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The 70 best phrases of Beyoncé

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Beyoncé Knowles-Carter is known worldwide for being a pop music icon, from her beginnings in the R&B girl group, 'Destiny's Child' has not only achieved success in the musical and acting sphere, but in addition to working as a businesswoman and designer.

If you want to know more about the way this artist thinks, she keeps reading; Here you will find a selection of best beyonce quotes, commented.

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Beyoncé's most memorable phrases

Being an icon of contemporary feminism, she carries messages of empowerment in her songs, as well as all the nuances that exist in relationships and relationships in general. As a tribute, we bring a compilation of the best phrases of Beyoncé.

1. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. I just need to follow my heart and focus on what I want to say to the world. I run my own world!

Nobody can tell you what to do with your life, only you can direct it.

2. I need success more than a man in my life.

Couples are to share our life, not an excuse to make us feel better.

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3. Power means happiness, power is working hard and making some sacrifices.

The power is in doing what we love and leaving everything for it.

4. Love is something that never goes out of style. It's something we all experience, and those who don't usually want to feel it.

Love is always present in the world, because it is something we seek.

5. I use negativity to transform into my best self.

A great way to use negativity as inspiration to move forward.

6. Why do you have to choose what kind of woman you are? Why do you have to label yourself?

Labels only restrict us, you can be what you want, when you want.

7. If you're with the right person, it will bring out the best version of you.

Relationships should be based on helping each other grow.

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8. We women have to take the time to focus on our mental health, take time for ourselves, for the spiritual, without feeling guilty or selfish.

Taking time for ourselves is not being selfish, in fact it is being responsible for our overall health.

9. I am learning to drown out the constant noise that is such an inseparable part of my life.

Things will never go exactly the way we want and the people around us will always talk, but that shouldn't sidetrack you from your goal.

beyonce quotes

10. It is easy to hear the voices of others and often very difficult to hear your own.

Unfortunately we tend to pay more attention to the opinions of others than to our own.

11. We need to reshape our own perception of how we see ourselves.

Women are more than what society expects of their gender.

12. I don't think about art when I work, I try to think about life.

Life in general is an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

13. The world will see you the way you see yourself, and will treat you the way you treat yourself.

That is why it is important to work on our confidence and self-esteem to show ourselves to the world.

14. My mother always taught me to be strong and never be a victim. Never make excuses. Never expect anyone else to tell me things that I know I can do for myself.

An example that prompted her to seek a future of which she owned herself.

15. My mother taught me the principles of hard work, setting my own goals, and envisioning my future.

Parental education is essential for children to face the world favorably.

16. The power is not given to you. You must take it.

Don't wait for opportunities to come to you out of the blue, look for them on your own.

17. I can never be 'safe', I always try to go against the grain.

Trying to prove to everything and herself that she can always be original.

18. I accept my mistakes. They make me who I am.

Mistakes are what make us understand what we need to do.

19. There is definitely a dangerous feeling when you are in love. It's about giving your heart to another person and knowing that they have control over your feelings. I know for myself, that I always try to be so tough.

Falling in love brings with it vulnerability, it is inevitable.

20. I don't use the backing tapes when I'm singing and dancing on stage. I can do somersaults and sing.

If you have seen any of this singer's performances, you will know that she is quite a real artist.

21. We all have our imperfections. But I'm human, and you know, it's important to focus on qualities other than external beauty.

Beauty is in unusual things, which is why it is important to embrace our so-called 'imperfections'.

22. Take the time to define yourself and your value. If you're having a hard time doing that, ask yourself: What is something I would say to someone I love?

try to take the advice we give to others, for ourselves.

23. I have created the clothing line to reinforce the message of women's empowerment through fashion.

Talking about the main purpose behind the creation of her clothing line.

24. We have to pay attention to what we eat. Food is like fuel. If you don't put enough in, you'll have a breakdown. It's as simple as that!

Food is our greatest source of energy for our body, let's keep it as clean as possible.

25. We are tired of men and women in our community being killed. It is in our hands to take a stand and demand that they stop killing us.

Using her powerful voice against injustice to the way people of color are treated.

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26. You can't enjoy the good times without the bad.

The bad moments help us appreciate with greater intensity the wonderful moments we have.

27. I don't like gambling, but if there's one thing I'm willing to gamble on, it's myself.

The only bet worth making.

28. It's very liberating to really know what I want, what really makes me happy and what I can't tolerate.

The personal freedom that we all need to find and hold on to.

29. I think it's healthy to be nervous. It means that you care, that you've worked hard, and that you want to put on a good show. You just have to channel all that energy into the concert.

Nerves are a sign that we are still excited about what we do.

30. For me, it's about the way I behave and the way I treat other people.

Kindness is what speaks the most for us in the world.

31. Do what you were born to do. You have to trust yourself.

Find what you are passionate about and go for it.

32. Thank God I found well in goodbye.

Saying goodbye to something or someone helps us take a weight off our shoulders and welcome other new opportunities.

33. Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the things that make you yourself.

