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The 70 best phrases (and reflections) of Pablo Neruda

Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, who would be recognized in the literary world and by people in the world as Pablo Neruda, he was a poet and politician of Chilean origin, whose verses are cataloged as unique and wonderful works. Although his life was also full of scandals and mysteries, like those surrounding his private life and his career as a communist politician.

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Best quotes and phrases of Pablo Neruda

Winner of a Nobel Prize for Literature and an honorary doctorate, awarded by the University of Oxford, earned him recognition as one of the most influential artistic figures. That is why in this article we bring a list with the best phrases and verses of Pablo Neruda.

1. Don't do with love what a child does with his balloon, who ignores it when he has it and cries when he loses it.

It's better to finish clean than to play with the feelings of someone who is sincere.

2. If nothing saves us from death, unless love saves us from life.

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Find something you love to do and enjoy your life.

3. In a kiss, you'll know everything I kept silence.

The way we express feelings is through kisses.

4. Love is so short and oblivion so long.

There are loves that need a lifetime to be overcome.

5. Shyness is a condition alien to the heart, a category, a dimension that leads to loneliness.

When shyness is not addressed, it can lead to isolation.

6. Laughter is the language of the soul.

Laughter fills us with energy.

7. Your chest is enough for my heart, my wings are enough for your freedom.

Love should never be a cage.

8. Love… what wandering loneliness until your company.

That feeling of being alone in the world until we find someone to love.

9. So that nothing binds us that does not unite us.

Detachment helps us to have a more open attitude in life.

10. I like you when you are silent because you are absent.

A way to miss the one you love and wish for their soon return.

11. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.

Love needs no explanations.

12. I decided to fall in love with life, it is the only one that will not leave me without first doing it.

Enjoying life implies loving what you do.

13. They will be able to cut all the flowers but not stop the spring.

An idea can remain in the minds of thousands of people.

14. Let us generously forget those who cannot love us.

Leave behind those people who do not attract positive to your life.

15. I want to do with you what spring does with cherry trees.

A love that blooms.

16. Knowing the love of those we love is the fire that feeds life.

That's why you never shut up what you feel.

17. Someday anywhere, anywhere you will inevitably find yourself, and that, only that, can be the happiest or the most bitter of your hours.

It will depend on how much you have worked on your own worth.

18. Slowly dies who avoids a passion and its whirlwind of emotions, precisely those that return the shine to the eyes and restore broken hearts.

The living dead are those who walk away from their dreams.

19. Perhaps you did not know, Araucana, that when before loving you I forgot your kisses, my heart was remembering your mouth.

The memory of someone loved that is still burning inside.

20. In your embrace I embrace what exists, the sand, the time, the rain tree.

Relationships should make us feel complete with ourselves and with our surroundings.

21. And if you don't give more, just find what's in your hands, think that giving love is never in vain.

Being with someone is the best gift we can give.

22. Love is born from memory, lives from intelligence and dies from oblivion.

The life cycle of love.

23. Under your skin the moon lives.

An indescribable beauty.

24. It is forbidden not to smile at problems, not to fight for what you want, to abandon everything out of fear, not to make your dreams come true.

The best way to deal with a problem is to have a good attitude.

25. I wonder if one day, looking into the eyes of the one who will have you after me, you will look for something that belongs to me.

The love we give will always be unique.

26. Only with ardent patience will we conquer the splendid city that will give light, justice and dignity to all men. Thus poetry will not have been sung in vain.

Any big change requires time and perseverance.

27. Let's sow the plain before plowing the hill.

To do something great, you must start with small steps.

28. You are like no one since I love you.

The people we love are unique in our eyes.

29. I ask for silence. And I only want five things. One is endless love. The second thing is to see the fall. The third is the severe winter. Fourth summer. The fifth is your eyes, I don't want to be without you looking at me: I change the spring because you keep looking at me.

Moments are more enjoyable when we have someone to share them with.

30. Pilot's anxiety, blind diver's fury, cloudy intoxication of love, everything in you was shipwreck.

There are loves that make us lose track of the world and ourselves.

31. Your wide eyes are the light I have from the defeated constellations, your skin throbs like the paths that the meteor travels in the rain.

A poetry to beauty.

32. Luck is the excuse of the unsuccessful.

When people don't look for their destiny, they find any excuse for their failure.

