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7 most outstanding characteristics of TROTSKYISM

Trotskyism: main characteristics

During the 20th century, there were many political currents arising from Marxism, since the world situation at that time made studies on this subject necessary. One of the greatest thinkers on Marxism was Leon Trotsky, creator of Trotskyism, a key current to understand the history of the USSR. To know this version of Marxism, in this lesson of a Professor we must talk about the Main characteristics of Trotskyism.

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  1. What is Trotskyism?
  2. Characteristics of Trotskyism most outstanding
  3. Who was Leon Trotsky?

What is Trotskyism?

Before entering fully into the characteristics of Trotskyism, we are going to define this term well.

The Trotskyism is a political current emerged from Marxism and created by Russian thinker Leon Trotsky. In general we can say that this current is born from a firm opposition to stalinism, since both currents are very different, although the intention of both was to seek the best system for the USSR.

Trotskyism he was facing Stalinism

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because he considered that it did not help the interests of seeking a socialist revolution at the world level, while Trotsky supported a constant revolution in order to change the whole world.

The harsh and critical character of Trotskyism made was persecuted within the USSR, being Trotsky expelled from the nation in 1929 for being considered a traitor to his country. The reality is that it was a long process of defamation, using photographs and false news, that caused Trotsky to be expelled from his nation.

Even so, Trotskyism was able to maintain itself after the departure and subsequent death of its creator, being a very important Marxist current in the USSR, and even being maintained until today in much of the world.

Trotskyism: main characteristics - What is Trotskyism?

Characteristics of the most outstanding Trotskyism.

To continue this lesson from a Teacher we must talk about the Trotskyism Characteristics, to understand the great differences that existed between this current of Marxism and others such as Stalinism.

We must keep in mind that Trotskyism has never had a way of using ideas, so its characteristics are more theoretical than practical. The main features of Trotskyism were the following:

  1. One of his pillars was the call permanent revolution, according to which the revolution should be international. Trotsky believes that the revolution should be made everywhere and not just in the same country, since it is the only way to defeat capitalism.
  2. He considered that education should be improved so that it is egalitarian and complete, since he considers that capitalism is born from poor quality and unequal education. This idea is considered as the transition of the population, looking for a new generation of minds that can use this doctrine correctly.
  3. He defended the rotation in democratic positions, since he considered that if there was a lot of bureaucracy and people who held positions for years, the egalitarian democracy that Marx defended would not exist.
  4. raised five year financial plans to be able to know the production that was needed at that time, being something that Stalin copied. The idea was to know at all times that he needed society and to change the production to fit it.
  5. Trotsky created the Fourth International as an organization to unite all socialists in the world, but he also considered necessary the creation of independent revolutionary parties in each nation
  6. He urged his followers to enter the big leftist parties to spread the ideas of Trotskyism, seeking a variety of ideas within the world's leftist movements.
  7. The power should always be in the hands of the proletariat, so any creation of agencies and bureaucracies should be frowned upon for making the people lose power.
Trotskyism: main characteristics - Characteristics of Trotskyism most outstanding

Who was Leon Trotsky?

To understand Trotskyism we must talk about its creator and main thinker: Leon Trotsky. Trotsky was a Russian thinker, politician and revolutionary of Jewish origin, being one of the main organizers of the revolutions that achieved the formation of the USSR.

Trotsky was part of the Mensheviks, being a moderate part of the Russian workers' party that marked differences with the Bolsheviks of Lenin. Even so, Trotsky was one of the organizers of the October Revolution, which allowed the Bolsheviks to take power in the USSR in 1917. After the revolution, the war between the Bolsheviks and the Tsar's supporters took place, during which time Trotsky held the position of commissar for military affairs.

Although Trotsky did not share all of Lenin's ideas, they did support each other for the greater good, but this was not the case with the coming to power of Stalin. It was during this time that Trotsky began to publish his works on Marxism, many of his works being ideas contrary to Stalinism and causing that Stalin expelled him from the country for fear that he might take control of her.

After his expulsion Trotsky formed the Fourth International and he began to write the texts that would shape Trotskyism, although he had to do it far from the country for which he had fought so hard.

If you want to read more articles similar to Trotskyism: main characteristics, we recommend that you enter our category of History.


  • Broué, P., & King, D. (1988). Trotsky (p. 349). Paris: Fayard.
  • Deutscher, I., & Gonzalez, J. L. (1970). Trotsky: the armed prophet (1879-1921). Era Editions.
  • Deutscher, I., & Gonzalez, J. L. (1968). Trotsky: the unarmed prophet (1921-1929). He was.
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