The 6 types of job recognition
The positive assessment of a job well done is key to having satisfied employees and increasing productivity. Let's see what types of job recognition exist and how companies use them.
It is clear that the main reason we work is to receive a living wage at the end of the month, and offering a salary that covers all needs must be the main priority of companies and government. However, some specialists and studies have highlighted the importance of the existence of other types of incentives that go beyond salary when looking for work or feeling job satisfaction.
Many workers choose the companies they work for because they are socially responsible, they have a real commitment with the environment or feel that they do good to the world, also because they feel valued and self-realized within them. The culture of recognition has become essential for many organizations, some workers prefer it, before receiving better salaries in places where they feel unvalued.
Encouraging people's satisfaction at work is essential for companies, since a motivated and happy employee is a more productive employee. Business psychology found that the two most important factors for job satisfaction are motivation and hygiene, the latter includes the protection of both physical and mental health of workers.
One of the key and most studied strategies to increase motivation is the establishment of rewards, within these is job recognition. In this article we will explain how this affects the motivation and performance of employees, exploring the different types of job recognition and how to apply them.
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What is job recognition?
Within the business area, as we have said before, job recognition is a type of reward; is also defined as the gratitude companies express to their employees. This is offered for a job well done, but it is not always monetary, a few words of thanks also serve to recognize the value of employees.
The very definition of recognition already offers a good framework for its application at the business level. It is a distinction that is granted based on the characteristics and traits of someone or something, it is also synonymous with gratitude for a favor or outstanding behavior.
It is important to understand that an acknowledgment it cannot be something standard or pre-made that is granted automatically; for example, when completing certain years in the company. The employee who receives it must feel that the work recognition is personal. His specific way of working or getting involved make him deserve the reward, otherwise the prize will fall on deaf ears.
In a published work on job satisfaction. Among others, the impact of recognition was measured as a strategy to have motivated employees. This study concluded that employees who feel appreciated within their companies by their bosses and colleagues, have better growth possibilities and a career plan, show greater motivation. Therefore, we see how job recognition strategies are useful to, on the one hand, keep the employee in the company and, on the other, to increase their productivity.

Your benefits in business
Job recognition specifically has a positive impact in different areas.
1. Productivity
As we have already mentioned, the motivation and happiness of people have a direct impact on the productivity of companies. It is estimated that employees who feel valued and satisfied, can increase your performance by up to 30%.
2. Commitment to colleagues and clients
A good work environment, where communication and expression of gratitude are encouraged, It will promote not only the good relationship between bosses and employees, but also between colleagues.
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3. business loyalty
It is evident that people do a better job when we feel that it does not affect only in the company, but also favors our personal interests, whether monetary or labor.
4. Occupational health and wellness
Occupational health is not exclusively concerned with the physical integrity of workers, and also encompasses mental health; Satisfied workers have lower levels of stress and express higher levels of well-being.
5. Collaboration between teams
It is interesting to understand that although job recognition is personal, it is important to understand that this is offered within an organization, therefore, the rest of the team must be taken into account. Recognition does not try to encourage competition among peers, but on the contrary, collaboration, where the good work of everyone will allow each individual to achieve their goals and feel valued within the group.
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What types of job recognition are there?
Despite its benefits, many companies still do not apply this strategy for the well-being of their workers. More than 50% of employees say they do not feel sufficiently valued in their jobs. They do not receive recognition from the company, nor from their direct bosses, what is more, they say they feel undervalued. According to a study conducted by Gallup, 65% of workers did not receive any type of job recognition in the last year.
Different consulting companies have carried out different studies where they show that all types of job recognition encourage collaboration between colleagues, promote health and increase job satisfaction, which, as we have repeatedly insisted, also has repercussions on productivity and improves results business.
The types of work recognition can be divided into different categories, on the one hand, there are monetary and non-monetary recognition and on the other, formal or informal.
1. Formal job recognitions
Formal examinations follow a structured plan or internal processes in which it is decided to award the reward to a specific employee or to a group, based on objectives that can be measured. This recognition must be aligned with the values and behaviors that the company chooses as its own.
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2. Informal work acknowledgments
This type of recognition does not have any planning, it is simply based on spontaneous actions that arise between boss and collaborators. They are signs of appreciation for a job well done, which can be translated into an invitation to lunch, a note of thanks, or a small detail. Although they are seemingly simple acts, they are highly valued by many employees and in the long run are key in the construction of a good work environment for everyone in the company and also promote the motivation.
3. Monetary labor recognition
Monetary work recognitions include rewards that go directly to the checking account or are tangible, such as trips, cars, gift certificates, etc. They are the types of classic recognitions and recognized as such. In our heads it is clear that if they pay us more it means that they really value our work.
One of the most common monetary recognitions, especially in the sales and customer service sector, are bonuses. Bonuses are occasional payments that workers receive upon reaching sales targets or previously pre-established goals. Salary increases and retirement plans are also included within the monetary work recognitions.
Although this type of recognition is the most important, since it directly affects the improvement of the quality of life, It is advisable to use them together with other types of strategies so that the worker feels valued.. This type of acknowledgment, without good communication, can be associated with a company custom rather than a recognition of the individual or group work of the employees.
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4. Non-monetary job recognition
There are different types of non-monetary job recognition, among the most relevant are verbal recognition and the construction of a good career plan.
4.1. speech recognition
Verbal recognition is an important job recognition on a day-to-day basis. But you have to know how to use it.
On the one hand, if we receive compliments, but these are of the type "very cool, you are a crack, everything is perfect,” they can be positive and comforting at first, as they build confidence in a new worked. But, after a while, these comments, if they continue, will become empty and they could be interpreted as a lack of interest on the part of our bosses in our work or make us think that it really is not that relevant. It is better to make a less effusive comment, but more specific: “I really liked the presentation on Thursday, it was very original and fun, but also the information was very clear. Congratulations!"
On the other hand, if really the only thing we receive in our work are good words and these are not accompanied by other recognitions, especially all monetary, such as salary increase, it is likely that we end up feeling frustrated and the words stop making sense: "Ok, but pay me better".
4.2. career plan
Within non-monetary recognition, the possibility of moving up at work and acquiring new responsibilities and tasks is often what keeps us motivated. At the peak of the needs of the human being is self-realization, feeling that we are growing, facing new challenges, in addition to having a future perspective is essential for motivation.
But as for other recognitions, it is essential that the tasks and responsibilities are adjusted to the salary and also allow conciliation, otherwise, there is a risk that the worker ends up dissatisfied or suffering from stress.