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100 phrases made in Spanish (explained)

Idioms and set phrases are part of the culture of a people, based on experiences that have been learned from ancestors and inherited from generation to generation.

These phrases are used as ways to warn a person about an event, someone's behavior or an event that may happen.

In this article you will find a compilation of phrases made in Spanishexplaining its meaning.

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The most important and used phrases in Spanish

This is a series of phrases in Spanish about advice and ways of understanding life.

1. That's easy peasy.

This phrase is said when something is very easy to do.

2. Every dog ​​has his day.

It refers to the fact that each person has to pay for what he does.

3. Sleep the monkey

It indicates that a person falls asleep in a very deep way.

4. Send eggs.

It is used to indicate that we do not like or dislike something.

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5. Have something on the tip of the tongue.

Its use is made when we do not remember something that we know we know, but it does not come out at the moment.

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6. Stay with your mouth open.

Phrase made in Spanish very used after receiving a surprise, whether pleasant or not.

7. Have a salt shaker

It is said of a person who is funny both in the way he speaks and in the way he acts.

8. Cost an eye of the face.

It is used to say that something is very expensive.

9. Guard down.

It is used when we are in confidence with a person, after calming down after an upset.

10. Screw up.

It is said when we do or say something that should not have been done or said.

Common Spanish Phrases

11. Be like May water.

It means that something happens or something is achieved that is very good.

12. Like father Like Son.

It is usually used to refer to the defects or virtues of a child with respect to his father, mother or other members of the family.

13. It's better to prevent than to cure.

It is better to look for the necessary means so that a situation does not come to an end without any solution.

14. Beat around the bush.

It indicates that someone is leaving for unimportant things and moving away from the main topic.

15. A god begging and with the hammer giving.

It means that when we want to obtain something, it is good to ask God, but we must also do everything in our power to achieve it.

16. A fleeing enemy, silver bridge.

It is used when someone facilitates an opponent's escape, instead of engaging him.

17. be in the garlic.

It means to be aware of something that is very secretive.

18. Lose one's head.

It is when a person is crazy about something or someone.

19. To be in Babia

It is said when a person is not aware of what is happening around them.

20. At the first change.

It means that you have to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.

21. Be in control.

Indicates that a situation is under control.

22. Be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

It is when a situation gradually worsens and reaches a point where it explodes, even if it is due to an insignificant cause.

23. stay fried

It is falling asleep immediately. Usually due to great fatigue.

24. Not all that glitters is gold.

Its meaning is that everything that seems good, really is not.

25. To more and better.

It denotes impetus or excess of action or situation.

26. Drown in a glass of water.

It indicates that a very small or insignificant problem is given a lot of importance.

27. Go fuck the pig.

Expression that is said to a person who is very annoying or spoils something.

28. Don't mince words.

That is to say things clearly and directly, regardless of the opinions of others.

29. Eat the coconut.

Indicates that you think a lot about a situation or problem.

30. Look at the navel.

Said of a person who is placed in the center of everything.

31. God helps those who get up early.

It indicates that the person who is active in everything he undertakes will do very well.

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32. Raise fame and go to sleep.

It is used to indicate someone's reputation.

33. To bread, bread and wine, wine.

It means that you have to be frank and honest when you say or talk about something.

34. Don't touch my palms, I know myself.

He mentions a person who is very easy to convince.

35. Give yourself with a song in the teeth.

It is used when the end result of something is much better than expected.

36. Kill the bug.

It is said when you eat something to appease your hunger.

37. Spend the night in white.

It is a person who cannot sleep because he thinks about a problem or situation he is going through.

38. Take out the dirty rags.

It is when personal problems are aired regardless of the moment or the occasion.

39. Dance to the sound that is played.

It means that a person abide by the decisions made by others without protest.

40. Slate and new account.

It indicates that a person forgets mistakes, offenses, debts and anger and starts over again.

41. To be a chatterbox.

It refers to a person who talks a lot.

42. Marry a penalty

It is when a marriage occurs due to an unforeseen pregnancy.

43. Who Forewarned is forearmed.

It refers to someone notifying another person that he will have to face the consequences if he does not respect what is established.

44. To be teasing.

It means that someone is deceiving, mocking or making another person believe that something is true, when in fact it is a lie.

45. Find the three legs of the cat.

It is usually used to indicate that something is inexplicable or to justify what has no justification.

46. Close ranks around someone.

It is used to say that you have to protect a person.

47. Wrap the blanket around your head.

Indicates that a decision has been made without thinking about the consequences.

