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8 habits to manage the duel due to the breakup of a couple

The rupture in the sphere of life as a couple entails a loss, a radical change, it supposes the end of a stage of life and as such. Therefore, when living this kind of experience, we will need to go through a grieving process of variable intensity and duration to overcome this discomfort.

Next we will see what habits can be useful for manage in the best possible way the emotional crisis that is unleashed with the breakup of a couple.

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What does the duel due to the breakup of a couple entail?

When we break up a relationship and separate from someone and the bond was intense, as is the case with established in couple relationships, this experience supposes for the person a new stage in his lifetime. Therefore, in order to feel better, he needs to close the previous stage well. When such an important change occurs in our lives as a sentimental breakup, a series of doubts arise, of uncertainty, of not knowing how the new situation will proceed, which they can cause us fear and fear.

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Likewise, a sentimental breakup can be compared to the death of a loved one, since even if our partner does not die, we break relationship and cease to be a relevant figure in our lives in the present; It is for this reason that we also use the term grief to refer to the period after the breakup. As happens with mourning due to death, in this case we must also understand it as a process by which the subject must go through to overcome it, so we identify different stages, which may or may not be done presents.

Grief due to breakup of a couple

These phases or stages can happen whether we are the one who ends the relationship, or the one who leaves, since in both cases the loss occurs. When the breakup is recent, a phase of denial usually appears at first, of not accepting that the relationship has ended or not wanting it to end; later anger may arise at the other individual for having ended the relationship or for wanting to break up, but not having the strength to do so; then the negotiation will appear, both can try to recover the link by negotiating or making promises; When the negotiation does not have an effect, depressive symptoms begin, one begins to be aware that the situation does not change and finally, if the process evolves well, acceptance is achieved.

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Habits to deal with mourning due to sentimental breakup

As we know, couple breakups are not easy, we have seen that to overcome them it is necessary to go through a process, the intensity and duration of which can vary depending on the subject, but in any case, following some tips or habits can help us cope better and make it more bearable, reducing the discomfort. We cannot avoid the process, but we can reduce the emotional affectation that it can entail.

Below we will mention some habits that can be useful to you to face a breakup. Try and stay with the ones that help you the most.

1. Boost self-esteem

Self-esteem, understood as self-esteem, is variable and can fluctuate depending on the situations that occur in our lives. For this reason, it is essential to work on it continuously, since good levels of self-esteem ensure a better emotional balance in many aspects of our lives, to be able to better face the different events that may arise.

Take advantage of the breakup, the fact of not being with anyone, to get to know yourself better and dedicate time to yourself. It is time to do what you really want, to value yourself as a unique individual and give yourself what you can face any situation and be happy without needing anyone else.

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2. Do not isolate yourself

You should avoid staying locked up at home or without interacting with other people. Going out and hanging out with your friends or family and having the opportunity to meet new people will help you to distract yourself, have fun and make the process not so hard for you. Staying with other people will give you the chance to let off steam if necessary, since although it may seem that at the moment of expressing it it hurts us, in the end putting it into words helps us and frees us. Not losing social contact also allows us to do activities that will make it easier for you to disconnect and reduce thoughts related to the breakup.

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3. face the situation

In order to overcome the rupture, we need to face it. In this way, it is normal for us to feel bad, to cry and be sad, It is a phase that we must go through in order to overcome it.. Of course, you should avoid showing a victim role or sink further and do nothing to progress. You must take control of your life and work to gradually notice the improvement.

It is important that we manage to close the breakup well, to finally be able to consider it one more event in our life without causing us a feeling of failure or guilt. Regardless of the reason, the relationship has come to an end and we must be aware of it and accept the change and the new stage that is before us. Avoid being too hard on yourself, as this behavior will not allow you to turn the page.

4. play sports

Performing physical activity shows multiple benefits both related to physical and mental health. when we exercise we favor an increase of endorphins in our body, neurotransmitter that is linked to a decrease in the sensation of pain and with it a decrease in discomfort. Also, during the practice of sports it will be easier for us to disconnect and break the loop of worry and rumination.

Self-esteem, mentioned above, will also increase. On the one hand, exercise will help tone our body and make us feel better about ourselves. On the other hand, the discipline and routine of playing sports allow us to realize that we are capable of what we set out to do and overcome challenges. We gain physical and mental strength.

  • Related article: "The 10 psychological benefits of practicing physical exercise"

5. Establish a healthy routine

In the same way that we have seen with the practice of sports, establishing a healthy routine, both for rest and for eating, is functional, helps to generate a better state of the subject and to feel stronger to cope with any situation. It is recommended to eat a varied diet that allows us to acquire the necessary nutrients for the proper development and functioning of our body. In the same way that we dedicate time to other aspects of our lives such as work, it is essential to dedicate the relevant time to eating, in order to do it calmly.

Likewise, resting is also essential for achieving a good state of the body, feeling stronger and even with a better mood. Eating and sleeping are two fundamental basic needs for survival and to be able to correctly develop the other areas of our lives.

6. Do new activities

This period of improvement is a time to dedicate time to yourself, to do what you like, try new experiences and interact with new people. For this reason, You should not miss the opportunity to sign up for new activities such as excursions, crafts, theater... groups that will allow you to bond with people who show tastes similar to yours, at the same time that you will be able to carry out an activity that you like and help you to have a good little while.

If you have trouble signing up for an activity because you are afraid to go alone, you can do it with a friend. In this way, you will see how these groups of activities work and it will be easier for you to go alone next time.

7. write a diary

Expressing what you feel, either to your loved ones, friends and family, or doing it privately, such as writing in a journal, can be helpful. Express how you feel, both in terms of negative thoughts and improvements that you are observing, helps you to externalize your cognitions and feelings and gives you the possibility to reread it when you have moments down or feeling stagnant, to be able to see, be aware of how you have progressed and little by little you are getting better.

Write down everything you want in the diary, thus allowing yourself a moment to reflect, to be with yourself and be more aware of what your state is, what you should continue working on and how you have prospered.

8. If necessary, ask for professional help

You should consider the possibility ask for professional help if you notice that you are not making progress on your own. In this way, you will be able to receive a more personalized and specific treatment for your situation, working with techniques and strategies effective that will be useful to you at the present time and in the future to be able to face difficult situations that may emerge.

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