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The 100 best phrases of Agatha Christie

Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller, known as Agatha Christie or also by her pseudonym, Mary Westmacott, was a writer and playwright of British origin, who established herself in the world of writing thanks to her novels police.

She currently holds a Guinness record as the best-selling novelist (two billion copies). copies), placing her in the third position of best-selling authors, with her works translated into 103 Languages. If you want to know the creative and sagacious mind behind all these achievements, she continues reading; Here we will review Agatha Christie's best quotes, commented.

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The most memorable Agatha Christie phrases

To honor her legacy and her important contribution to the detective genre in literature, we bring a compilation with the best phrases of Agatha Christie.

1. Good advice is generally not taken into account, but that is no reason not to give it.

Good advice can be comforting, even if it is not followed.

2. The nature factor should never be neglected.

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Nature is not separated from human actions.

3. Life, in reality, is a one-way street.

So look ahead to the future you want to build.

4. Time is the best killer.

Time can be an ally or an enemy.

5. When there is no humility, people degrade themselves.

Lack of humility causes people to become empty.

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6. His strength lies in his will, not in his arm.

It is the will that makes us go forward.

7. Marry an archaeologist. The older you get, the more charming you will find yourself.

Good advice on 'the perfect man'.

8. I suspect everyone until the last minute.

Everyone is guilty until proven otherwise.

9. You don't recognize the really important moments in your life until it's too late.

A mistake that we tend to repeat over and over again.

10. You don't start with murder, with the desire to commit it, or even thinking about it. You start out by simply being greedy, wanting to have more than you can get.

The way how crimes start.

Agatha Christie Quotes

11. The impossible cannot have happened; therefore, the impossible has to be possible, despite appearances.

The impossible only exists in our mind.

12. If a problem is studied with order and method, there is no difficulty in solving it.

But first, you should focus on finding a solution instead of making the problem bigger.

13. Fate sometimes seems to mock human beings, taking pleasure in discovering what they would like to keep secret.

Secrets sooner or later are revealed.

14. Man is an unoriginal animal. Unoriginal within the law in his respectable daily life, and equally unoriginal outside the law.

For some it is preferable to imitate than to do something new.

15. It's funny, but it's only when you see people making fools of themselves that you realize how much you love them.

Have you lived this moment with your loved ones?

16. People should be interested in books, not their authors.

You should not judge a book by its cover, nor by its writer.

17. Conversations are always dangerous if you want to hide something.

When we are in confidence, we can unconsciously tell the truth.

18. Old sins have long shadows.

They are the regrets that weigh the most and torment the future.

19. Being humble is having your feet firmly on the ground.

What it really means to be humble.

20. I always thought it was better to write without a collaborator, because when two people are writing the same book, each believes that he is taking all the worries and half of the Profits.

Preferring to write on their own.

21. People get along and make everything a drama.

It is common to make everything a drama to make it more interesting.

22. What a woman sees in a man is beyond the comprehension of any average intelligent man. It is so and there is no more.

Everyone has an irresistible attraction for other people.

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23. A mother's love for her child is unlike anything in the world. She doesn't know the law, she has no mercy. She dares all things and mercilessly crushes all that stands in her way.

A mother's love is perhaps one of the most sincere loves.

24. The young think that the old are fools, but the old know that the young are fools.

Young people are fools because they are reactionary and are carried away by the moment.

25. Every intelligent person should keep his thoughts to himself.

It is wise to know when to speak and when to be silent.

26. If you put your head in a lion's mouth, then you won't be able to complain one day if he bites you.

It never hurts to be cautious, which is not the same as staying in the comfort zone.

27. An archaeologist is the best husband a woman could have. The older she gets, the more interested he is in her.

Agatha loved her second husband to the end, who showed her her true love.

28. Rushing to explain is always a sign of weakness.

Do you think this will be true?

29. There is nothing more exhausting in the world than the person who is always right.

Sometimes they tend to be petulant people.

30. The best crimes for my novels have occurred to me while washing dishes.

The best time of day to imagine scenarios for your books.

