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Fears, fears, anxieties, anxieties... Where are they generated?

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Many times we judge people for their fears, anxieties, anxieties, vices and addictions.

However, this is done due to ignorance of the root of such problems, since it is not known what the childhood of these people was like, the context in which they developed and much less what their mothers experienced at the time of their pregnancy.

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Knowing the origin of psychological alterations

The moment of gestation is of vital importance for the individual, many disorders that will occur in life depend on it; Likewise, all of the above is totally related to the character, the personality and the behavior of the individual.

Have you ever wondered why a person with solid foundations has fears, anxieties, and addictions? Well, many times the person apparently comes from a functional family, but his gestation and what his mother experienced during her pregnancy is what influences the life of that adult. Likewise is some traumatic situation

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that the person had during childhood that left him marked for life; and / or perhaps that episode of his life was in a time of which he no longer has memory and / or does not seem relevant to him; but they are the ones that influence interpersonal relationships and those that generate situations that are often uncontrollable.

Likewise, parenting and the lack of one of the paternal or maternal figures predominate too much in these circumstances.

What are some fears, anxieties, anxieties, vices and addictions that can be generated by pregnancy, childhood, shortcomings, upbringing and limits?

There's a lot; nevertheless, the following are the most common, known and frequent. Some intense fears, fears and anguish, and on many occasions irrational are:

  • Claustrophobia (to small and enclosed places)
  • Nyctophobia (of dangers lurking in the dark)
  • Monophobia or Isolophobia (to isolation, loneliness and being ignored.)
  • Acrophobia (to heights.) etc.

Some anxieties, vices and addictions are:

  • mucophagia
  • Tendency to pull out hair (trichotillomania)
  • Tendency to eat or bite nails (Onychophagia)
  • Excessive consumption of coffee (cafeinomania)
  • overeating
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Excessive cigarette smoking
  • The consumption of psychoactive substances
  • hypersomnia
  • nomophobia
  • pathological gambling (addiction to games of chance and video games)
  • Addiction to sex (nymphomania in women and satyriasis in men)
  • To medications.
Origin of addictions
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The importance of seeking help

All of the above are psychological disorders and pathologies, behavior, impulsive control and compulsive habits that must be treated, since they are part of lived situations of which many people are unaware.

However, it should be noted that these behaviors can also be learned, imitated and developed by influence of the environment in which one grows up and/or close individuals, either out of “admiration”, desires to be like their fellow man, search for acceptance of groups and individuals, even due to the low capacity for resilience in the face of situations lived.

It is worth clarifying that no matter how much they want to change, they do not have their own domain; since they still do not know where they come from, or if they do, they lack the tools to deal with this situation.

This is where the importance of seek professional help, an expert in the field; a doctor of the soul will be able to help you. I am talking about mental health professionals: psychologists and psychiatrists will be very helpful (the latter, if there is a need for medication to help the process).

Don't be afraid to transform your life; seek the right help, become aware of your problem and work on it to improve your health and the health of the people around you.

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