Education, study and knowledge

Tips to improve your professional profile during the summer

During the summer we have all the time in the world to rest after the months of work and disconnect from our work obligations.

However, taking time off does not mean, far from it, going into inactivity and passivity. There are many things that we can do in our free time and that, while helping us to feel good and recover forces, allow us to reformulate our priorities, order ideas, and launch ourselves towards new stimulating projects and motivators.

A clear example of this: training during the summer holidays, an option that, while not absorbing all of our newly acquired free time, helps us to continue operating, in line with our personal objectives in the medium and long term. It is indeed, the best strategy to improve your professional profile during this season of the year, taking advantage of the versatility offered by the available time.

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How to improve your professional profile during the summer holidays?

Although it is a time of relaxation and leisure, summer can also serve to update or improve our professional profile with the aim of increasing our knowledge or to multiply the chances we have of prospering in our job and moving up or moving to another job role that better suits our needs. interests.

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Below is a summary of the main advice we can follow to improve our own professional profile during the hot months.

1. Dedicate yourself to training in areas not far from “your thing”

Training in professional fields that are not far removed from what we already dedicate ourselves to It's a great way to boost your professional profile over the summer.

summer vacation learning

Clients and potential employers prefer professional profiles that are easy to understand and show a clear trajectory, that is why continuous and specialized training will give us greater possibilities to prosper professionally.

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2. Take advantage of online training

Online training offers a wide variety of possibilities for all those people who have to travel at a given time or make occasional breaks at any given time. In addition, as the online offer is much greater than that of the face-to-face courses that we have within our reach (because they take place near where we are), it is easier to find the option that fits what we are looking for and the time we want to dedicate to it.

Due to the difficulty of attending classes in person during the summer, online training is one of the options most valued by many people who want to continue their professional training without canceling their plans summery.

3. schedule schedule

Although during the holidays we have a lot of free time, it is important to maintain fixed schedules similar to those we have in the working months, with the aim of not losing time organization habits that are of great importance in our worked.

This discipline in following schedules helps not to fall into routines that eat almost every hour of the day and prevents us from ending up using routines that make you lose track of time, such as the indiscriminate use of social networks or another type of distractor with which we can spend whole hours with no goal in mind other than to see what a screen.

In addition to that, by organizing time in more or less constant patterns, we will know what to do at all times and we will not fall into inactivity. spend hours not knowing what to do next, and we can even take advantage of the day to carry out all those activities that during we could not carry out the work course because it required our continued attention for too long and did not fit in with the schedule labor.

  • You may be interested: "Time management: 13 tips to take advantage of the hours of the day"

4. Update the CV

Another of the issues that we must deal with during the summer months is updating the CV, and for this it is recommended set a day and time that we dedicate exclusively to that task.

In this update we can include the news related to our recent professional training and consider, if necessary, a design change in the presentation or content structure. This means summarizing the data if there is too much information contained, in order not to remains too saturated for the interested reader, something that could discourage reading the CV.

  • Related article: "The 10 tips to improve your Curriculum Vitae"

5. Improve your digital skills

Mastering digital skills is one of the most valued skills in all companies in the world. world, that is why it is of great importance to have specialized training in this knowledge.

Know first-hand the main digital tools used in our work environment and mastering the most advanced technologies that must be used in our workplace maximizes our chances of finding a job precisely in what we want.

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6. Train the soft skills

Soft skills or soft skills are a series of qualities that are currently in high demand in all companies, and that are based above all on social skills and the management of emotions. Skills that are not based on learning theory and that allow us to perform successfully in contexts such as teamwork, decision making in crisis situations, problem solving, conflicts etc

Some of these soft skills are adaptation to change, active listening, critical thinking, growth mindset or teamwork.

All these skills can be trained and learned in specialized training courses in this field, taught by expert professionals belonging to the field of psychology.

7. Train stress management techniques

Some stress management or relaxation techniques can be of great help during the period labor to face the different adversities or stressful situations that we face. we face.

That is why it is of great importance to learn to use on a daily basis some of relaxation techniques most effective that exist, among which Mindfulness, relaxed breathing, muscle relaxation or meditation stand out.

  • Related article: "5 emotional management techniques to control stress"

8. Work the networking

Acquiring a series of professional contacts that can be useful for our professional development is also a good way to work on our profile in the summer. We must not forget that today having visibility is one more resource to not miss out on the opportunities that are created in our environment. It is of little use that we know how to do something well if nobody knows that we have that characteristic.

Networking is a strategy that allows us to weave work networks with other people with interests similar to ours or with organizations and companies with which we are interested in working in the future.

Do you want to take advantage of your holidays to train in Psychology and Coaching?

If you are interested in dedicating part of your free time to improving your professional profile by specializing in new fields, the courses and workshops of UPAD Psychology and Coaching they're for you.

We offer face-to-face or online training programs in areas such as sports coaching, Mindfulness, Sports Psychology in basketball, sexuality, and more. Contact us or visit our website for more information.

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