Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Universities to study Criminology

Criminology is a science that, contrary to what some might think, is not only based on studying criminals. Quite the contrary, it puts all its efforts into trying to prevent criminal conduct and trying to address what are the personal circumstances that can lead a person to be both a victim and victimizer.

If you are interested in studying this university career, keep reading. Here you will find a selection of The best universities to study Crimiology in Spanish.

  • Related article: "Criminology: the science that studies offenses and crimes"

The most valued universities to study Criminology

This is a list of the most outstanding universities where you can currently study Criminology.

1. European University

European University

The European University It has within its training portfolio a specialized Degree in the study of Criminology of 4 years duration, and in online mode perfectly adapted to this distance format. At the end of it, you will obtain an official degree issued by the European University of Madrid.

This Degree is made up of a total of 240 credits, and in its development, the teaching team with many years of experience in this field (and in others related to the Social Sciences) will teach us some of the most interesting aspects of the field of Criminology: the study of real cases, the analysis of the behavior of criminals, the prevention plans that can be carried out in order to alleviate future problems, the most relevant areas of the legal world and Law for Criminology, the biological bases of criminal behavior (by studying the brain) and more.

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  • In this page more information is available.

2. Distance University of Madrid


The Distance University of Madrid (UDIMA) has incorporated into its curriculum a degree focused on the field of Criminology, which can be done without inconvenience from anywhere in the world as long as we have a stable connection to Internet.

During this training we will study both the behavior patterns associated with delinquency and criminality as well as those of the victims and In addition, it also offers an in-depth view of criminal behavior that occurs through the Internet and in new contexts. virtual.

3. Comillas Pontifical University

Comillas Pontifical University

The Pontifical University of Comillas offers the possibility of completing a Double Degree specialized in the areas of both Criminology and Social Work.

This University Degree will allow us to investigate some of the most interesting aspects of Criminology and Work such as, for example, crime prevention, care for victims or the promotion of tolerance and diversity.

4. Complutense University of Madrid

Since 2003 the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) He has been doing a Degree focused on the specific subject of Criminology, with a total ideally desired duration of 4 calendar years and consisting of a computation of more than 200 ECTS credits.

In the course of this training we will have access to a large amount of teaching material and on the other hand, it is also important to mention that The faculty that currently teaches this degree has extensive professional experience within this sector of psychology in particular.

5. University of Barcelona

The University of Barcelona (UB) It has within its extensive catalog of training a Degree focused on the field of Criminology with a total duration of 4 calendar years.

Throughout the 240 credits that make up this training, we will discover all the aspects that make up the science of criminology, what is the procedure that we must follow to be able to study a certain case and what action plan we should initiate in order to try to solve the problem or at least look to prevent it in the future future.

6. Loyola University

At Loyola University we will be able to carry out a Degree focused on the specific subject of Criminology with an estimated duration of about 4 school years.

During this degree we will learn what are all the aspects that are related to delinquency and, in addition, it is also important to highlight that these specialists recommend that we Together with this training, we also start some other such as law or psychology, since in this way we will achieve a professional profile that is undoubtedly much more interesting in the field. future.

7. Autonomous University of Barcelona

The Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) Usually, they periodically carry out a Degree focused on the particular sector of Criminology of 4 courses of duration and designed to be taught with a total of 240 training credits.

This university training will encourage us to study the crime, the offender, the victim and the systems of social control of crime. On the other hand, other aspects that can also be very interesting about this degree is that he himself will teach us how to successfully develop a criminal investigation, how to interpret it and how we should subsequently evaluate it.

8. Open University of Catalonia

The Open University of Catalonia (UOC) has a specialized Degree in the study of Criminology that is taught completely online, so in the practice this can be done from anywhere on the globe as long as we have a fast connection to Internet.

If we decide to take this Degree, we should know that during it we will become aware of how we can largely prevent criminal behavior, what psychological processes are capable of activate this type of behavior in some people and what is the treatment that potential victims should follow if they want to be able to recover efficiently from their possible trauma.

9. Miguel de Cervantes European University

At the Miguel de Cervantes European University (UEMC) For more than 10 years they have been regularly teaching a Degree focused on the study of Criminology aimed at teaching the students what are the new criminal realities that after finishing the course they will find in the exercise of their profession.

It is interesting to mention that this university has the latest technologies related to the criminology, some examples of which may be a Chamber of Gesell or a Laboratory of Ideas and Research Criminology (LiC). This degree is taught 100% face-to-face and the number of places available is only 40 students per course.

10. Camilo Jose Cela University

The Camilo José Cela University (UCJC) makes available to all its students the possibility of being able to study together with their experienced teaching team a Double Degree focused on the study areas of both Criminology and Security.

This University Degree will show us how, through the study of Criminology, we will be able to effectively prevent possible criminal behavior, what tactics we must follow if we want to be able to avoid them successfully and the reason is that these types of people usually make the decision to say adopt this type of attitude in the development of their lives everyday.

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