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Taylor Swift's 100 Best Quotes (and Lyrics)

Taylor Swift is an American singer-songwriter, businesswoman, designer, and actress who has taken the pop world by storm since the early age of 14. Now with almost two decades of musical career, we could see it evolve from country to pop style over time, changing her innocent lyrics for more provocative and raw messages that show the reality of love, in all its colors.

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Best Quotes and Sayings of Taylor Swift

As a winner of multiple Grammy, MTV, Billboard and Songwriters Hall of Fame inductees, she has become a great inspiration to many young artists. That is why we bring a compilation with the best phrases and reflections of Taylor Swift.

1. At some point, you have to let go of grudges, because they only hurt.

Holding grudges makes us bitter over time.

2. It is interesting to think that you are the only person who completes him and then realize that there are millions of people who have felt the same in their life.

Talking about being someone's 'better half'.

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3. Let go of the people who bring you down, and surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

When we surround ourselves with positive people, our mood improves.

4. Don't worry. You may think you'll never get over it. But you also thought it would last forever.

Although breakups are painful and hard to get over, with time you will be able to move on.

5. In life, you learn lessons. And sometimes you learn them the hard way. Sometimes you learn them too late.

There are lessons that come only to give us an answer that we have been waiting for a long time.

6. People haven't always been there for me, but music has always been.

Music is his only constant.

7. Don't regret being honest.

Honesty is worth much more than any beautiful lie.

8. People like you always want to get back the love they gave and people like me want to believe you when you say you've changed.

Love is a commitment, where both must share what they feel.

9. Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put those pieces back together.

The power of words is very powerful, that's why you have to be careful with them.

10. If you're lucky enough to be different from everyone else, don't change.

Being different is what helps you stand out from the rest.

11. I know that everything I have I have achieved because I write songs about my life.

His music is like a diary.

12. I sincerely think that the lack of friends in high school is the reason why my friends are so important today: because I always wanted them.

Friends are an invariable treasure, because they become part of our family.

13. I wish all teenagers could express themselves through songs instead of resorting to drugs and alcohol.

There should be more interesting options for young people.

14. I am intimidated by the fear of being normal.

Taylor always seeks to have a different style from the rest.

15. A man has the right to react, but when he does, a woman is called overreacting.

We should all be able to express ourselves without being singled out for our gender.

16. Unique and different is the new generation of beautiful…

All people have incredible potential to explore.

17. I will continue writing about my life.

Why change the source of inspiration?

18. I definitely want to fall in love later, get married and have children. I believe in love unconditionally.

One of his future goals.

19. For what it's worth, it was worth all the waiting.

Really significant things take time to arrive.

20. I believe that life is full of first loves, because every time someone new loves you, they love you and you love them in a different way.

Each love is different, so it must be appreciated as if it were unique.

21. We should love, not fall in love. Because everything that falls, breaks.

We must love wisely and not get carried away by the moment.

22. And if you never bleed, you'll never grow.

Growing involves overcoming obstacles that hurt us, to be stronger.

23. I had a wonderful time screwing everything up.

There are times when it seems that we are out of it.

24. I hope you remember that it is never too late to be a new person.

At any time we can start again.

25. You are not someone else's opinion of you.

Remember that the only opinion that counts is yours.

26. I will never change, but I will never remain the same person.

It is one thing to evolve over time and quite another to change who you are.

27. No voice is as cruel as the voice each of us has in our heads.

The worst executioner we have are our thoughts.

28. There doesn't have to be loneliness in being alone.

Solitude should be a space to enjoy for oneself.

29. If you are a wiser, smarter and stronger person it is precisely because you have not made mistakes in life.

Every decision takes us to a place and a change.

30. If you ever think that you are the only person in the world who feels a certain way, please know that you are not.

This is a trap we fall into very often. Exiling ourselves from others only aggravates our loneliness.

31. People like music when they're in love, but they don't need it that much.

Music is a complement to emotions.

32. I approach love differently now that I know it's hard to make it work.

Everyone has different experiences with romance.

33. I love making new friends and I respect people for many different reasons.

Each person who comes into your life can bring you valuable knowledge.

34. You hit me, and I took it hard. And from down here on the ground, I can see who you are.

It is in the darkest moments when we really know what the people around us are like.