31. Women unconsciously observe a thousand intimate details, without knowing what they are doing. Their subconscious mixes those little things with each other and they call that intuition.

This is why they say that women have a 'sixth sense'.

32. Imagination is a good servant and a bad master. The simplest explanation is always the most likely.

It all depends on how we use it.

33. If your dreams are not destined to come true, it is better to accept it in time and move on instead of focusing on broken hopes.

Some wise advice, if you have an impossible goal to achieve, it is better that you direct your course somewhere else that you can achieve.

34. We are five people in this room. One of us is the killer.

Criminals can be in our close environment.

35. He had burst into my life like a shooting star, briefly entering my world.

Those short but lasting moments in our minds.

36. Understand me well: I want to get to the truth. This, as ugly as it may be, is always curious and is beautiful for those who seek it eagerly.

The truth is preferable to any sweetened lie.

37. What wins me over, always does, is how a man can be so smart and yet be such a perfect fool.

There will always be someone who is better and more agile than us.

38. The bad thing is that people are insatiable.

People always want more, they get carried away by their ambitions.

39. Two people rarely see the same thing.

Everyone has a peculiar way of perceiving things.

40. I know he's probably always going to be like this, but I love him. I may be able to help you or maybe not. But I'm going to take that risk.

That vague hope of wanting to be able to change someone for the better.

41. From now on duty commands us to suspect each other.

Suspicion is a feeling that is generated on every page of Agatha's stories.

42. I know from experience that certain trifles, family memorabilia, and the like and intimate things take on great value to you over the years, as you get older.

In old age, all the events experienced in the past are better appreciated.

43. The woman can be the help of the man and the inspiration of his life, but she can also be the undoing of him.

Not all couples benefit from each other.

44. Our problems sharpen our eyes sometimes.

Sometimes problems make us see the world more clearly.

45. No artist, I now realize, can be satisfied with art alone. There is a natural desire for recognition, not profit.

Every artist wants to be recognized for his work.

46. Life is hard work… It takes infinite courage and a lot of endurance. And in the end one wonders, was it worth it?

It is a question that everyone must answer on their own.

47. Instinct is a wonderful thing. It cannot be explained or ignored.

It is important to consider instinct for various situations.

48. Never tell everything you know, even to the person you know best.

It is better to keep the most important or intimate for ourselves.

49. Remember, it is an original thought and it can have valuable results.

Do not underestimate the power of an idea that you can develop.

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50. If you want to relive the past, it will ultimately appear distorted.

We never remember things as they once happened.

51. There is no worse mistake in life than seeing or listening to works of art at the wrong time. For many, Shakespeare was spoiled just by studying it in school.

Many young people hate reading, because of the heavy works they are forced to read at school.

52. Sex cannot take the place of love, it goes along with love, but it cannot be successful on its own.

Sex does not represent a commitment to the other person. Unlike love.

53. Do you know my friend that each of us is a dark mystery, a labyrinth of conflicting passions and desire and aptitudes?

All people have secrets that we want to discover.

54. What is needed is a passion for the truth.

A fundamental element in all police work.

55. One can live in a big house and still have no comfort.

Money does not usually fill those emotional gaps that people have.

56. One of the saddest things in life is what one remembers.

We tend to hold on to sad memories.

57. It is clear that the books own the store rather than the other way around.

It is the books that give life to any store.

58. I truly believe that, like so many liars, there is a real substratum of truth behind their lies.

They say that a good lie is one that contains some truth.

59. Due to the fact of having been born poor, one cannot guarantee that he will be poor all his life.

Your origin does not necessarily determine your future.

60. One must make their own mistakes.

It is better to make your own mistakes than to follow other people's mistakes.

61. Too much modesty would prevent us from writing.

The writing that hooks is the one that is provocative.

62. Men always tell a lot of silly lies.

Is it possible that men do not know how to lie?

63. I specialize in silent murders, in the national interest.

The hook in the Agatha stories.

