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The 110 best phrases of love for animals

Animals are, without a doubt, the purest form of living beings that exists; her wild instincts blend seamlessly with her own charisma and innocence. That is why we need to protect and conserve the life of the different animals that live around us.

In this article you will find a compilation of phrases of love for animals that encourage to watch over them and take into account their well-being.

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The most inspiring phrases of love for animals

To become aware of the importance of animals in the world, we bring a compilation with the best phrases of love for animals, to reflect on.

1. Dogs teach you love and kindness. They remind you of what is important. (Dan Geminhart)

Even animals as humble as dogs teach us about basic love.

2. Our perfect companions never have less than four legs. (Colette)

There is nothing imperfect in animals.

3. Until you have loved an animal, a part of your soul will remain asleep. (Anatole France)

People who don't love animals have little empathy.

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4. If love had a sound it would be the purr.

The cat's purr has relaxing properties.

5. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than it loves itself. (Josh Billings)

The only one who will be faithful to us no matter what.

6. Not all the gold in the world is comparable to the love that an animal gives you.

Talk about your value as a person.

7. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Those who treat animals badly have terrible affective deficiencies.

8. They will not be able to speak, but they will know how to accompany your silence.

They understand you better than anyone.

9. Animals are born as they are, they accept it, and that's it; They live more peacefully than people. (Gregory Maguire)

Another lesson that animals teach us, accept ourselves.

Quotes and reflections of love for animals

10. The animals of the world exist for their own reason. They were not made for humans. (Alice Walker)

They are living beings whose home is also this planet.

11. I am in favor of animal rights, as well as human rights. That is the path of a complete human being. (Abraham Lincoln)

Animals must be treated with respect.

12. If you pick up a hungry dog ​​and make it prosperous, he won't bite you. That is the main difference between a dog and a man. (Mark Twain)

Dogs know how to be grateful to those who are kind to them.

13. I don't care if an animal is capable of reason. I only know that he is capable of suffering, and therefore I consider him my neighbor.

All animals have feelings.

14. Animals are trustworthy, loving, appreciative and loyal, difficult standards for people to follow. (Alfred A. Montapert)

We must learn more about loyalty and love from dogs.

15. I don't believe in the concept of hell, but if I did, I would think of it as full of people who were cruel to animals. (Gary Larson)

The perfect vision of hell.

16. Animals have a soul. I've seen it in his eyes.

Creatures that are fully alive.

17. You can judge a man's heart by his treatment of animals. (Immanuel Kant)

The best way to know what a person is like is to see how they treat animals.

18. Having an animal in your life makes you a better human. (Rachel Ray)

They help us grow and evolve.

19. People who really appreciate animals always ask their names. (Lilian Jackson Braun)

A beautiful way to acknowledge its existence.

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20. Animals are my friends and I don't eat my friends. (George Bernard Shaw)

Against animal consumption.

21. The best thing about animals is that they don't talk too much. (Thornton Wilder)

That's why they never tell lies.

22. For a dog you are everything and he does not expect you to ever fail him.

Remember that you are the whole world to your dog.

23. A dog has one goal in life…to bestow his heart. (J. R. Ackerley)

A mission that they do perfectly and few value.

24. There is nothing truer in this world than the love of a good dog. (Look Grant)

An unconditional love.

25. We don't really know anything about love if we don't love animals. (FredWander)

A love that is missing a piece.

26. I have learned from animals that when someone is having a bad day, it is enough to sit quietly and accompany them.

The best company is the one that is there in difficult times.

27. Animals are not properties or things, but living organisms, subject to a life, that deserve our compassion, respect, friendship and support. (Marc Beckoff)

That is why we must stop trading with them.

28. There will come a day when humans will see the murder of an animal as they now see the murder of another human being. (Leonardo da Vinci)

A crime that deserves punishment.

29. My favorite breed is adopted.

Adopted dogs are the most grateful.

30. Animals do not know envy, men do not know sincerity. (Rafael Lasso de la Vega)

Differences between 'animals'.

31. The surest measure of educating the heart of a people and a person is none other than the way of judging and treating animals.

It is extremely important to teach children to treat animals well.

32. Some people talk to animals. Not many listen to them. That's the problem. (A.A. Milne)

If you try, you can hear what the animals have to say.

33. I can't promise you that I will be with you for the rest of your life, but I can promise you that I will love you for the rest of mine.

Animals live short but intense lives.

34. Whoever feeds a hungry animal feeds his own soul. (Charles Chaplin)

It is a great gesture of humanity.

35. Animals are sensitive, intelligent, funny and entertaining. We must take care of them as we do with children. (Michael Mopurgo)

They need the same love and protection as people.

