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13 best science fiction books of all time

Scientific fiction literature has a special place in the hearts of readers eager for adventures, parallel realities, dystopias and technology-related issues.

Many times these themes are exhibited in order to imagine curious scenarios for the future and generally have criticisms about the course that humanity is taking, little concerned with the destruction of nature, in an insatiable search for technological improvement, power and control over as people.

This type of fiction presents important classics and has gained more and more space in the literary universe. Assim, we selected 17 sci-fi books that you need to read, being the most famous and some more recent titles.

1. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein vintage illustration
Drawing of Theodore von Holst for a work Frankenstein

The first sci-fi that we draw in this curator could not cease to be the classic of English Mary Shelley, Frankenstein.

A work, written when Mary was barely 19 years old, was first launched in 1818, still without credit for the authorship, both

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One of the forerunners to present scientific and horror fiction. It became an icon in the genre and influenced other important literary productions.

It deals with the story of Victor Frankenstein, a scientist who after years of study on artificial life, manage to raise a monstrous and intimidating creature of 2.4 meters, feita from impulses electrical.

The narrative advances and the confrontation between the breeder and the creature becomes terrifying, tracing us to further existential questões about our own internal ghosts.

2. Kindred laços de sangue, by Octavia Butler

Kindred laços de sangue - capa do livro

A "lady of scientific fiction", as Octavia Butler is called, is the author of the great American Afrofuturist work. Octavia was a black writer born in California in a period of intense racial segregation. Assim, the issues it addresses revolve around power relations and racism, among others.

Kindred, laços de sangue It is one of his most consecrated works of his. Launched in 1979, tells about Dana, a young black woman who manages to cross the temporary line and is going to stop at a fazenda escravagista no sul dos USA no seculo XIX, before the War of Sessessão.

She lives in very complex situations and places us in the perspective of the racial question and the past of oppression and exploration of black powder in the current reality.

Sem dúvida an essential book to understand structural racism that presents an engaging and exciting narrative.

3. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Cover of the first edition of the Fahrenheit 451 book
Layer of the first edition of Fahrenheit 451

This 1953 romance by Ray Bradbury is a classic hit that won non-film adaptations and became even more popular.

It presents a dystopian reality where we accompany Guy Montag, who works as a fireman incinerating books, because in society the books were seen as evil and dangerous.

Na truth, or what or author wanted transmitting the absurd idea of ​​censorship taken to the extreme. Fate that is related to the events at the time when the work was written, where the authoritarianism of two Nazi and fascist regimes oppressed and repudiated or knew.

In 1966, the story was brought to the cinema by French filmmaker Francois Truffaut.

To learn more about this great book, read Fahrenheit 451: summary and explanation of the book.

4. Admirável mundo novo, by Aldous Huxley

Capa do livro Admirável mundo novo

Admire world novo It was released in 1932 by Englishman Aldous Huxley and portrays a gloomy, dystopian future. Received by critics, it is considered a classic, entering various lists of best books of the 20th century.

We have merged in a totally controlled society, in which the inhabitants are conditioned to live according to rigid laws in order to maintain order, without freedom or critical thinking.

It is interesting to observe how the author was visionary in imagining a technological reality, assisted reproduction and other situations that dialogue with the contemporary, even dating from the 1930s.

5. Um Estranho Numa Terra Estranha, by Robert A. heilein

Capa do livro Um estranho numa terra estranha

Winner of the Hugo Award in 1962, which highlights creations of scientific fiction, this romance by Robert A. Heilein was a success in his time and remains relevant today.

Traced the story of Valentine Michael Smith, um human being who was raised on a distant planet, Mars. After completing 20 years, Valentine returns to Terra. His behaviors and world view collide with earthly costumes and he will be seen as strange, or "home from Mars".

The book is considered a critique of Western society and an icon of the counterculture of the 1960s, showing other ways of relating and engaging with reality.

6. Dune by Frank Herbert

layer of the book Duna second edition

Set on an imaginary planet, Dune It is a 1965 Frank Herbert romance that won the Hugo Award for scientific fiction the following year.

Its relevance is enormous in the sci-fi dinner, being one of the two best known in the genre and giving rise to another five books and a story.

The saga exhibits the character Paul Atreides and his relatives living not desert and hostile planet Arrakis in a very distant future.

The author brilliantly manages to mix social issues such as politics and ecology with a mystical aura, making the reader deeply involved in the story.

