The 10 benefits and dangers of social networks in adolescents
Social networks have completely changed our lives and the way we relate to our environment. At present, more and more children are being incorporated at younger ages into the use of this type of tools, a phenomenon that results in some benefits and also some risks that should not be passed for high.
In today's article we will briefly present the main advantages and disadvantages of the use of social networks in adolescents, a series of general phenomena that may or may not occur in certain cases, since each person experiences the use of social networks in a different way.
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What are the main benefits of social networks in young people?
Not everything is cause for concern; There are several benefits that the use of social networks in adolescents can have, below we highlight some of the most important that contribute to their correct development.
1. socialization tool
Social networks currently function as a powerful socialization tool, especially for younger people, as long as they are not minors who have not yet reached puberty.
By using them, the child obtains very important social support from the peer group, whether they are friends, who provide recognition and reinforcement that undoubtedly contributes to positively shaping their future personality as an adult. There are many cases of misunderstood adolescents at home or at school who, thanks to the Internet, manage to connect with people with their interests and concerns. Of course, in these cases it is important that these relationships can be translated into friendships in real life.
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2. New friendships
Similarly, the use of social networks at an early age can also serve to make new friends and meet other people your age outside of your usual circle of neighbors or classmates.
This access to new circles of friends also allows you to filter your new friendships in a more sophisticated way and find people who best match your personal interests or hobbies, without experiencing strong geographical limitations.
3. They are a learning tool
Provided that certain filters are used and that as fathers and mothers we accompany them in the process, social networks also offer a huge amount of very interesting resources that can be used by the child to learn content on their own, from educational videos or forums on a specific topic, to profiles of promoters.
This self-taught training is also very useful for many children and helps, again, to give their personality through various interests, hobbies or aspirations that they may have.

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What are the most prominent risks of the use of social networks in children?
These are some of the precautions to keep in mind.
1. Possibility of cyberbullying
The cyberbullying is currently one of the main dangers to which children and adolescents are exposed. young people who make regular use of social networks, and constitutes a real social problem in our country.
Unlike classic bullying or bullying, cyberbullying can be more subtle and difficult to detect due to the anonymity that the Internet often offers, but the psychological damage to the victim is equal to or greater.
2. Exposure to pederasty
Exposure to grooming by pedophiles is another of the most important social problems associated with the use of social networks by children or adolescents.
grooming it is a practice according to which the offender gains the trust of the victim to later ask for photographs or videos of sexual content, as well as blackmailing and even involving her in sexual activities in the most serious.
To avoid this type of situation, it is important to educate children from an early age so that they do not agree to enter into this type of dynamic of harassment or dealing with people who are not able to properly identify themselves and are aware of this type of danger when they are in Internet.
3. Unrecommended content
Although some content may be good for many children, in social networks they are also exposed to images or videos that can significantly upset, traumatize, or impact a young child or adolescent.
Some of this content may be, in addition to pornography, videos of explicit violence, accidents, etc.
4. pathological gambling
The pathological gambling It constitutes another of the most common mental health problems associated with the use of social networks and its appearance is increasingly occurring in young children and adolescents.
Besides that, online casino ads are exposed on many social networks, as well as other games based on chance, a problem that is poorly regulated on the Internet and that affects the lives of thousands of people in our country on a daily basis.
5. dangerous challenges
In recent years, a series of viral challenges that consist of carrying out activities that are often dangerous or that may endanger the life of the person performing them.
Since many children are not yet psychologically mature enough to see the danger of these internet challenges they can end up putting them into practice to win the approval of their peers or as a method of distraction or amusement.
6. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)
Fear of Missing Out refers to the perception that many children have of being missing out on the fun of their peers when peers are not connected to the internet or social media.
This psychological phenomenon can significantly affect a person's mental health, generating states of anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and other important emotional disturbances.
7. Lack of criteria when publishing content
The lack of criteria and maturity that children present makes it possible for them to sometimes publish personal content of which later they end up repenting.
These contents can be specific information, photos or videos that in the future may be used by other people to harass them or expose them to cyberbullying.
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