35. The goal for me was to take risks that I had never taken before.

Being more daring as her career progresses.

36. Losing fear is having the courage to say goodbye to those who only hurt you, even if you feel like you can't breathe without them.

Painful decisions that we eventually know will make us much better.

37. I like to dance and have fun with my friends and we have a great time, but I've never really felt compelled to being drunk and I don't think it's anything to write home about, she says, but I'm also not saying I'm never going to have one glass.

Talking about your alcohol consumption.

38. I just try to have fun no matter what camera is on me.

Living her life away from the paparazzi.

39. A meaningful conversation doesn't have to last an hour.

When you have something important to discuss, speak up no matter what time passes.

40. Words are the only way I have to express myself and make sense of the world.

Expressing in his songs what he cannot in everyday life.

41. I am a person who can achieve many things, and I want to be known for the good things I have achieved in my life.

Proud of the things she has achieved on her own.

42. The fans are the best in the world. I've never been the kind of artist who has the line drawn between his friends and his fans.

Thankful for her fans.

43. Not only do you have to live your life despite people who don't understand you, you have to have more fun than them.

You have to live your life despite what others say.

44. We all dream of love, we want to be in love, and we have all been hurt by love.

Love is a natural experience that we all want to live.

45. Of course I miss you. But that doesn't mean the world will stop spinning. Life goes on, so that's what I do.

Remember that life doesn't stop for anyone, so you shouldn't either.

46. When I meet someone, there is that "magic" thing about them that makes them unforgettable, there is sincerity and honesty in who they are.

Listen to your instincts when you meet someone new.

47. You had to kill me, but it still killed you.

Actions always have consequences.

48. Spending a lot of time alone gave me more time to think. Having more time to think gave me more time to write songs.

Being alone is a necessary moment to connect with ourselves.

49. Women who are inordinately successful in the music industry tend to make a lot of men uncomfortable.

Talking about the difficulty of the music industry for women.

50. I guess people will continue to speculate on that... and I'm going to continue without ever saying who this song is about.

There are people who live to interfere in the lives of others.

51. I haven't had that great love, which is good. I don't want that to be in the past, I want it to be in the future.

Hoping to find his great love.

52. You cannot aspire to a better tomorrow if you keep thinking about yesterday.

The only way to move on is to leave the past behind.

53. My songs are open letters, and each one is written with a specific person in mind, and I explain in them what I should have told them in person.

A way to let off steam from all those trapped feelings.

54. I am much clearer that my job is to be an artist. It is not about that massive battle in which "there can only be one".

Focusing on what you want to do, instead of comparing yourself to others.

55. If I always took into account what other people think, my songs would be somewhat bland.

We will never be happy if we continue to listen to what others think about what we should do.

56. Fixing your broken heart by getting into another relationship is not the way to live your life, you need to live it on your terms for a while.

That will only harm you more and harm the other that has nothing to do with it.

57. Women in the music industry are constantly criticized and compared. You can't let that sabotage break you, you have to keep making art.

We must detach ourselves from the ties that continue to be imposed on society.

58. Giving up doesn't always mean you're weak, sometimes you're strong enough to let go.

Giving up is also a victory, if you get rid of something harmful.

59. Be yourself, chase your dreams, and never say never. That is the best advice I could give someone.

You don't know what you can do until you try.

60. I was trying to fly but I couldn't find wings, then you came and changed everything.

That special person should help you grow, should never hold you back.

61. No matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it.

There are times when a relationship disappoints you, but that shouldn't close your heart to a new love.

62. Love is one of those things that should be simple. You don't need to think about it and analyze it when it's good.

Love should always be a natural process.

63. The line has always been very blurred for me. I go out with them after the show. I go out with them before the show. If I see them at the mall, I'll talk to them for 10 minutes.

Talking about his close interaction with fans.

64. People are like piranhas, they have fun hating you.

Envious people are constantly looking for your faults.

65. Saying hello may sound weird to someone who has never done it, but after ten years you learn to appreciate those moments of happiness because you know that happiness is rare and fleeting and that you will not always have the right to it.

Time helps us understand that the simple things are the ones that have the most meaning.

