Education, study and knowledge

Mechanisms of genetic mutation II

Welcome to a teacher, in today's video we will continue to explain the mechanisms of mutation. You can find the video "Mechanisms of mutation I" within our website.

Let's see the second half of chromosomal mutations, mutations that affect several genes within the same chromosome, or different chromosomes. And we will also see genomic mutations, that is, they affect the complete set of chromosomes.

Deletion and duplication are important and have been present throughout the evolution, but for different reasons.

- Deletion: it is usually lethal. We talk about losing a piece of chromosome, which has genes that are essential for my survival.

- Duplication: copies of genes are made, and that ends up making gene families.

If you have any questions or comments about the mechanisms of mutation, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video, some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.

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