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55 funny phrases that express a sense of humor

The sense of humor is something very characteristic and difficult to define, despite the fact that we all have it to a greater or lesser extent.

Having it implies being able to observe the funny side of the events of our day to day life, sometimes with blurred limits between comedy and seriousness or even the tragedy (sometimes even from a point of view for some offensive or even macabre) or referring to ridiculous aspects of the reality. It makes it easier to relax, relativize things and even allows us to have a greater capacity for resilience or resistance to the stressful and traumatic events of our day to day.

In the following lines you will find a selection of funny phrases that in addition to showing the different ways in which humor is expressed, allow us to smile a little (albeit slyly).

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A selection of funny phrases

Here is a small collection of funny phrases to pass the time, some of which can even be considered little jokes, collected from different media and sources. Likewise, many of them are or have been invented or used by great figures of historical relevance and/or the world of comedy.

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1. Don't take life too seriously. You won't get out of it alive (Elbert Hubbard)

Funny phrase that reminds us of the need to enjoy things instead of worrying so much about them.

2. Having a clear conscience is a sign of bad memory (Steven Wright)

Nobody is perfect. We all have something to be ashamed of.

3. I like long walks, especially when annoying people take them (Fred Allen)

Feeling harassed by someone we can't stand is especially frustrating.

4. I think I have found the missing link between the animal and civilized man. This is us (Konrad Lorenz)

This famous author lets us see that really we are not as civilized as we think.

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5. I never feel as alone as when I need to put sunscreen on my back (Jimmy Kimmel)

The feeling of loneliness always depends on the context.

6. He always remembers that you are unique. Absolutely the same as everyone else (Margaret Mead)

In our desire to be unique and unrepeatable, we often forget that others are too and that deep down we are more alike than we think.

7. I am sure that the universe is full of intelligent life. He's just been too smart to come here (Arthur C. Clark)

The author makes fun of human stupidity in general in this sentence.


8. There are only two infinite things: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not so sure about the first (Albert Einstein)

I don't know how you can mention the infinity of our own stupidity without mentioning this phrase from Einstein.

9. An expert is someone who explains something simple to you in a confusing way that makes you think the confusion is your fault (William Castle)

Sometimes we make the simple tremendously complex.

10. Of course I understand. Even a five year old could understand it. Bring me a five years old child! (Groucho Marx)

Phrase that laughs at one's own stupidity and the stubbornness of not accepting it.

11. Outside the dog, a book is probably man's best friend, and inside the dog it's probably too dark to read (Groucho Marx)

The double meaning was a great resource used by this famous comedian.

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12. An archaeologist is the best husband a woman could have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her. (Christie Agatha)

Comment that mocks the concern for age, more marked in the female gender due to gender stereotypes.

13. Working is not bad, the bad thing is having to work (Don Ramón)

Phrase of Chavo del 8 in which we are comically reminded of the reluctance to have to fulfill obligations.

14. Age is something that does not matter, unless you are a cheese (Luis Buñuel)

We give excessive importance to age for everything, when in reality it means almost nothing unless it is accompanied by experience.

15. If only God would give me a clear sign! How to make a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank (Woody Allen)

A funny phrase that refers to the desire to make a fortune without making an effort.

16. A celebrity is a person who works all her life to be known, so she wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized (Fred Allen)

Criticism of the search and/or desire for fame on the part of the population, when most famous people end up getting tired of their multiple disadvantages.

17. I hate housework! You make the beds, clean the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again (Joan Rivers)

Phrase that he makes fun of his own laziness when doing housework.

18. I usually cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to food (W.C. Fields)

Small mockery or criticism of a satirical tone related to excessive alcohol consumption.

19. Money does not bring happiness, but it provides a sensation so similar that it takes a very advanced specialist to verify the difference (Woody Allen)

Cynical phrase that makes us see that although perhaps not happiness, a good economy allows us access to a large number of goods, services and possibilities that most of us want.

20. My woman and I were happy during 20 years. Then We Met (Rodney Dangerfield)

Phrase that jokes about relationships and the monotony that can be established in them.

21. Life is hard. After all, it kills you (Katherine Hepburn)

Phrase that refers to the fact that death is part of life.

22. When life gives you lemons, throw them in someone's eyes (Cathy Guisewite)

The author of the phrase pushes us not to let ourselves fall into discouragement.

23. Surely there are many reasons for divorce, but the main one is and will be the wedding (Jerry Lewis)

This actor makes use of logic to find the main cause of divorces: the need to be married to be able to do so.

