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10 strategies to raise self-esteem in your day to day life

Self-esteem is the assessment that human beings make of ourselves, both physically and in terms of personality, aptitudes and abilities.

It is a very necessary element in people's lives, since their happiness and self-realization depend on it. In this sense, a good level of self-esteem is necessary to fulfill ourselves as people and achieve any of our life goals.

Although the most effective way to treat self-esteem issues is to go to psychotherapy, there are some strategies and routines that can be applied to the day to day by oneself and that help us raise the level of self-esteem and feel better about ourselves.

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What are the main strategies to raise self-esteem?

Below we present in a summarized way the keys that we can follow to improve our self-esteem.

1. Avoid constant comparisons

One of the first strategies we can put into practice to improve our self-esteem is to avoid always comparing ourselves with others. people, either in our closest environment (such as friends, family or co-workers) or with people unknown.

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Whenever we compare ourselves with another person who can do better in life, we can end up feeling bad with what we have, that is why in general it is much better to focus on self-improvement goals, that is, that what is important is to overcome oneself.

2. Being realistic with ourselves

Having a vision of oneself adjusted to reality is one of the best ways to acquire a good self-esteem, and this applies both to physical image and to the qualities, aptitudes or abilities that one have. That's why it's a good thing that we often question what we think we know about ourselves.

raise self-esteem

Some people who have low levels of self-esteem tend to be too hard on themselves, overvaluing those aspects that they consider negative about their person or their real defects, and ignoring everything positive that have. For example, they assume that their achievements are a product of luck or the help of others, and that failures are always their sole responsibility.

The best way to have a high level of self-esteem is by accepting what we really are without generating an overly negative view of ourselves or neither by exercising too severe a judgment on those things that we need to improve.

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3. healthy living habits

Healthy lifestyle habits are essential to lead a healthy life, something that also has a very decisive effect on the level of self-esteem of any person. When we feel physically well, it is easier to have a constructive view of ourselves and our abilities.

Exercising regularly, eating a healthy and balanced diet, having healthy sleeping habits, or keeping your mind occupied with intellectually demanding activities are some of the habits we can follow to be better with ourselves and improve esteem.

4. Get out of the comfort zone

Some people tend to live their lives without taking any risks, protecting themselves from any activity or event. that could put them to the test, for fear of failing or exposing some lack of their own, real or imagined.

In order to improve as people and prosper daily, it is important that we take some reasonable risks and put our abilities to the test, no matter what other people say.

In this way, it is likely that we will end up overcoming our fears and complexes, and discover qualities in ourselves that we did not know we had.

  • You may be interested: "How to get out of your comfort zone? 7 keys to achieve it"

5. avoid labels

Putting immovable labels on ourselves and on the people around us is too simple a way of looking at reality, since people evolve and change constantly.

This means having thoughts about oneself of the type "I'm stupid, I'm clumsy or I'm useless", since having difficulties in some areas of professional or academic performance does not mean that the person is that way permanent.

That is why it is convenient to value people and ourselves in a deeper and more global way, taking into account all aspects of their personality.

  • Related article: "Self-concept: what is it and how is it formed?"

6. be proactive

A proactive attitude is one of the most beneficial engines for improving self-esteem that exists for anyone, whatever their occupation and socioeconomic level.

Human beings live happier when we have goals to meet and as long as it is not at the cost of harming another person, being interested in achieving them is a good way to achieve greater self-esteem when you reach those goals.

7. Appreciate what you have

Being grateful in life to the people who are good to us and appreciating the good that one has in his day day is one of the best strategies we can follow to be better with ourselves and improve the esteem.

In addition to that, it is also highly recommended to value less the material possessions of life and focus on what really makes sense, such as love towards our loved ones, friendship, loyalty and happiness in general.

8. don't obsess

Some people become excessively obsessed with the goals they set for themselves throughout their lives, whether personal or professional, and when they fail to achieve them they end up getting frustrated and feeling evil.

To prevent this from happening, it is recommended not base our self-esteem solely on a professional, knowledge or social field or area. That means that if we don't get the job of our dreams but we have been lucky in love and interpersonal relationships, we should value the positive we have and look forward.

  • You may be interested: "Obsessive thoughts: why they appear and how to fight them"

9. Cultivate rich and healthy interpersonal relationships

Having an active social life with healthy social and sentimental relationships is one of the best ways we have to achieve a good level of self-esteem in our lives.

That is why we must always remember take care of our friends, our family and also our partners.

10. Be yourself

Finally, it should be noted that another of the strategies that we can follow to be better with ourselves is to always be honest and act according to our principles and personal values.

Some people tend to pretend when they are in society, giving up who they really are and giving up their personal principles; this usually causes them discomfort and can negatively affect their self-esteem.

Are you looking for professional psychological support?

If you are interested in having professional psychological support, please contact us.

My name is Ester Fernández, I am a psychologist and coach and I offer my services in person and online.

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