree)

From a strong heart that has much to give.

49. Not only do love of self and love of others go hand in hand, they are ultimately indistinguishable (M. Scott Peck)

They become the same person.

50. Loving yourself is the most primal of all survival mechanisms (Karen Hackel)

What will save us in times of anguish.

51. Do not sacrifice too much, because if you sacrifice too much there is nothing more you can give and nobody will care about you (Karl Lagerfeld)

We must take care of our resources, not exhaust them in the first outburst.

52. If you don't love yourself, you won't be happy with yourself. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else (Kemi Sogunle)

It is the main basis for giving or receiving affection.

53. True love begins when you accept yourself in your totality. Then and only then can you fully love another person (Amy Leigh Mercree)

When you know what you can really offer, everything goes better.

54. He loves your neighbor, yes. But love yourself first (Solange Nicole)

No one knows your needs as well as you do.

55. Accept your weirdness. Some will love you. Others won't. But who cares? Worry about loving yourself, not loving the idea of ​​other people loving you (Karen Salmansohn)

It is very difficult for everyone else to love us, it is more difficult and sadder to fail in that wait.

56. When you love yourself, you make better decisions (Minaa B)

The best decisions occur with your own basic needs in mind.

57. You will never know who you are unless you get rid of who you pretend to be (Vironika Tugaleva)

Destroying mirages.

58. I am more than my scars (Andrew Davidson)

You are more than any adverse situation.

59. Your task is not to search for love, but to search and find all the barriers within you that you have built against it (Rumi)

...which does not allow you to be happy.

60. When you stop living your life based on what others think of you, real life begins (Shannon L. alder)

A full life with many things to learn is based on self-esteem.

61. One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would like you to be, instead of being yourself (Shannon L. alder)

Not having fought for your goals has a price.

62. Your time is too valuable to waste it on people who can't accept who you are (Turcois Ominek)

People who accept you as you are bring valuable moments to your life.

63. Today, I love myself enough to not only make a promise to myself, but I love myself enough to keep that promise (Steve Maraboli)

To make things come true.

64. How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you (Rupi Kaur)

Because only you can teach others how to do it.

65. Don't doubt yourself, that's what the haters are for (Turcois Ominek)

Don't become your own enemy.

66. We are at our most powerful moment at the moment when we no longer need to be powerful (Eric Micha'el Leventhal)

At that moment when we already feel the need to prove anything to others.

67. Allow yourself to enjoy every happy moment in your life (Steve Maraboli)

Don't hide behind childish excuses.

68. Trust yourself, you know more than you think you know (Benjamin Spock)

This phrase speaks to us of the power of the will and of fleeing from a constant undervaluation of our abilities.

69. I am my best company

This well-known proverb tells us about the importance of enjoying our own company in life.

70. You are the only person who thinks in your mind. You are the power and authority in your world (Louise Hay)

Self-help book writer Louise Hay gave us this beautiful phrase that talks about the importance of believing in oneself.

71. Loneliness is admired and desired when it is not suffered, but the human need to share things is evident (Carmen Martín Gaite)

This phrase by Carmen Martín Gaite is a hymn to life in society and the importance of sharing with those around us.

72. I only go out to renew the need to be alone (Lord Byron)

This blunt phrase speaks of those people who like to be with themselves.

73. Why, in general, is loneliness avoided? Because there are very few who find company with themselves (Carlo Dossi)

The writer Carlo Dossi emphasizes the importance of feeling accompanied with oneself throughout life.

74. A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval (Mark Twain)

The Mark Twain literary genre highlights the importance of having self-approval throughout our lives.

75. We live as we dream, alone (Joseph Conrad)

The famous Polish writer talks about the intrinsic loneliness in human beings and how this is a common pattern in our existence.

76. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent (Eleanor Roosevelt)

The American writer and politician Eleanor Roosevelt was very loved in her country and she left us important phrases about her self-esteem and self-love, like this one.

77. Others only love and respect those who love themselves (Paulo Coelho)

The famous writer Paulo Coelho tells us about the importance of loving ourselves to be desired by others.

78. He who has faith in himself does not need others to believe in him (Miguel de Unamuno)

The genius of Spanish letters Miguel de Unamuno speaks in this sentence of the importance of believing in oneself to be happy.

79. If you are yourself and express it; people will admire you for that (Demi Lovato)

Actress and singer Demi Lovato has struggled her entire life to have great self-esteem and this is her most effective advice to achieve it.

80. Solitude is the lot of all excellent spirits (Arthur Schopenhauer)

This famous German philosopher tells us about how solitude can be a real blessing for the best minds.

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