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Disorders due to genetic mutations

Welcome to a teacher, in today's video we are going to explain what they are disorders caused by genetic mutations.

Genetic mutations do not always have to cause disorders, but when they do, they can range from mild effects to very serious syndromes.

Genetic disorders are variable because not all are caused by equally large changes in the DNA structure. For example, we can find changes in a single base. Only a change in a base can already produce a disorder.

- Sickle cell anemia, is a blood disorder in which the red blood cells are sickle-shaped instead of being round.

- Hypercholesterolemia, increase in the normal amount of cholesterol in the blood.

- Myopia, is an abnormality of the eye that produces blurred or unclear vision of distant objects.

If you have any questions or comments about genetic mutation disorders, you can do it through our website. And if you want to practice more, you will find below this video some printable exercises with solutions for you to do.

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