64. Any woman can cheat on a man if she wants to and he is in love with her.

There are those who use the love of a person for their own interests.

65. Any coincidence deserves to be warned. You can discard it later if it's just a coincidence.

Do you think coincidences exist?

66. The heart of a woman she loves will forgive many blows.

Many women are more compassionate than some men.

67. I learned, although I guess I already knew, that you should never try to go back, that the essence of life is to move forward.

When we go back, we get stuck in what we couldn't live.

68. I understood that he could not heal me and that in the end a slow and painful death would come. I decided to live intensely until the fatal hour.

Sometimes it is better to accept our fate to be at peace.

69. When a man's neck is in danger, he doesn't dwell too long on feelings.

Respond first to your survival instincts.

70. You don't know if you can do something or not until you try.

Trying is extremely difficult, but it is very necessary.

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71. Wherever human nature exists, there is drama. It's just not always how you imagine it.

People love drama.

72. What really happens, most of the time, is that we don't know anything about our neighbor at all.

People, even if we know them, can always surprise us.

73. Doing the dishes turns anyone into a high-class homicidal maniac.

An interesting way to find inspiration.

74. I have some experience in noticing when people tell lies.

If we pay attention to what others say, we can discover their lies.

75. Fear is incomplete knowledge.

Fear is a representation of how much the unknown makes us uncomfortable.

76. One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have a happy childhood.

A happy childhood is insurance for a happy adulthood.

77. In life one must necessarily take certain risks.

Risks can take us where we want to go.

78. Very few of us are what we seem.

We must be careful not to let ourselves be carried away by appearances.

79. Everybody said, 'Follow your heart. I did it, it broke.

Sometimes what we pursue is not what suits us best.

80. I like to live. At times I have felt wild, desperate, acutely miserable, wracked with pain; but through it all i still know for sure that being alive is a great thing

Life is never static, that's why we can feel in different ways.

81. Many successful people feel unhappy. That is why they are successful people: they must make sure of themselves by achieving something that the world will notice.

Not all successful people are happy.

82. Everything that has existed, is left behind in eternity.

All events that occur and will occur have their time.

83. Life seems more full of interest when we are about to lose it.

We tend to appreciate things when they are almost done.

84. The secret to always being current is to start every moment.

A motivation to never stop trying.

85. Never do something that others can do for you.

It never hurts to ask for help and delegate tasks.

86. When will a woman lie? Sometimes for herself. Usually for the man she loves. Always for her children.

Women lie with a purpose.

87. If a man commits a crime, every other crime he commits will look very like it.

Many crimes are done in imitation of the action of other criminals.

88. What is important and what is not? You can never tell. We have to pay attention to the smallest details.

Each person considers what is important in her life.

89. Life, like the train, my daughter, goes on! And it's lucky that it's like this

That is why the past should be left behind.

90. You should not judge anyone without having heard it before.

It is always important to hear all sides of the story.

91. Any sense of attraction between a man and a woman begins with the amazing illusion that they both agree in their thinking.

Falling in love is an illusory magic that can progress to permanent love or is destroyed.

92. Evil is not something superhuman, it is something less than human.

Evil is a sign of baseness.

93. Evil never goes unpunished, but sometimes the punishment is secret.

Evil always pays, sooner or later, you have to answer for your actions.

94. Never go back to a place where you were happy before, if you go back you will destroy it.

A strange advice, sometimes the happiness of the past is not the same as now.

95. The most reasonable thing that has been said about marriage and about celibacy is this: whatever you do, you will regret it.

An interesting relationship between both states.

96. Sadness is the cradle of inspiration for every writer.

Sadness is a natural feeling for a writer.

97. The best recipe for the detective story: the detective should never know more than the reader.

The key to crime novels is for the detective to fight to solve the case.

98. When it comes to large sums, it is best not to trust anyone.

It is always advisable to watch our backs.

99. The weak often show unexpected strength, and the strong sometimes succumb.

Difficult times make us draw incredible strength.

100. An intelligent woman can become foolish in front of a particular man.

Love makes us fools.

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