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Leiva's 80 best phrases

José Miguel Conejo Torres is a Spanish rock singer-songwriter, musician and multi-instrumentalist. Better known as Leiva, he was part of the Pereza group with Rubén Pozo; In 2011 the group split up and Leiva's solo career began, which has been successful ever since.

If you want to know the philosophy of life of this artist, keep reading; here you will find a selection of the best phrases of Leiva, commented.

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Leiva's most memorable and inspiring phrases

Below we show a compilation with the best phrases of Leiva about the songs and her personal reflections, which will help us to get to know him a little better.

1. I'm not afraid throw me to you, give me full make the effort let it flow, get it.

Love is a risk to take.

2. It was a very rare situation, with a lot of uncertainties and time with myself.

Talking about his personal situation during the coronavirus crisis.

3. September can wait for us once again.

A lasting promise.

4. It has been an interesting process: I challenged a lot of things by going to live abroad, to Mexico, Chicago and Texas.
instagram story viewer

The environment of the pandemic gave him time to experience new things.

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5. When I hold you close something in me goes away, again that sadness that breaks in my head.

Not all relationships are good for us.

Quotes from Leiva

6. Like a steamroller, you lay waste to everything in sight.

But will it be for better or for worse?

7. I have drawn positive conclusions and I have realized that there is life beyond touring.

A new perspective on relaxing a little more with her work.

8. We love what we lost, we want what poisons.

There are times when we cling to things that harm us.

9. My feeling is that Pereza has gotten bigger post mortem, she remembers herself bigger than she was, even though we played at Las Ventas.

Referring to the love that fans still have for her old band.

10. Your wings will grow, I'll keep rolling.

There are people who come into our lives for a short time and then go their way.

11. Being able to generate that almost theatrical dialogue for me was one of the most powerful things about the album's mission.

A reference to what's behind her album When you bite your lips.

12. There is a fondness for Sloth more than a fascination.

A longing for an excellent old rock group.

13. In the end, we musicians are always cheating on life: we are never at home for long.

Part of being a musician is touring the world.

14. Eyes tired of looking behind the glass.

An inactivity that makes us feel powerless.

15. I have no intention nor have we even sat down to talk about it. It has been more natural.

Commenting on reuniting Sloth, though it's a fan dream.

16. Sometimes I look for answers looking at the boring sky, that bunch of stars and ozone in a jumble.

Many times we have identified with this feeling of being lost.

17. You can't always put words to things.

That is why art tries to give voice to our feelings.

18. Every moment has to be special.

That way we can live to the fullest and reap beautiful memories.

19. You are the only thing I see through the fog, the only thing worthwhile.

There are people who come to give us a more positive perspective on life.

20. There is the culture of zasca: I see the public ridicule and they terrify me.

A critique of the culture of cancellation in social networks.

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21. Guilt weighs a kilo more for the party.

Guilt is the worst and heaviest feeling we can carry.

22. Since I've known you, I've known the sins that hides the apple that no one has bitten.

A life full of passions.

23. I thought 'without turning I'll die'; So I haven't died.

It is common to think that we need to hold on to something to survive, but we are more than that.

24. Easy things become so difficult.

On many occasions, we end up paying a high price for the easy things.

25. Your horses spit on me, mine brake again.

You have to learn to act at the right time.

26. The songs serve to explain some that are ultra-absurd in the reality of relationships and to try to generate a little book of what happens to you on a roller coaster and a swing with your partner or partner.

Referring to the power of music to explain the emotions involved in a love relationship.

27. May the winds not always bring a lump in the throat.

The longing for what we once had and that brings us beautiful memories.

28. Half of the pandemic was spent dodging the virus on tiptoe, which is quite an acrobatic thing that I'm proud of.

Leiva decided to try to make her life as normal as possible during the pandemic.

29. Increasingly tired of the mist, I wanted to look for culprits.

No one is to blame for the bad times we go through.

30. There is a national sport which is shooting. That's why I have a distant relationship with the networks.

It has become normal to mercilessly attack and despise artists on social media.

31. Do not trust my interior, I am a predator, a vital impulse, a space gaze.

Remember that it is in the challenging moments where you really know someone.

32. In love and in human relationships I immediately feel trapped.

A problem that stems from his fear of being trapped.

33. She has superpowers, she wears it on her forehead.

Have you ever met someone who seems to have magic in their hands?

34. While everything was turning on you were right there and I heard how you said 'hug me, everything is easy again'.

Couples should be there to support each other in all moments of life.

35. It has been a year of great curves and it is difficult to go bareback in life, you have to find the tricks.

It is always important to remain calm in hectic situations.

36. When you are no longer expecting anything, maybe you can take off.

When we stop expecting something, we put extreme concerns aside.

37. You have to strike a balance between what you want and what your team has to eat.

Musicians have an enormous commitment to their work team.

38. I think I've learned to wait.

The best things are achieved little by little because, in the race you can spoil more things than you win.

39. I am not really a drug addict, but obviously I have taken them, and more so in a pandemic.

Being honest about your use of anxiety medications.