33. I will be nobody's, only you. Until my bones turn to ashes and my heart stops beating.

The love that promises to last until death do them part.

34. In front of my eyes you were, reigning over me, and you reign. Like a bonfire in the woods, fire is your kingdom.

Have you felt that someone has your heart in their hands?

35. The truth is that there is no truth.

The truth is in each person.

36. There is no other destiny than the one we will make for ourselves by pure blood, by hand.

We are responsible for the future we build for ourselves.

37. Slowly dies who does not travel, who does not read, who does not listen to music, who does not find charm in himself.

People who stay in their comfort zone never move forward.

38. Again I lift you, life, on my shoulders.

The strength we need to start over.

39. The tears that are not cried, do they wait in small lakes? Or will they be invisible rivers that run towards sadness?

When you don't get your emotions out, they build up to bursting.

40. Why do leaves kill themselves when they feel yellow?

A reference to the lament of people when they are no longer young.

41. In my house I have collected small and large toys, without which I could not live.

Toys are also a treasure that we can appreciate.

42. It seemed to me that life warned me and taught me a lesson forever: the lesson of hidden honor, of the brotherhood we do not know, of the beauty that blooms in the dark.

The best things can come out of the worst times.

43. Never hold a grudge against people who don't love you.

It is not anyone's obligation to love another person.

44. Happiness is internal, not external, therefore, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.

If you are not satisfied with yourself, you will not be satisfied with the things you have.

45. If you don't climb the mountain, you will never be able to enjoy the scenery.

You cannot be successful without overcoming different obstacles.

46. Poetry is born from the pain. Joy is an end in itself.

Melancholy is the engine of inspiration for many artists.

47. I believed that the route passed through the man, and that destiny had to come from there.

Destiny is the route we decide to take in our life.

48. The child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play has lost forever the child who lived in him and who will be greatly missed.

The game helps us keep our mind and curiosity active.

49. We, the ones then, are not the same.

We are not the same people we were in the past.

50. The jurisdiction for the great thief, the jail for the one who steals a loaf of bread.

Every crime must receive its punishment.

51. In you the rivers sing and my soul in them flees as you wish.

The connection you feel with that special person.

52. We poets hate hate, and we make war on war.

No artist is in favor of conflicts.

53. Suddenly while you were with me I touched you and my life stopped.

The moment you realize you love someone.

54. Go ahead without looking back.

It's the only way to get where you want.

55. Why will all my love come to me at once when I feel sad, and I feel you far away...

We realize the importance of a person when they are no longer with us.

56. You play every day with the light of the universe. Subtle visitor, you arrive in the flower and in the water.

A poetry to the charm of a person we love.

57. I can write the saddest verses tonight. I loved her, and sometimes she loved me too.

Remembering the moments of love, which perhaps were not.

58. From my mouth will reach the sky what was asleep on your soul.

The fire of passion must always be lit in a couple.

59. Does he who always waits suffer more than he who never waited for anyone?

Waiting becomes torment when we don't find answers.

60. Love is not seen, she feels, and even more so when she is with you.

Love needs no explanations, it must be lived.

61. Of all fires, love is the only one that cannot be extinguished.

Love is an intense flame that burns with pleasure.

62. Give me silence, water, hope. Give me fight, steel, volcanoes.

Calm and adventures. The ingredients that relations must have.

63. And since then I am because you are, and since then you are, I am and we are, and for love I will be, you will be, we will be.

Love leads us to grow together and evolve individually.

64. I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you that way because I don't know how to love any other way.

The only way to love is free from self-pride.

65. I love your feet because they walked on the earth and on the wind and on the water, until they found me.

In a relationship, the most important thing is the present that is lived and the future that can be built.

66. As if to bring her closer, my gaze searches for her. My heart looks for her, and she is not with me.

The need to have the old love that is no longer there.

67. It is in you the illusion of every day.

Live so that every day is incredible with that person.

68. For my next number I need you to kiss me and I will magically make butterflies appear in your stomach.

Have you ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you fall in love?

69. You are free to make the choices you want, but you are a prisoner of their consequences.

Every choice you make has consequences that you must accept. Both as for well and for worse.

70. There is a certain pleasure in madness that only the madman knows.

A space that helps us detach ourselves from the setbacks of reality.

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