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Don Juan syndrome: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment

Today there are still men who seduce women through deception and manipulation in order to take advantage or just satisfy their desires. sexual desires, many times making them believe that they want a serious relationship, although behind it they really hide other intentions. In extreme cases, this becomes the expression of a psychological disorder.

In this article let's see what Don Juan Syndrome is and why it is a complex problem that deserves to be treated by a mental health professional.

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What is Don Juan Syndrome?

If there is a universal myth that was born in Spain, it is "Don Juan", a character that was created by Tirso de Molina. This man possessed characteristics of debauchery and debauchery, he went through life openly speaking to the world of the great number of conquests he had had. Likewise, it gave rise to various works of literary arts based on the archetype of Spanish literature.

Later, psychologists and psychiatrists studied this character in order to be able to define a type of personality that help identify a person who has Don Juan syndrome that would be a type of antisocial personality disorder Y

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Don Juan syndrome, also called compulsive seducer syndrome, is a personality disorder, which is characterized by the compulsiveness of romantically conquering another person in order to be able to manipulate it and be able to satisfy one or several needs. The individual who suffers from this difficulty presents a sexual hyperactivity, and has narcissistic and antisocial personality traits. They are men who present behavior patterns where they seduce women and discard them to get another in order to elevate their ego.

According to the DSM-5 diagnosis, Don Juan Syndrome falls under the category of narcissistic personality disorder by the characterization presented by the subject. In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is important that a series of criteria are met. The criteria that must be met according to the DSM-V for the correct diagnosis of Don Juan Syndrome will be explained below:

  • Lack of empathy
  • Arrogant behaviors and attitudes
  • need for admiration
  • Feelings of greatness and arrogance.

The compulsive seducer or Don Juan syndrome has a series of manifestations that occur at the behavioral, emotional and thought levels. While this mental health difficulty it is more common in men, does not mean that it is not present in a minority of women.

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Characteristics of the person with Don Juan Syndrome

People with Don Juan syndrome very often have emotional and behavioral problems. They have a fragile ego and the behavior of conquering people is a way to reaffirm it.

These people are interested in women who are difficult to seduce, and once they achieve their goal they lose interest and look for another person to start the seduction again. The more conquests the person has, the emptier he will feel, because his main difficulty is that sick way of conquering more and more women.

The man who suffers from this syndrome is initially talkative, attentive, intelligent, flattering, charismatic, etc. Many times what is mentioned above is more than enough to be able to seduce and attract someone you have already laid your eyes on. However, people who present this alteration are also victims, but of themselves. The truth is that these people have negative emotional and psychological complexes that keep you from having a healthy relationship with someone else.

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Symptoms of Don Juan syndrome

Let's see the main symptoms to identify a person with Don Juan Syndrome: compulsive search for recognition, lack of commitment in life, difficulty and inability to establish a stable and healthy love relationship, predominance of deception and lies, use of seduction to be able to emotionally manipulate your partner victim.

Symptoms of Don Juan Syndrome

It is important to point out that the existence of any of the symptoms (in isolation) described above does not necessarily represent Don Juan syndrome. In addition, it is important that the diagnosis be made by a mental health professional.

Main causes of Don Juan syndrome

This pathology, also understood as a mental disorder and/or psychological difficulty, has various origins that can account for the onset of symptoms. Faced with this problem, the knowledge that must be had on the subject turns out to be very important for the correct elaboration of preventive and adequate strategies for a correct approach against the difficulty. The most relevant causes are the following.

family aspects

Having a history of a family member having suffered from compulsive seducer syndrome or Don Juan syndrome is one of the main conditioning factors that can generate this difficulty psychological. It is very likely that the individual repeats the behavior patterns observed by some member of his family environment. Likewise, it is feasible that the incidence of another psychological difficulty of the personality influences the development of this pathology.

Genetic aspects

Don Juan syndrome too may have its origins in genetic predispositions that the individual who suffers from it may have; that is to say, in some own, natural and biological alterations of the human being's own organism. Specifically, the presence of high amounts of vasopressin generates reactions linked to antisocial and manipulative behaviors.

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Treatment of Don Juan syndrome or compulsive seducer syndrome

Currently, fortunately, effective methods are available to treat Don Juan syndrome. One of these treatments is psychological therapy, and the other would be the support of psychiatry through the use of drugs.

The leading role of the psychiatrist and the psychologist in dealing with this difficulty is extremely important, since they are the only professionals trained to be able to provide specialized treatment through the evaluation and treatment of the patient considering family data, data sociodemographics, etc.

Psychological treatment

Psychological therapy can be very helpful in treating Don Juan syndrome. However, It is difficult for someone who suffers from the difficulty to recognize the suffering that it implies for him and for others.

Psychological therapy can facilitate work on the thoughts, emotions and behaviors linked to this difficulty. Short-term psychological therapies (cognitive behavioral therapies) have shown a higher level of effectiveness, since these include the acquisition of strategies to deal with social relations in a more healthy. You can find specialized help to deal with this difficulty in our directory of professional psychologists in Psychology and Mind.

Psychiatric treatment

The help of the psychiatrist is of the utmost importance. to be able to treat Don Juan syndrome, since this specialty is dedicated to the study of mental disorders of genetic or biological origin.

Due to the genetic component that can generate Don Juan syndrome, it is important to supply psychopharmaceuticals that act on neuronal connections, in order to reduce behaviors narcissists. However, the only professional responsible for providing an evoked pharmacological treatment for mental health is a doctor with a specialty in psychiatry. Finally, an interdisciplinary work between the psychologist and the psychiatrist is important to deal with this difficulty.

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