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TelePsychology: I+D+i Psychology for more than a century

In recent decades, progress in the generation of new technological systems and the implementation of new information and communication technologies (ICT) has had a great acceleration in society, especially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, increasing said acceleration exponentially, changing our lives with new and interesting possibilities, and consolidating ICTs as an alternative, and sometimes unique, way of interaction.

Psychology, as a science in continuous advance, is not far behind in this revolution, making TelePsychology or Online Psychology, a priority development

Currently, many people preferably choose TelePsychology, since it can be accessed from practically anywhere in the world, from their own home, and with greater privacy. However, also many other people are still mistrusting and doubting.

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Concept and brief history of telepsychological assistance

Telepsychological assistance or intervention covers almost all activities in Psychology (psychoeducation, counseling, evaluation, psychotherapy processes, etc.). However, it does not represent a new specialty, although it does require Psychology professionals to let us expand our technical skills and adapt our services to clients remotely, through digital.

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In addition, the concept not only covers therapy sessions or psychological help by videoconference, but also also includes other activities at a distance and through the Internet, such as email, instant messaging, blogs, apps, structured interventions on the web, which are programs with a change or educational objective that are develop on a platform, or therapeutic software and artificial intelligence technologies, such as diagnostic systems, therapeutic robots, reality virtual etc.

Although it may seem that the use of TelePsychology is relatively recent, we can find historical references representative for more than a century, including:

  • Between 1887 and 1904, Sigmund Freud communicated by correspondence, recording the process of inquiry and tribulations of self-analysis with Wilhem Fliess, a German physician, psychologist, and biologist with whom he worked on discoveries in the field of their respective theories, Freud's Psychoanalytic and Pansexualist Fliess.
  • Also Sigmund Freud, in 1909, published what is known as "Juanito Case", an analysis of the phobia of a five-year-old boy, made based on communication with the father of the latter.
  • In the 1950s, it was applied with the goal of helping the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute provide tools and patient care to various types of populations.
  • In 1967, François Dolto, famous French pediatrician and psychoanalyst for his discoveries in psychoanalysis childhood, received letters with queries regarding various aspects of childhood, which he answered in a radio program French.
  • However, the term "Telepsychology" was not used until 1973 by Wayne Walter Dyer, an American psychologist and writer, although without much impact.
  • It is from the year 2000 that online psychology begins to be used more frequently, to publish studies on its effectiveness, and to draw up the first action guides.
  • And as we already know, with the pandemic crisis situation due to COVID-19 and the important advance of ICT, the use of TelePsychology is experiencing an exponential and unstoppable increase.

Currently, the professionals who offer Online Psychology services fully comply with the practices and recommendations defined in scientific protocols and guides.

Advantages of online therapy
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Main advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages and reasons that we can find in online Psychology treatments we can mention the following.

  • Its accessibility: beyond the comfort, security and tranquility of carrying out the sessions from your own home, access is facilitated for groups that may have difficulties attending in person, such as young people, people with functional diversity or reduced mobility, rural areas or foreigners, trips, etc.
  • Greater profitability and efficiency: It presents these advantages compared to the face-to-face modality, since travel times and expenses are reduced.
  • The possibility of maintaining regular and continuous contact in cases where it is not possible in person favors the maintenance of regularity and follow-up. For example, with people who travel frequently, in the event of specific unforeseen events, minor illness, etc.
  • In some cases, it can be a great alternative to access initial psychological help. For example, for people with social anxiety or agoraphobia.
  • It can promote a more comprehensive understanding of the client's environment.
  • Better availability of information. Accessing history, test results, etc., is easy and fast, both for professionals and clients.
  • Likewise, technological facilities allow us psychologists and psychologists greater exchange of information, and improvements in records and analysis of the information collected.

On the other hand, among the disadvantages and limitations that we can find:

  • The inequality between users, since the technologies are not equally used by many groups, such as older people or in certain areas with Internet connection problems.
  • There are greater difficulties in assisting people in crisis, since it can be an intervention with more risks if these are not foreseen.
  • The course of the sessions may be affected by a reduced ability to assess the client's body language, due to technical issues or due to her own distraction.
  • Due to possible legal and ethical difficulties and risks in the information, we professionals have a duty to expand our education and training. In addition, on the other hand, the fact that the client's information is available by different means increases the risks and needs to protect the information.

Efficiency, quality and ease for customers

Telepsychological Interventions have an increasing number of empirical support. Controlled trials and meta-analysis studies show the generation of changes in behavior for a wide variety of problems, confirming an efficacy similar to face-to-face psychological interventions, without finding significant differences regarding the perceived quality of life, satisfaction and credibility of the treatment.

Also, For clients, the process is very simple., since you only need an internet connection, a device with a camera and a microphone (computer, tablet or smartpnone) and email to receive documentation, links and security keys, questionnaires, exercises etc

It is also recommended that you choose a space for the online session with a well-lit environment, pleasant, comfortable and that you avoid possible interruptions, as well as good image quality and sound. In addition, you can always consult with your psychologist, both the technical and legal aspects.

The most important thing is that you make sure you choose a psychology professional with the best experience, education and training to deal with your health, well-being and quality of life needs with the maximum guarantees and results.

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