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How to enhance self love?

Most people wonder what self-love is, but many only answer "love yourself".

In this sense, here you will find a list of tips on how to find self-love and an exercise that helps increase it.

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Tips for cultivating self love

Self-love is growing with oneself. It is to focus on oneself without becoming selfish, is working on the self-care you have for yourself. Of course, this process does not happen outside of our will and our emotional self-care strategies. You have to work consciously for this to happen, otherwise perhaps you are not carrying out the correct maintenance of self-love.

Let's see some here recommendations to enhance this psychological element.

  • The perfect recipe to love yourself is to focus on your dreams.
  • Unconditional love is basic, loving you above all things, it is well said that whoever does not love himself cannot love anyone else.
  • Being with you, giving yourself a few minutes a day to be alone with yourself helps to find inner peace
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  • Connect with nature; it is proven that this helps regulate breathing and achieve good oxygenation and purification of the body and mind
  • Consciously breathe 3 times a day; breathing activates the diaphragm which helps to have a deeper breath and health is given to the body
self love habits
  • You may be interested: "Self-concept: what is it and how is it formed?"

What stops you from loving yourself?

These are several of the elements that weigh down self-love.

1. Fault

Many people feel guilty because they think they are selfish; there is a very fine line between what is self love and selfishness, but when it's love no one is harmed.

  • Related article: "What is guilt and how can we manage this feeling?"

2. Criticism

People criticize very often: if you allow yourself a gift or fall into a whim, if you bought clothes, if you went to the movies alone, etc.

3. Not knowing

People are sometimes unaware of the term "self-love" and that means they can't even put it into action and apply it to ensure their emotional well-being.

4. Social pressure

People pressure people to change and not be as they really are; wanting to change the other is not ideal. The person himself must want to change for his own good and achieve his goals of self-realization.

5. stereotypes

Society is highly influenced by what "should be", and that is where the personality gets caught in a kind of block. Faced with this kind of experiences, thoughts such as “I don't know who I am”, “I don't know where I'm going”, “I don't know what I want” arise... These types of doubts often arise in psychological therapy sessions.

  • You may be interested: "Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination: Why Should We Avoid Prejudging?"

6. Not having a focus on what you want in life

Not having a focus makes people turn away from what is really important to them, goals. However, if a person has well-defined goals, he will achieve such a clear image of who he wants to be that he will become such a person.

When visualizing the goals, it is possible to activate the frontal lobe in charge of achieving objectives; it is very important to activate the display to be able to see it as a movie of the life you want to have, so that the brain takes you towards that route.

  • Related article: "Personal Development: 5 reasons for self-reflection"

Steps to self-design

Choose who you want to be through this activity:

  • Love yourself as you are.
  • Visualize what you want to improve about yourself.
  • Make a poster with images of who you would like to be (your best version of yourself).
  • Post the poster in a place where it is visible.
  • Look in the mirror and say positive phrases before your image.
  • Eat something once a week that you enjoy and that won't hurt you.
  • Say hello to at least one person a day.

The perfect recipe to love you it is:

  • Write a place where you feel good, you like it and it is quiet for you to meditate, this place should be at home.
  • Add health, write one thing that you need to work on regarding your health, this should be about your physical, emotional or / and spiritual aspect.
  • When you are about to go to bed, check what emotion you have. Let's start now, did you get up this morning? Remember how you woke up today.
  • Choose at least one person with whom you would like to talk daily
  • Take a relaxing bath, either in the morning or at night; when you are taking a bath, consciously go through the parts of your body.
  • Choose a favorite place to rest, a place where you can be with yourself.

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