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A Bela e Fera: summary and comments on the fairy tale

or fairy tale To Bela and Fera It is a traditional French history, written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot and first published in 1740. Meanwhile, it suffered alterations by Jeanne-Marie LePrince de Beaumont, who left a lighter narrative and published it in 1756.

It tells the story of a kind young woman who happens to live with a monstrous creature in her castle and the two of you end up falling in love.

summary of history

Once upon a time, Bela, a very pretty and generous young woman who lived with her father and sisters in a simple and cramped house. Her father was a merchant and had lost everything some years ago. But on a beautiful day he received the proposal to go to the city to do business.

As Bela grew older, they were earnest and futeis and, thinking that her country would become rich again, they asked for expensive gifts. Mas Bela, a caçula, just asked for a rose.

Or homem partiu en voyagem, but his business was not successful and he returned quite frustrated. When he returned on his way home, he encountered a storm and went to seek shelter in a nearby castle. Ao chegar no castelo she did not find any, but the door was open and he entered.

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The interior of the castle was wonderful and he saw a haunting lareira that was missing. There was still a large table of jantar with varieties of delicious dishes.

Então he fed and fell asleep. The following day, the merchant decided to go tomorrow, but when he left the garden of Castelo he saw a rose with marvelous flowers. He took the request of the file and collected a rose to take for her.

Nesse moment or dono do castelo appeared. It was a monstrous creature that had a body covered with hair and an animal face, its name was Fera.

Fera ficou furiosa as roubo da flor e brigou muito com o homem, saying that he should die. Depois a creature thought better and said that one of his filhas fosse até or castelo dwell with him, the life of the Lord would be populated.

Ao chegar em casa, o homem contou or ocorrido para suas filhas. As more old people did not take the story seriously, more Bela ficou comovida and worried. Assim, she decided to offer herself to Fera so that her father would continue to live.

Assim foi feito e Bela foi até or feared castelo. Chegando lá she was received with all the pomp by Fera and treated like a princess. Bela ficou frightened did not start, but after a few years she got used to the environment.

Fera logo fell in love with Bela and asked for marriage every night. Or request was graciously refused.

One day, with saudade do seu pai, Bela asked to visit him. He did not want to leave Fera, more than seeing that his beloved was suffering and he allowed her to tie up his old house with a promise that he would return in 7 days.

A creature had a magic ring that would fly or transport the girl between the two "worlds".

Então a linda jovem returns to the country's house and he is very happy. Já suas irmãs sentem inveja e não ficam nada satisfeitas.

After 7 days, Bela decides to come back, because I intuited that Fera was dying with her absence and I felt missing her too. More or magic ring had mysteriously sunk. Seu pai, fearing that he turned to file to be monstrous, pegou or anel. Porém, I sell or discourage da filha, or homem então return or object.

Bela places the ring on her finger and is transported to cast it. La chegando he sees a faint creature no chão do jardim, quase morta. A moça então realizes that she also loved that being and declares herself for him.

In a magical pass, Fera transforms into a cute prince. He was surprised and explained that he was transformed into an animal when he was raised, because his country is not credited in fairy tales. For vingança, as fadas or converteram em monstro e o feitiço would only be broken as the sincere love of a woman.

In this way, Bela finally agrees to Fera's marriage request and they live happily ever after.

A beautiful and fair old illustration
Illustration for publication of To Bela and Fera 1874 feita by Walter Crane

Comments on or counted

Assim like the other fada stories, To Bela and Fera traces symbols and meanings in his narrative. These are secular stories that can serve as representations of psychological content and help us understand an emotional trajectory.

There are several possible interpretations of the stories and, despite the fact that we will present them many times, situations that we do not like in the contemporary world, seeming encourage passive or competitive behavior in women, there are other ways to engage and analyze these stories, starting for a better interpretation philosophical

In this case, one of the intentions seems to be to convey a message about love beyond appearances and to construction of an intimacy and companionship between the married couples, seeking deeper relationships and true.

It was also possible to understand or tell how a character Bela seeks to reconcile dark and "monstrous" aspects of her life. own personality, entering into contact with his "animal" side so that he can integrate them and live in harmony with himself same.

films of To Bela and Fera and other adaptations

The plot was already quite well known and became even more famous when Disney turned it into an animated film in 1991. More before, he told the story that he had won the cinemas, theaters and television programs in various versions.

The first film to tell this story, directed by Jean Cocteau and René Clément, premiered in 1946.

Dinner of A bela e a fera no cinema em 1946
dinner of To Bela and Fera produced in 1946

More to the currently more famous version, mainly among the child-juvenile public in 2017, newly idealized by the Walt Disney Studios e what Emma Watson and Dan Stevens traced to us principal parents.

A bela e a fera in the 2017 version of Disney
To Bela and Fera in the 2017 version of Disney

Another version that deserves to be highlighted is the program Two Fairy Tale Theater (Faerie Tale Theater) idealized by actress Shelley Duvall and lasted from 1982 to 1987.

A television series with the direction of Tim Burton and a large cast. not episode of To Bela and FeraThe main parents are Susan Sarandon and Klaus Kinki, as well as Angélica Huston as one of the mothers.

A Bela e a Fera - Contos de Fadas (Dubbed and Complete)

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