48. be uncommunicated

Said of an evil or perverse person.

49. It cost me a kidney.

It is said when something is too expensive or exclusive to obtain.

50. Like Pedro for his house.

It refers to that person who moves freely in a foreign place.

51. Miss two summers.

Indicates that a person is stupid, immature or crazy, because he does things without sense.

52. Have a mental pie.

It is when a person is confused or does not have a clear idea about something.

53. Drop something under its own weight.

Indicates that something is obvious or evident.

54. Each sheep with her partner.

This phrase means that, when looking for a partner, you must ensure that he has similar tastes.

55. Where is Vincent going? Where do people go?

It refers to a person who does not have their own criteria and imitates the behavior of others.

56. War warned does not kill soldiers.

It is used to say that we are warned about a situation that is dangerous.

57. Dirty old man.

It is to refer to older men who are attracted to very young women.

58. Be like a shower.

Indicates that a person is behaving inappropriately.

59. Shine by her absence.

It is said when a person does not arrive at a place where he is expected.

60. Drink the winds for someone.

It is used to refer to a person who is madly in love with another or to indicate when someone wants to achieve something material out of ambition.

61. Pay the piper.

It refers to a person who is blamed for something that he did not do or is not the only one to blame.

62. There's no bun oven.

It is used when a person or situation cannot take any more tension.

63. I shit in the milk.

Expresses anger or irritation at something.

64. You see the feather.

It is when the bad intentions of a person are clearly noticed.

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65. Muleteers we are and on the way we will meet.

It indicates that the good or bad actions that a person has against someone will have a positive or negative impact in the future.

66. New Year New Life.

Very popular expression that indicates that the new year is a new beginning.

67. There the sun sets where they give me wine and ham for dinner.

Indicates the value of both the ham and the wine.

68. Better late than never.

Highlight the importance of doing things, even if it is late.

69. Whoever takes a lot of space, the less he tightens up.

It means that whoever tries to do many things at the same time will not be able to do any of them well.

70. In less than a rooster sings.

Indicates quickness or promptness.

71. Add more fuel to the fire.

It refers to the fact that a person contributes to increasing the rage or anger of someone else.

72. To the point of caramel.

It is the optimal time to do something.

73. To put the batteries.

It is told to a person as a form of warning for him to be more active and responsible in something that he must do.

74. Jilt.

It's when someone doesn't show up for a meeting.

75. Make a mess of your dick.

Said when someone is confused, or is very likely to make a mistake.

76. Tell truths like temples.

When something is confirmed that is obvious.

77. Not having the chichi for lanterns.

It is a warning to say that you are not in the mood to put up with nonsense.

78. Withstand the downpour.

It indicates that you have to bear the scolding of another person.

79. To much courtesy, greater care.

It indicates that you have to be careful with those people who flatter too much, since they can be treacherous.

80. God squeezes, but he does not drown,

It refers to having confidence that things will improve.

81. the habit do not do the monk

People should not be judged by their outward appearance.

82. To cry to the valley, better.

This phrase is used to refer to someone who complains or regrets something that happened to them.

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83. To bad weather, good face.

It is a very popular saying that revolves around the idea of ​​having conformity or the disposition in the face of adversity.

84. To bite your tongue.

It refers to holding back or repressing yourself with effort so as not to say something that you would like to be able to divulge.

85. be in the clouds

It is being distracted.

86. Go to the hands

It refers to a fight.

87. Who does not want the thing.

It refers to a person who acts covertly so as not to arouse suspicion.

88. Put the horns.

It is a synonym of infidelity.

89. Give a helping hand.

It is selflessly helping a person.

90. Frig.

It refers to having sex quickly.

91. Give you blood sausage

Indicates contempt, rejection or disinterest towards a person.

92. Being involved in all the scrubs.

It refers to being involved in entanglements, complicated and conflictive situations.

93. You won't go to bed without knowing one more thing.

It points out the importance of learning something new every day, since it becomes something valuable.

94. To great ills, great remedies.

Problems must be faced with courage and optimism.

95. The third time lucky.

There are always opportunities to achieve the proposed objectives.

96. Money calls money.

It means that you need to invest money in order to earn more.

97. Pick the radish by the leaves.

Phrase that translates as interpreting something wrongly.

98. Take for a ride.

It is synonymous with deception or a scam.

99. With you bread and onion.

It means being with you through the good times and the bad.

100. Spend the night in white.

It is said of ridicule, deception or making believe something that is not.

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