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The Theory of moral molecules: what it is and how it explains morality

The Theory of moral molecules tries to define morality and give a more neuroscientific vision to the concept of morality, moving it away of the religious determination with which it has been commonly linked and making it possible to address it from the investigation scientific.

In this article we will talk about Scott Curry's Theory of Moral Molecules and what it proposes.

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What do we understand by morality?

We understand by morality the predisposition to cooperation to act jointly to obtain common goals. This concept is of great relevance in our society, since human beings live together, sharing the same space and time and it is important that we cooperate and respect each other so that we can all live properly and be able to prosper and develop as species. In this way, morality would point out what behaviors are appropriate, how we should behave, how to maintain peace and the common good.

In order to achieve the common benefit, moral regulations have been proposed to act in cooperation and to be able to assess the conduct of others, depending on whether or not it is appropriate.

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Although these norms are linked to social learning, there may also be individual influence. characteristic of each individual, and show a link with genetics, such as behavior by instinct.

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game theory

Game Theory shows a relationship with the consideration of morality as a process of cooperation. Faced with the game situation, two ways of acting can be proposed, one that seeks to win oneself and make lose the other and the other that seeks cooperation, joint action, to achieve a common benefit, that both win.

Regarding the first situation, where we see that the triumph of one of the subjects supposes the loss of the other individual, it receives the name of zero sum. We could consider this case not very moral, since it does not seek cooperation between the two, but rather to be above the other person.

On the other hand, the second situation, where it is tried that both subjects win if moral consideration is perceived, Through cooperation, it is tried that both participants win, without being able to differentiate between winner and loser. Also, the way of playing that allows both participants to win are multiple, that is, there is no single way to benefit both subjects, but we can propose different ways of acting.

molecular theory of morality

What is the molecular theory of morality?

If we take into account the definition of morality, we will say that a person acts morally if he tries to cooperate with other people. Instead, we will say that it is immoral if it acts selfishly, only with its own benefit and well-being in mind.

We must understand morality as a dimension, that is, we do not consider a subject to be moral or it is not, but we value the different degree of morality that it shows or the different type of morality.

The molecular theory of morality proposes the existence of different molecules that would explain the appearance of morality or the type of morality, according to the combinations that occur between the different molecules. So let's see what molecules linked to morality Scott Curry, author of this theory, proposes.

1. Family love

One of the factors to consider a subject as morally good is to value her relationship with her family., how he behaves with them and if he feels esteem. In this way, there is a tendency to favor people who are relatives, with whom we share genes.

2. I respect authority

Respect for authority is understood as respecting superiors. It is common for individuals in a society to place themselves in hierarchies, whether they are more explicit hierarchies such as the positions or place of work and others more implicit, such as older people, who are older than one same. The idea that we should respect older people is well known at a social level..

3. group loyalty

A fundamental component to cooperate is to be loyal to others, to the group, in order to work together, to achieve benefits for all. Acting morally is prioritize group benefits before their own.

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4. Reciprocity

In order for two or more subjects to be able to cooperate, it is necessary for both to work to achieve such purpose, that is, that the two seek to act jointly and related to achieve the goal common. We could describe it as parallel but related behavior; both act at the same level, we do not distinguish a leader or someone who contributes more to the relationshipThey do it the same.

5. Courage

Acting with courage and bravery are two traits that are linked to acting in compliance with morality, since in Sometimes the easiest option may be to behave selfishly, without considering others subjects. We must show a fighting spirit.

6. Justice

Acting fairly is also a component to take into account to behave according to morality. In this way, we will not value behaviors according to whether they benefit us and suit us, but rather according to whether they are fair, we will act fairly according to established social norms.

7. Respect for the property of others

In the same way that we have to be respectful with others, we must also take care of their properties, that is, not to take advantage of their property, but to respect what is theirs and not try to get part of it. it. In other words, it is not proper to steal and, therefore, you should not carry out this behavior.

Combinations in morality

The molecular theory of morality states that there will be different types of morality according to the different types of cooperation, also taking into account the different cultures, since these value cooperation differently and, therefore, will show different moral regulations. So we see how we will not only speak of different morality according to the molecule that forms it, but also according to the combination of molecules that is made. In other words, the elements mentioned above such as love for relatives or respect for authority can be link to give rise to the moral regulations that: we must respect our parents and grandparents, our relatives greater.

The combinations not only allow the union of two terms but of multiples, even relating the 7 elements, giving a total of 127 possible combinations. Some of these unions are not yet described, with the purpose of being able to identify them, created a periodic table similar to the table of chemical elements, but to place the molecules morals. In this way, it is intended that the different cultures participate to give rise to a model of morality worldwide.

This theory of morality breaks with the importance given to religion, seeks to define the concept and propose a neuroscientific study of morality. It is usual that in the different cultures where different religions are present, morality is considered as a God's mandate as well-established rules and laws, which you must follow if you want to be a good believer. It will try to modify the religious determination and propose a conception of morality as a social construction, of the group, that is In other words, some rules are established that must be met as a group, giving priority to these regulations rather than to the interests or will staff. In this way, it seeks to set rules that allow us to live in harmony.

Morality is important for the optimal functioning of society, that is, to be able to live in community. We need the establishment of regulations that indicate what is valued as positive or good and what we value as negative. We are acquiring these moral norms from a young age and little by little we integrate them as our. We could value morality as an implicit regulation, which people already take for granted, understanding them as basic laws.

As we have already seen, each culture will show a distinction in the type of morality, giving rise to different types of combinations, although ultimately the 7 basic elements are universally observed in the different groups social. We therefore consider that there is a basic regulation so that society can function, despite observing behaviors amoral, that break the commitment of cooperation and demonstrate the most selfish tendency that beings can present humans.

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