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8 tips to face and manage insomnia

Insomnia problems are a common source of discomfort for many people around the world who they experience in their day to day, but fortunately, no one is condemned to have to resign themselves and suffer them without being able to Do nothing.

And it is that although at the time of sleep we cannot carry out actions in a conscious way, before and after yes we can apply psychologically healthy routines and habits to our day-to-day life that help us rest good. So in this article you will find several tips and tricks to manage and overcome insomnia.

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Tips to manage insomnia and sleep well

Insomnia is one of the most researched sleep disorders in the field of medicine and psychology, and health professionals have progressively found various solutions to solve this type of problem. Some of them can only be done under medical or psychotherapeutic supervision, but others, less effective but simpler, can be applied by oneself.

Below we will briefly develop the main general tips that you can use to manage insomnia successfully.

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1. relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are tools that we can use daily to relax before going to sleep, especially if we have difficulty falling asleep or have problems with insomnia.

There are many techniques of this type that we have and at present we have the possibility of learn them both telematically over the internet or by going to any specialist in the matter.

Manage sleep problems

Some of the relaxation techniques that we can put into practice in our day to day life are controlled breathing exercises, massage, aromatherapy, music therapy, or breathing controlled.

One of the most recommended techniques of this type is Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique, a methodology frequently used both in the field of psychology and medicine. It is a relaxation program whose benefits have been scientifically proven and which consists of progressive relaxation and awareness of various muscle groups over a period of approximately 10 minutes.

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2. Have a consistent sleep schedule

Keep a clear sleep schedule and follow it on a weekly basis, respecting daily the time at which we go to bed and the one we get up the next day is another very useful tip to beat insomnia.

Disciplined maintenance of a daily sleep schedule accustoms our body to always activate and deactivate at the same time, something essential for the proper functioning of circadian rhythms (the natural rhythms that the brain's "biological clock" follows).

3. To do physical exercise

Doing physical exercise regularly throughout the week also contributes to leading a healthy life. healthier and is another of the classic ways with which we can overcome our problems of insomnia.

This physical exercise routine must be organized according to our needs and physical abilities, avoiding any risk of injury or excessive performance for our body.

Besides that, it is advisable to exercise during the first hours of the afternoon, leaving at least five hours of margin to rest before going to bed (that is, not doing it just before going to sleep, so as not to alter the natural biorhythms of the organism).

Finally, it should be noted that by performing an exercise of any kind that is intense and tires us out, we will be able to free endorphins in our body, chemical substances that help us to be in a better mood and to fall asleep better due to the evening.

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4. Healthy nutrition

Food can also be an element to take into account to overcome cases of insomnia and especially the type of food and the way we consume it at night. On the one hand, digestion problems will make it difficult to fall asleep, and on the other, being malnourished will expose us more to stress, and this does not get along with sleep.

Nutrition experts advise that the last meal of the day should be eaten between 7 and 8 p.m. to have time to digest before going to sleep. At the same time, it is also advisable to eat little and eat foods that are not very heavy.

Similarly, there are also certain healthy habits that we can practice daily before going to sleep, such as taking a valerian or similar infusion.

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5. Avoid nighttime exposure to any screen

It is advisable to avoid exposure to screens of all kinds shortly before going to sleep, regardless of whether they are from the mobile device, since could interfere with the natural falling asleep in the brain. And it is that exposing ourselves to so much light can confuse our internal biological clock, making that the nervous system maintains a high level of arousal by functioning almost as if it were fully day.

Although it is very difficult for us, due to the great dependence that most people have on mobile phones and other electronic devices, before sleeping it is advisable to do other relaxing activities such as reading or listening music.

6. Read

Reading can also be one of the habits that, if we continue progressively and over time, can serve as an element to activate sleep by allow us to disconnect.

Reading is one of the most relaxing activities most suitable for just before going to bed, especially if it is not about texts that are very complicated or that pose a challenge to comprehension or memorization (university notes are ruled out, for example). That is why it is highly recommended to do a few minutes before going to sleep, a habit that can be combined with the intake of any type of relaxing infusion.

7. To meditate

Like the classical relaxation techniques, the meditation It is a form of mind control based on ancient oriental traditions that can be a good ally to prepare our body in the minutes before bedtime.

There are many ways to meditate to relax our body; One of the most recent and used modalities all over the world is Mindfulness., a relaxation methodology used in clinical practice and inspired by certain Buddhist traditions, but developed in a field of scientific research.

Mindfulness or Full Attention allows us to become aware of both our body and our mental content and allows us to focus on the present moment, forgetting about past concerns or future.

8. Create a sleep-friendly environment

Creating an environment suitable for sleep consists of a series of guidelines that can help us fall asleep and with which we can make it easier for the brain and the body to progressively enter the phase of falling asleep.

Some of these guidelines may be, as has been indicated, avoiding exposure to bright screens, turning off any light in the house that is excessively strong or take a relaxing bath just before bed.

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