24. Of course you must get married. If you get a good wife, you will become happy. If you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher (Socrates)

Curious phrase due to the fact that the person who said it is one of the greatest philosophers in history. Socrates was making fun of himself and his bad relationship with his wife.

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25. If you could kick ass the one responsible for almost all your problems, you couldn't sit down for a month (Theodore Roosevelt)

Roosevelt joked about the need to take responsibility for one's own problems and not blame others for one's mistakes.

26. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow (Mark Twain)

Phrase that invites us to to procrastinate.

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27. My idea of ​​a nice person is a person who agrees with me (Benjamin Disraeli)

In this sentence we see how we generally consider more acceptable and closer to those people who agree with our opinions.

28. I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be to offend your intelligence (George Bernard Shaw)

The author makes fun of his interlocutor with this phrase, making it look like if he is acting seriously he would be being unintelligent.

29. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man (Lana Turner)

joke that refers to traditional gender roles and clichés.

30. You never forget a face, but in your case I'll be happy to make an exception (Groucho Marx)

A somewhat sarcastic phrase that makes clear the little appreciation and desire to see another person again.

31. Laugh and the world will laugh with you, snore and you will sleep alone (Anthony Burgess)

Phrase that jokes with the annoyance that the fact that someone snores usually means for most.

32. I find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I go to another room and read a book (Groucho Marx)

taunt and criticism towards the world of television.

33. Sex is like mus: if you don't have a good partner... you better have a good hand (Woody Allen)

Phrase that refers to onanism as a way of self-satisfaction in the absence of satisfactory sexual relations.

34. Those people who think they know everything are a real nuisance to those of us who really know everything (Isaac Asimov)

This important author jokes in this phrase with presumptuousness that implies pretending to know everything.

35. Love never starves; often from indigestion (Ninon de Lenclos)

This writer reflected that if love disappears it is mainly because of disappointment or because of the appearance of other people, not because of mere fading.

36. Santa Claus had the right idea: he visits people once a year (Víctor Borge)

Phrase that mocks the obligatory experience of making visits to the environment, even if you don't really feel like it.

37. To be young again I would do anything in the world except exercise, get up early or be respectable (Oscar Wilde)

This phrase expresses little desire to make an effort to achieve what we would like.

38. My plastic plants died because I didn't appear to water them (Mitch Hedberg)

Criticism of the excessive need to appear in today's society.

39. I went on a diet, swore I would never drink or overeat again, and in fourteen days I had lost two weeks (Joe E. Lewis)

Phrase that jokes with the lack of will when it comes to following diets or getting in shape.

40. I exercise often. Look, just yesterday I had breakfast in bed (Oscar Wilde)

Phrase referring to the difficulty and laziness of exercising when you are not used to it.

41. Everything is funny, as long as it is happening to someone else (Will Rogers)

42. Everything is fun, as long as it happens to someone else (Will Rogers)

Many people laugh when a friend or colleague has a funny fall. But it is not so much for those who suffer from it.


43. People are like music: some convey the truth, and others are just noise (Bill Murray)

An aphorism about art and human wisdom.

44. Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died (Erma Bombeck)

How far do the limits of a doctor's competences go?

45. Clothing makes the man; naked people have little or no influence on society (Mark Twain)

Aesthetics matters more than meets the eye even in the most basic aspects of life.

46. Behind every great man is a frowning woman (Jim Carrey)

An alternate version of a somewhat old-fashioned famous phrase.

47. Never do anything out of hunger, not even eat (Frank Semyon)

Above all, keep a cool head.

48. I haven't talked to my wife in years, I wouldn't want to interrupt her (Rodney Dangerfield)

The blurred line between cordiality and selfishness.

49. What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; we are so rare... (Oscar Levante)

Two virtues difficult to find together.

50. Confidence is 10% work and 90% delirium (Tina Fey)

Much of our ability to stop doubting and take action stems from optimism.

51. There is no such thing as fun for the whole family (Jerry Seinfeld)

The age difference is always a factor to take into account.

52. Everyone has a purpose in life, maybe yours is to watch television (David Letterman)

Who can judge the values ​​and priorities of others?

53. Marriages are like mushrooms: we find out too late if they are good or bad (Woody Allen)

Woody Allen is not exactly characterized by his optimism when analyzing affective relationships.

54. Talking about music is like dancing about architecture (Steve Martin)

A curious image that expresses a lot.

55. When I was little I was told that anyone could become president. Today I begin to believe that it is true (Clarence Darrow)

A phrase with two very different interpretations.

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