40. When I feel that everything is going well, your prejudices leave me sad.

There are people who love to leave others bad, so it is best to ignore them.

41. Logically, it is normal that it has to be done well, but I decided that I did not want to associate that little dream in which I live with something so restrictive.

It is not always healthy to bring all aspects of our private and professional lives together.

42. It will be like a collage what we had.

Moments that will remain in the memory, although they lose their intensity over time.

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43. Diazepam is a song written under the influence of diazepam, so it seemed honest to me to tell it, because I think it happens to everyone.

Being honest about your drug use problem.

44. We look at each other with a magnifying glass, but I still see you shine.

There are people who are only dedicated to criticizing, for them to stand out.

45. You left the nuclear zone like the eagles.

Those who abandon the fights, were never really committed to anything.

46. At first it didn't seem like an optimal state for me to compose, but as time went on it seemed like an inspiring episode.

The pandemic also affected her spirit to compose songs, although she later recovered.

47. I'm on the air, remember it well, I'm not for you.

It is better to let go of someone who you know is not good for you.

48. I prefer the surprise, because I've eaten my words so many times...

Surprises bring us new knowledge.

49. We fall like feathers, we smell the bottom and we fall short.

People who need to hit rock bottom to resurface.

50. And time brought us together to later separate us, how can we say no? let's kill each other

Take every chance you get.

51. They are recurring fears. Always looking for the emergency exit is something that has happened to me since I was a child.

Talking about his biggest phobia.

52. I fooled myself with the rush I was in then and it hooked me that you didn't go straight ahead, even if you did it for me.

In desperate situations, we tend to ignore what others do for us.

53. I see myself making music, researching, making records, with greater or lesser success, but I see myself.

How do you project your future?

54. I'm going to bite your bullets, I'm not going any further, understand now.

It's better to tackle a problem right away, rather than make it bigger.

55. I am not a good singer, I never was, I am a storyteller and I use my voice as a vehicle, but I have no talent for singing.

It seems that Leiva perceives himself as a troubadour.

56. What a pleasure it is to be in love and walk with you arm in arm. I bring red roses for you.

Falling in love is an incomparable feeling.

57. I would like to have a career with which I live with dignity from music, I don't know if I will achieve it.

Trying to have a firm future, thanks to music.

58. Beware of expectations.

It is when we have unrealistic expectations that we are most disappointed.

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59. Not only in my relationships, it's hard for me to go to the movies because of that and that's why it was hard for me to be in a classroom.

Explaining that your fear affects other aspects of your life.

60. With cold feet you don't think well, no delusion will make us return.

It is preferable to take a break to reflect on our actions, than to be impulsive.

61. I realized that singing with a lot of friends, traveling and making music together makes my voice sound better. It has been a luxury.

A fun experience that has given him new inspiration to create.

62. I said to myself 'I think I could write for all of them'; That's why it sounds so natural.

Creating songs about her moments of hearing the voices of her friends.

63. I can serve drinks or make music, but I haven't studied anything.

School was never his thing.

64. There is no night left for more than the last dance, if you still say come on, I say okay.

Communication is essential for any type of relationship.

65. This is a source of songs: I don't realize it, but when I finish the records I say 'I'm always talking about the same ghosts'.

Trying to generate a change in the theme of their songs.

66. I cushioned the hangover with a thousand nights of whipping.

The hard moments lead us to silence our emotions with drinks.

67. I realized very early that I was wasting time at school. It was clear to me that my place was music.

A difficult decision, but it was the right one for his life.

68. Things change when you're not around.

Nothing is the same when that special person is no longer present.

69. I like to share the spotlight with a super powerful generation of music.

Music is about sharing.

70. Let's go to the roofs, with the cats, love. Today your eyes, tomorrow the world, someday both.

Even in love, things are achieved with patience and perseverance.

71. I did education until COU and for the last two years I was cheating on my parents, I didn't pass the class. I was very clear that my place was music.

He sacrificed his studies to pursue his dreams. A very risky decision.

72. Do it as if you don't risk anything anymore as if you were going to die tomorrow.

Live intensely.

73. In love and in human relationships, friendships and work, I immediately feel very trapped.

His fear of confinement is extrapolated to his personal relationships.

74. If the world is upside down, we will have to seek sanity and a pinch of madness to know how to love you more.

Sometimes a dose of madness is necessary to face reality.

75. I would like to know more about Geography and basic things for a matter of being more educated, but not to have job opportunities.

Education is always necessary to know the different aspects of life.

76. Only I wish your shit would come to life and give you a kiss.

A feeling of revenge that has echoed in the minds of thousands.

77. I have had the possibility of my own texts being taken to another dimension.

Referring to how proud he feels when other artists perform his songs.

78. I see myself so far away and I miss you to death. I miss you so bad.

The distance that hits hard.

79. Everything that is happening with the irruption of the extreme right is something that has me quite concerned.

Talking about his political concerns.

80. We fell into the fire, the same summer the 2 of us.

A fire that can burn them or make them rise like phoenixes.

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