It is fine to look for ways to improve, but we must be careful with what we do and it can harm our health.

34. Everyone experiences pain, but sometimes they need to feel uncomfortable for transformation.

Every important change brings discomfort, but we must focus on the result being worth it.

35. I have two different sides to my personality. I decided to give my fans what they want and who they are used to, who is the person in each video and the person in 'madly in love' that is Sasha Fierce.

Speaking of his alter ego, Sacha Fierce.

36. A true diva is graceful, talented, strong, brave and humble.

We can be powerful and humble at the same time, while remembering that we are just as human as everyone else.

37. I have learned that I am the only one responsible for taking care of myself.

The direction we take in our lives is in our hands.

38. I wondered if I betrayed my fears, ended my doubts, compromised my faith. I can marry my dreams.

The moment we realize that fear cannot stop us, is when we know that we can achieve anything.

39. We don't need sympathy. We need everyone to respect our lives.

Life is sacred and no one should impose on others.

40. It is the essence of Ivy Park, celebrating all women and their bodies as they strive to be their best.

The spirit behind the Queen B fashion line.

41. The reality is: sometimes you lose. And you're never too good to lose. You are never too big to lose. You are never too smart to lose. Happens.

Defeats and failures come to everyone, it is a natural process in any path you want to travel.

42. Remove all rules. How can we live if we don't change?

It is impossible to improve if we do not evolve over time.

43. My message behind this album was to find beauty in imperfection.

A powerful message for all women who feel bad if they do not meet the stereotype of beauty.

44. If I wasn't an artist, I'd be a beauty editor or a therapist. I love creativity, but I also like helping others.

Bringing art and the will to help hand in hand.

45. I don't like non-real people around me at all.

Honesty will always be preferable to any illusion that looks 'perfect'.

46. We have to teach children the rules of equality and respect, so that when they grow up gender equality becomes something natural.

Respect for others begins with the education given to children at home.

47. I love my work. But it's more than that: I need it.

His work is a reflection of what he loves doing most in the world.

48. As soon as I accomplish one thing, I set a higher goal... That's how I got to where I am.

Without stopping at any obstacle or goal accomplished.

49. Your self-esteem is determined by yourself. It does not depend on what surrounds you.

Self-esteem is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves.

50. I firmly believe that if you work hard, whatever you want will come to you. I know it's easier said than done, but keep trying.

Anything you want to do in life needs hard work to come true.

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51. The most attractive thing a woman can have is confidence.

Confidence reflects how powerful we feel inside.

52. When I see all the young actresses on slimming diets, I don't understand. Why do they want at all costs to be threadbare when it is not their nature?

Beauty stereotypes have caused more damage to people's self-perceived image and no benefit.

53. I no longer have to work thinking about what others expect. I put enough pressure on myself!

Be your biggest motivator.

54. We have to step forward as women and take the initiative.

If you want something, take the first step to get it.

55. Each person you meet will want something different from you. The question is: what do you want for yourself?

The most important thing to focus on is making yourself happy.

56. As you mature you realize that all those imperfections make you more beautiful.

Beauty comes first from within us, not from what others say.

57. I come from a lineage of broken relationships between men and women, abuse of power and mistrust. When I realized that, that's when I was really able to resolve those conflicts in my own relationship.

We cannot change our family's past, but we can learn the lessons and break the vicious cycle.

58. I felt it was time to set my future, so I set a goal for myself. My goal was independence.

When you have independence you have the freedom to do what you want, but you must take responsibility for your actions.

59. Trust is very important, and not just in relationships.

Trust is the fundamental basis of any type of relationship we build.

60. I don't like people who always say yes to me. I don't like people who tell me what they think I want to hear.

Surround yourself with people who are honest with you, because they are the ones who really care about you.

61. I'm human and I fall in love, and sometimes I'm not in control.

You cannot control love when it arises.

62. We all have imperfections. But I'm human and, you know, it's important to focus on qualities other than outer beauty.

What we call beauty is not only the external appearance, but what we project from within.

63. When I don't feel well, I ask myself what I can do about it.

Queen B teaches us that it is better to focus on finding a solution to a problem, rather than making it bigger.

64. We have to teach girls that they can go as far as they humanly can.

There are people who give up because they create unrealistic expectations, instead of having firm goals.

65. I get nervous when I'm not nervous. If I'm nervous, I know I'm going to have a good show.

Nerves can be an indicator that you want to do your best.

66. We all have our purpose, we all have our strengths.

It's just a matter of finding out and working on them.

67. Now my arms, shoulders, breasts and thighs are fuller. I have a mommy belly, and I'm in no hurry to get rid of it. It is real.

Talking about the normal and expected changes in a woman's body when she gives birth.

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68. What does fear taste like? To success. I have not achieved anything without a little taste of fear in the mouth.

A very positive way of seeing fear.

69. I feel very attracted to someone who makes me laugh and is charming.

Good humor is always attractive to women.

70. I am a woman and when I think, I must speak.

Nothing can stop you from raising your voice.

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