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The 8 functions of psychology in palliative care

We understand as palliative care all those therapeutic strategies that are applied in the person who presents a serious or terminal illness, such as cancer, so that they feel better and the illness affects them as little as possible possible.

This type of care is global, active, continuous and aims to improve the quality of life of people who are in a difficult situation, their physical and psychological health, ensure their dignity, autonomy and also prevent or treat secondary effects derived from the illness.

Thus, in addition to treating medical and physical problems, palliative care also serves to address all kinds of emotional, psychological, social or spiritual problems that the person may introduce. In short, any source of discomfort that the person may present and that is aggravated by the situation of severe illness.

It is precisely in the field of emotional problems where the psychology of palliative care can be of great help any sick person and significantly contribute to improving their emotional state, as well as providing support and assistance to their families and even the health personnel who care for them.

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What are the main functions of psychology in palliative care?

Both in its aspects of research and applied psychology in the clinical context, the psychology of palliative care displays several functions that aim to have a positive impact on both subjective aspects (such as the state of mind and the way in which it is interpreted and perceives what is happening) and in objective aspects (such as the way in which patients, relatives and health personnel relate to each other and to their environment). In this sense, here you will find a summary of the main areas of work addressed from the psychology of palliative care.

1. Family support

As indicated, palliative care is a global, active and multidisciplinary intervention strategy. both of the person who is suffering and of the people around them going through an emotional process similar.

Palliative care psychologists

Supporting the relatives of a sick person is of great importance for their mental health, and also physics, something that is not generally taken into account in our society, although we are seeing more and more progress in this regard.

One of the main tasks of psychologists in the field of palliative care is to accompany and give support for relatives who are going through an intense mourning, a mourning that always begins before the death of the family.

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2. Adapt to the needs of the patient

An individualized intervention adapted at all times to the patient being treated is essential in any palliative care process from the field of psychology.

The professional psychologist is qualified to adapt at all times to essential variables such as the age or cognitive abilities of the person served (Essential in cases of dementia and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's).

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3. Help identify emotions

Emotional support is one of the key areas of palliative care from a psychological perspective, and especially support in the management of subjective aspects in becoming aware of death (both the mortality of oneself and that of loved ones).

This support is carried out in the first place by learning to identify the emotions that the person has, naming each of them and facilitating their expression with the therapist, for later analysis.

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4. train emotional control

Once the emotions that the person has have been identified, it is essential to teach different strategies and useful tools to regulate them, something that will have a very positive influence on the mental health of the person.

In this section it is also important to train the control of all kinds of thoughts and behaviors that can harm in some way the person who looks like them or the person around them.

5. Identify the patient's priorities at all times

Helping to identify from the beginning the priorities of the person who is going through an illness is essential to provide the most appropriate and individualized support possible.

This is usually achieved through a process of psychological therapy in the form of a talk that consists of providing the most useful tools and strategies for the person to achieve put into words your priorities, needs, fears or concerns in the face of death.

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6. Emotional Support

The emotional support provided by an expert psychologist in palliative care is also one of the important points in this type of intervention, which It usually focuses on treating any psychological alteration that the sick person may present.

There are many alterations that are addressed from psychology, among the most common we can find anxiety, cases of depression, stress, hostility or emotional claudication.

To successfully treat any of these alterations it is necessary, as professionals, have an extensive repertoire of social skills, among which empathy, active listening, basic communication tools, not assuming anything that the person does not say stand out. And all this must be done avoiding giving false hopes.

7. Detect harmful relationship dynamics

Detecting harmful emotional support dynamics between relatives (even if they are well-intentioned) is also one of the essential tasks among psychology professionals.

Likewise, it is also of great importance to propose other more beneficial or constructive behaviors that replace these negative dynamics of emotional support.

8. multidisciplinary work

We must bear in mind that palliative care they are always put into practice from a multidisciplinary strategy in which health professionals such as doctors, psychologists, nurses or physiotherapists intervene.

The work of the psychologist in this type of intervention is also to communicate important aspects about the state of the patient. patient to other health professionals in palliative care units and maintain close contact professional. In the same way, the rest of the health team must be informed of relevant aspects of a sociocultural, spiritual or religious nature that are have detected in the sick person or in their relatives, something relevant for the elaboration of the mourning through symbolic facts and rituals.

Do you want to train in Palliative Care Psychology?

If you are considering specializing in this branch of Psychology, you may be interested in the Master in Palliative Care Psychology that offers the European University in the online mode. This Master of 6 months and duration and 30 credits ECTs will allow you to professionalize yourself in the care of patients, family members and other professionals all without having to go in person to the Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences thanks to the classes broadcast in straight. In addition, upon completion, you will obtain a Degree issued by the European University of Madrid. To learn more, visit this page.

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