66. I think we should keep trying to offer something more to the new generations of musicians.

Leaving a legacy of opportunities that new generations can take advantage of.

67. When I was 12 years old I started writing songs about my life…

A career that began at an early age.

68. I'm not the girl who goes out in clubs and parties, but if I'm walking down the street with a guy and someone takes a picture, then I'm not going to react badly and force my publicist to delete them. I live my life despite the attention.

Taylor has learned to live quietly despite the cameras.

69. My idea of ​​a great song is a song that says how I feel to the best of my ability.

A song that perfectly describes everything you have saved.

70. Not being afraid is having faith that things will one day change.

And above all that we have the power to improve on our own.

71. I'm not the girl who always has a boyfriend. I'm the girl who rarely has a boyfriend.

Making a clear difference to the speculations of his private life.

72. If you cry over a guy, then your friends can't go out with him. It can't even be considered.

Your true friends are there to support you at all times.

73. You need music when you're missing someone or longing for someone or forgetting someone or trying to process what just happened.

Music helps us relieve that emotional burden that comes after a traumatic moment.

74. No matter what happens in life, be nice to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.

Karma will give you its best face when you do good things.

75. Never believe anyone who tells you that you don't deserve what you want.

Those people only project their personal failure.

76. You can find romance in your life, even if you are not in a romantic relationship.

Love is everywhere and expresses itself in different ways.

77. Just because you're not where you want to be yet doesn't mean you're not getting somewhere.

Remember that you can conquer an objective, dividing it into small goals.

78. The only person inside your head, feeling all those anxieties, is you.

So it is you who should do something about it.

79. You are your own definition of beauty.

What is beauty? The expression of how we feel inside.

80. Just be yourself, there is no one better.

It is preferable to improve than to imitate someone else.

81. So come on out, there's no amount of crying I can do for you.

It's okay to suffer for something that has hurt you, but don't insist on staying there forever.

82. And if you wanted me, you really should have shown yourself.

The most important thing in a relationship is to be honest and show ourselves as we are.

83. In the end we all feel attracted by love and we can't help it.

Love is eternally around our lives.

84. For me beauty is sincerity. I think there are many different ways one can be beautiful.

Beauty can be expressed in many ways.

85. I slept in castles and fell in love because they taught me to dream.

Dreaming is an important step to make something come true.

86. I feel lucky today, I have sunlight. Could you tell me what else I need?

Be thankful for every new day you have.

87. Someday I'm going to find someone so wonderful, I won't even remember the other guys.

When you find the right person, the past doesn't matter, only the future.

88. You don't have to be like everyone else. In fact, I don't think you should.

It is a big mistake to want to be the same as other people, instead of being oneself.

89. Every time someone tells me I can't do something, I want to do it more.

A way to use negativity as a motivator.

90. If you have something to say about me, I will answer you. My way.

There will always be a creative way to defend yourself.

91. I think when it comes to love, there's something intangible about what we're drawn to, and I don't think there's a pattern.

All people are attracted to their partner in a peculiar way.

92. I think it's important to show that losing a friendship can be just as painful as breaking up a relationship.

It is a pain just as intense and difficult to overcome.

93. It's not about managing reputation, strategy or pride, it's about trying to maintain awareness, as it's usually the first thing out the door when you achieve success.

An important advice when achieving success.

94. The bad thing about being tall is that most people are at a different eye level than you, so you feel like you were looking down when you talk to people, which is unnatural, and they have to look up to talk with you.

Recounting one of his difficulties due to his height.

95. I hope you use your words for good, because the only words you will regret more than the ones you leave unsaid, are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.

Never leave anything unsaid. It's better to get everything out than to regret not saying something you wanted.

96. You can be in love with your friends, you can be in love with life, learning new things, discovering new challenges...

Various ways we experience love.

97. When I miss someone, time seems to move slower, and when I fall in love with someone, time seems to move faster.

A very peculiar way of feeling time pass. Depending on how we feel.

98. Love always ends differently and always begins differently, especially with me.

We all have our way of loving.

99. When you're singing you can hear the echo of people in the audience singing every word with you, and that was the big dream I had for myself.

One of the most enjoyable experiences of his career.

100. All those emotions ranging from intense love, intense frustration, intense jealousy, all those feelings are red.

Do you color emotions?

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