In 2021 we premiered our cinemas or films Dune, adaptation of the book, Directed by Denis Villeneuve, received 10 Oscar nominations, winning 6 statuettes and becoming the grand winner of the 2022 award.

7. 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço, by Arthur C. clarke

2011 an odyssey in space

Very well known in the cinema, this story is the truth and the fruit of the imagination of the English writer Arthur C. Clarke, which he published in 1968. Parallel to its writing, it was made or a film of the same name directed by Stanley Kubrick.

The work was inspired by other stories of the author, such as To Sentinel (1951). presents to saga of humanity through two times, beginning with pre-historical primates surprised to find an unknown object, a monolith, which confers abilities towards the evolution of species.

The book and film are set in a framework of Western culture and present iconic dinners that stand out in everyone's mind.

8. Andróides Sonham Com Ovelhas Elétricas? (Blade Runner), by Philip K. dick

Capa do livro Blade Runner or android hunter

Or title desse livro, Androids Sonham Com Ovelhas Elétricas?, it may seem confusing, but it was taken to the cinema under the title of Blade Runner, or android hunter.

The year of publication of the romance is 1968 and its author, Philip K. Dick, I sought to portray anguish of a hunter of robôs, called androids or "replicants", in a decadent metropolitan city with a gloomy future.

The book was adapted for the canvases in 1982 and in 2017 and was continued, as two productions have happened.

9. Eu, robô, by Isaac Asimov

Capa do livro Eu, robbery, by Isaac Asimov

Russian Isaac Asimov is one of two great masters of scientific fiction and his memorabilia in the genre. one of them is Eu, robo, which brings together the writer's stories, stitched together through a captivating and intelligent narrative.

The book was published in 1950 and Show the evolution of the automated machines, the robots. The first character we meet is Robbie, a robber in charge of taking care of the children, but he can't communicate and is caught by human hair.

10. The ultimate guide to backpacking galaxies

Capa do livro The Definitive Guide to Backpacking the Galaxies

Just as you did not have lido The ultimate guide to backpacking galaxies, you will probably find yourself with some reference to this classic work of scientific fiction. One of them is or advice to always have a towel at hand, or to give even a special date, or "towel day", commemorated on May 25, in homage to saga.

The work was written by Douglas Adams in 1979 and is the first in a series of five books. It became very famous and became TV serials, videogames and theater pieces.

The plot begins with the destruction of Arthur Dent's house, a subject who knows Ford Prefect, alien who invites you to escape in an intergalactic trip. From then on, many adventures and challenges arise.

The narrative is constructed in a humorous and provocative way, or that I must acknowledge and anger many times.

11. The Dispossessed, by Ursula K. Le Guin

capa do livro The Dispossessed

Written in 1974, this dystopian romance by Ursula K. Le Guin raises many questions about the social structure in which we live and its inequalities, making allusion especially to the historical moment of the Cold War and the clash between capitalism and socialism.

She was the winner of the Nebula Award, the Hugo Award and the Locus Award, which highlight the best scientific fiction.

It presents history in two different scenarios, two planets with opposing social and economic systems in conflict. It also addresses other issues of great relevance, such as the rights of women and motherhood, besides solidarity, the contrast between notions of individuality and collectivity, among other issues.

A book to reflect on the world from an interesting and engaging story.

12. A Invenção de Morel, by Adolfo Bioy Casares

cape of the book The invention of Morel

The Argentine writer Adolfo Bioy Casares is the author of a 1940 romance that traces a mix of diverse influences literary and stylistic, such as fantastic realism, scientific fiction, suspense and adventure wrapped in an aura of mystery and metaphysics.

It is considered by Jorge Luis Borges, another great Argentine writer, as one of the best works of fiction of the 20th century.

A history percorra or story of a fugitive who takes shelter in an island that seems to be deserted, more than a few years I am discovering more about the place and its secrets.

13. Pink dirt, by Fernanda Trías

layer of the book Mugre Rosa

Launched in 2020, this romance by Uruguayan Fernanda Trías will stand out among the recent productions of the genre.

O enredo shows peculiar situations experienced by the majority of people as the imposed isolation of the pandemic that was installed in the world as of 2020.

Set in a place very similar to Montevideo, shows a sinister scene in which the anguish becomes evident when a plague is alone or place.

A poetically sinister and intriguing book that we see causing good reflexes.

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