36. The dog could die for you and he will never lie to you. (George R. R. Martin)

The extent of a canine's loyalty.

37. The most beautiful things in life happen in the animal world.

A show that teaches us what life and nature are really about.

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38. It is much easier to show compassion towards animals. They are never bad. (Haile Selassie)

That is why many people connect more with animals than with other people.

39. First it was necessary to civilize man in his relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in his relationship with nature and animals. (Victor Hugo)

A need that continues.

40. Horses make a landscape look beautiful. (Alice Walker)

All animals are a beauty of nature.

41. The question is not can they talk? but can they suffer? (Jeremy Bentham)

There are those who consider that dogs do not feel.

42. The kind man feeds his animals before sitting down to eat. (Hebrew proverb)

It gives them a decent quality of life.

43. Only the friendship of an animal is sincere and lasting until the end of its days.

They teach us to give everything.

44. The only beings that are sufficiently evolved to transmit pure love are dogs and children. (Johnny Depp)

They are the best example of pure and sincere love.

45. The only fault with dogs is that they trust people. (Anonymous)

Unfortunately, there are people who only have dogs to mistreat them.

46. Having a dog is having a faithful friend by your side who will never let you down, he takes care of you and loves you even if you don't pay much attention to him, he is always willing to give everything for you in exchange for nothing.

I wish everyone could have this same vision.

47. To buy an animal you only need money. To adopt an animal you only need a heart.

You do not need to buy, better opt for adoption.

48. If we could read the minds of animals, we would only find truths. (A. d Williams)

Maybe that's why it's better that they don't know how to speak.

49. Animals don't lie. Animals do not criticize. If animals had bad mood days, they would handle them better than humans. (Betty White)

Animals only see the best in life.

50. When a dog dies you lose a friend... but you gain an angel.

Losing a pet is an intense pain.

51. Everyone's pet is the best. That breeds mutual blindness. (Jean Cocteau)

The only love that is allowed to be blind.

52. The day will come when the rest of the animal creation will be able to acquire those rights that could never be removed from them except by the hand of tyranny. (Jeremy Bentham)

The day of true justice.

53. Tell me how you are with animals and I will tell you what kind of person you are.

An excellent way to judge a person's character.

54. I distrust the person who doesn't like dogs, but I trust my dog ​​when he doesn't like a person. (Cesar Millan)

Dogs always know when someone is not to be trusted.

55. There are no aggressive dogs, there are ignorant humans.

It is the mistreatment of the owners that makes a dog aggressive.

56. An animal's loyalty knows no bounds.

It's an instinct that comes naturally.

57. As long as the circle of his compassion does not encompass all living beings, man will not find peace on his own. (Albert Schweitzer)

We cannot be a worthy species if we seek to harm animals.

58. Who does not know how to appreciate the loyalty of a dog, he will never recognize it in people.

A very interesting reflection.

59. Dogs speak a language that humans cannot yet understand. It is the language of fidelity and love. (Anonymous)

A language that very few understand.

60. When the last tree is cut down and the last fish is caught, man will discover that money cannot be eaten. (Indian proverb)

Only in misfortunes is that we appreciate the value of animals and nature.

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61. Man can measure the value of his own soul in the grateful look directed at him by an animal he has helped. (Plato)

That's when we know if someone is really kind.

62. Give me a caress and I will follow you to the end of the world.

The way animals think.

63. Who loves animals loves human beings. (Unknown author)

The affection to a dog is the reflection of the affection that we can give to people.

64. I finally know what distinguishes a man from an animal; financial concerns. (Roman Roland)

Humans are absorbed by economic needs.

65. If dogs don't go to heaven, when I die I want to go where they go. (William Rogers)

There can be no better resting place than where the dogs are.

66. When was the last time someone was so happy to see you, so full of love and affection that they literally ran to greet you? A dog will do it for you, ten, twenty, thirty times a day. (Lion Fisher)

And he will never get tired of showing you his love.

67. It is necessary to reject this idea that the world has been made for man: it was not made for man more than for the lion, the eagle or the dolphin. (Celsus)

The world also belongs to the animals.

68. Feeding on meat is a vestige of the greatest primitivism. The passage to vegetarianism is the first natural consequence of the enlightenment. (Leo Tolstoy)

Opting for vegetarian food.

69. We humans should learn from the behavior of these wonderful animals. (Anonymous)

A behavior that would help us enjoy life better.

70. Four legs; okay, two legs; evil. (George Orwell)

The sarcastic way of preferring animals over humans.

71. There is no greater cruelty and cowardice than offering love to someone and then abandoning them.

It is one of the most inhuman acts that exist.

72. No matter how little money you have and how few belongings you have, having a dog makes you rich. (Louis Sabine)

Especially if you give him a good quality of life.

73. Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one for whom the torture and death of his fellows is fun in itself. (JamesA. Froude)

A clear difference between humans and animals.

74. Being able to laugh and being merciful are the only things that make man better than beasts. (RuskinBond)

Capabilities that we must put to the test more.

75. I have learned more from animals than from men.

They certainly have valuable lessons to teach us.

76. We are the long-sought missing link between the animal and the authentically human man. (Konrad Zacharias Lorenz)

We are a mixture that descends from animals.

77. If a dog doesn't come to you after looking you in the face, you better go home and examine your conscience. (WoodrowWilson)

An interesting way to reflect on our actions.

78. Dogs have fleas, people have problems. (Charles Bukowski)

At least the animals try to live their lives to the fullest.

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79. When you cry for an animal, don't think you're weak, think about how much greatness there is in your soul.

Mourning the death of an animal is a gesture of pure love.

80. Besides a dog, a book is man's best friend. (Groucho Marx)

The true faithful friends of people.

81. Animals are like people because people are animals. (BarbaraT. gates)

We all descend from prehistoric animals.

82. If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty, and gratitude, animals are better than many humans. (James Herriott)

That is because they are beings of great purity.

83. Animals are from God. Bestiality is human. (Victor Hugo)

Only humans are capable of doing horrible acts without any purpose.

84. Only the animals were not expelled from paradise. (Milan Kudera)

That speaks to his kind nature.

85. Bringing a child to witness the lynching of a poor animal turns their parents into degenerate killers of their children's innocence and kindness. (Alvaro Munera Builes)

The way in which human kindness is killed.

86. If you spend time with animals, you run the risk of becoming a better person. (Oscar Wilde)

There is no way you can become the opposite.

87. Animals speak, but only for those people who know how to listen.

If you are able to truly love them, you will be able to understand them.

88. Sometimes you don't need words to feel better; you just need the closeness of your dog. (Natalie Lloyd)

Dogs help us release stress and bad energies.

89. Dogs are better than people because they know everything about you, but they don't tell anyone. (Unknown author)

They also accept you as you are.

90. When you lose your pet, you realize how important it is to your life.

There is a difficult void to fill again.

91. Animals are very good friends; They don't ask questions, they don't criticize. (George Elliott)

Rest assured that they will never judge you.

92. The eyes of an animal have the power to speak a great language. (Martin Burber)

They do not need to speak to express themselves clearly.

93. If a man aspires to lead a correct life, his first act of abstinence is to harm animals. (Leo Tolstoy)

An act that needs to be put into practice.

94. Animals don't hate and we are supposed to be better than them. (Elvis Presley)

No person is better than an animal.

95. Do you know why I like animals more than people? Because they are loyal when they accompany and noble when they fight. They never betray you or demand anything from you.

That is why many prefer to take care of animals.

96. Tradition and culture have disguised many atrocities that we have been inheriting from generation to generation against animals. (Alvaro Munera Builes)

A critique of the atrocious cultures that perpetuate animal abuse by 'tradition'.

97. Man is the cruelest animal. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

There is no doubt about it.

98. The worst sin we commit against our animal friends is not to hate them, it is to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of the inhuman. (George Bernard Shaw)

Minimizing the suffering of animals makes us inhumane.

99. I'd rather go to dog heaven than go to people heaven.

A wish that many share.

100. Dogs never bite me, only humans. (Marilyn Monroe)

It is the people who can betray you at any time.

101. Dogs are what binds us to paradise. They know no negativity, jealousy, or discontent. (Milan Kudera)

It is a true divine representation.

102. I don't care if you're cute, ugly, tall, short, rich or poor. Why then do you care what race I am?

All dogs have a good heart, regardless of their breed.

103. If you talk to the animals they will talk to you and you will get to know each other. If you don't talk to them, you won't know them. And what you don't know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys. (Chief Dan George)

Many abuses are due to ignorance.

104. Dogs are not your whole life, but they make your life complete. (Roger Caras)

They make any property a home.

105. Cruelty to animals is the opposite of the duty that man has with himself. (Immanuel Kant)

We must strive to prevent animal cruelty.

106. Compassion for animals is closely associated with goodness of character and it can be said that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Compassion to animals speaks of our capacity for empathy.

107. Love for all living creatures is the noblest attribute of the human being. (Charles Darwin)

It is a love that needs to be further cultivated.

108. Respecting animals is an obligation, loving them is a privilege.

Be that as it may, the main thing is that you do not treat them badly.

109. And so, what do dogs want? They want what they want when they want it. Like us. (Ted Kerasote)

Spoiled furry that demand love.

110. A life isn't much of a life without a dog, that's what I always said. (Dan Geminhart)

A being who always fills a home with joy.

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