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The 4 differences between loyalty and fidelity

The words loyalty and fidelity are quite often confused, so that in those cases they are used interchangeably as if they were synonyms; however, the truth is that these words do not mean the same thing, despite having certain similarities.

Among the differences between loyalty and fidelity, it should be noted that both differ in terms of what it implies each of these concepts for people, their bases and foundations, or their ends, among others differences.

In this article we will see what are the main differences between loyalty and fidelity; although first we should briefly see what both concepts mean.

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What are loyalty and fidelity?

The word "loyalty", coming from the Latin word 'legalitas', being in this case a component of the character and a moral quality of the human being, for which a person may choose to behave in accordance with corrective and supportive values, complying with a series of rules, even in the most complicated moments; in such a way that it would maintain possible previous promises and act in accordance with a pre-established code, whether explicit or simply tacit.

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In that sense, when we talk about loyalty we refer mainly to the fact that there must be a certain degree of coherence between the ways of behaving of a person and their ideals; being in this way a moral quality, so loyalty will inspire that person to choose to obey those values ​​that it considers “correct”, even in difficult situations, thus keeping its commitments previously established.

On the other hand, the word "fidelity", which comes from the Latin word 'fidelitas', which refers to a moral commitment, being a virtue, where the coherence at the moral level of a person, or even of a group of people who are linked to each other, also comes into play. yes, in order that an obligation and/or link to another person or group of persons be mutual or reciprocal and, therefore, valid and authentic.

On the other hand, fidelity is also considered as an ethical dimension that is closely related to loyalty, being linked to the concept of trust, which in social psychology and sociology refers to the belief on the part of a person or group of people that another person or group will have the capacity and the desire or intention to behave appropriately in a specific situation, normally being reinforced based on the actions throughout the weather.

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Differences between loyalty and fidelity

As we had already mentioned before, there are several differences between loyalty and fidelity, despite that many times they are used as synonyms when they have a certain relationship, which can generate a lot of confusion.

That is why it is convenient that we see what the main differences between loyalty and fidelity are, so that we are going to explain them briefly below.

1. The degree of emotional involvement

The first of the differences between loyalty and fidelity that should be highlighted is the character of each one, and that is that loyalty is behind a moral character, while in fidelity there are usually fewer moral implications. Besides, in loyalty there is no prior calculation, while in deferred loyalty there is sometimes convenience and also calculation.

On the other hand, fidelity has a lower degree of moral implication than loyalty, so for loyalty to occur between two members they should share emotionally a series of principles that lead them to remain loyal to each other in any type of circumstance, in the good times and also in the bad ones. bad.

Distinguish between loyalty and fidelity
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2. What each one is based on

The second of the differences between loyalty and fidelity that we are going to explain is that fidelity is usually based on a series of promises and/or commitments that may or may not be fulfilled, since people could change their way of seeing life over time; while loyalty is something that is based on agreements, with oneself and with other people.

In addition, loyalty is usually a decision based on a person's reason, being a choice made with a cool head, having previously reflected long enough. On the other hand, fidelity does not always imply reason, since in this case the person may not have previously reflected on it when deciding to be faithful.

On the other hand, fidelity implies trust in another person, while loyalty implies communication, respect and support. Therefore, for a relationship to be healthy, each of its members should be loyal to the other, since with the Loyalty by itself members is not always enough, it should be noted that fidelity is usually directed towards some duties and votes; instead, loyalty is usually directed towards another person.

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3. Loyalty in a couple vs. fidelity in a couple

Another of the differences between loyalty and fidelity is the meaning that each of these concepts has within a relationship. In this context, loyalty refers to the love that exists between both members., to a series of points in common by both regarding their relationship, to the ability to respect and understand each other. There may also be a freedom to renew that pact of loyalty and love that unites them, as long as it is done in a consensual way between both members, since otherwise we would not be talking about a loyalty in the partner.

On the other hand, fidelity in the couple refers to something different, since this concept would imply that there is a mutual relationship of power over the other member, since in this context it means that each of the members is imposing on the other that they cannot desire anyone else. Seen this way, both members of the couple will not renew any deal because they had decided that way from the beginning of their relationship.

Now that we have briefly explained some differences between loyalty and fidelity in the couple, it is convenient that we see a series of characteristics of both concepts.

Between the characteristics of loyalty we can highlight the following:

  • Loyalty can be expressed in different ways: companionship, gratitude and/or mutual support.
  • Loyal people tend to be more sincere and honest with themselves and also with others.
  • Both members feel the moral obligation to fulfill the pact previously made with their partner.
  • Both members have fluid communication, allowing themselves to explain what they think and feel to the other.

On the other hand, among the characteristics of fidelity we can see the ones that we are going to list below:

  • Compliance of a person with the previous promises of it.
  • Commitment of both members of a person to be monogamous.
  • They tend to prioritize family stability and unity between the members of the couple and also the family nucleus.
  • Maintenance of fidelity despite the circumstances and also the passage of time.

4. assent vs. submission

Among the differences between loyalty and fidelity we can also find the fact that loyalty is more related to the concept of assent, since no one forces another person to be loyal. Moreover, a person can be loyal simply and simply to his own principles, those that lead him to act in a certain way in complex situations.

On the other hand, fidelity means submission to a certain promise, so in this type of case the person, before agreeing to fulfill that fidelity, should be clear that he does it because he really feels it, according to his principles or, on the contrary, he does it to please another person, which could cause him internal conflicts in a future.

Despite the differences between loyalty and fidelity, as we have been able to verify, there are certain similarities, for which they could be considered "partial synonyms"; although it is convenient to know how to use them correctly in each of the contexts, not being two concepts incompatible, since it is possible to be faithful and loyal at the same time, being able to be jointly two members of a partner; although normally one of the two concepts tends to have more weight than the other, it is worth reflecting on whether oneself is rather loyal or, on the contrary, has greater weight in their relationships fidelity.

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