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7 differences between ANARCHISM and SOCIALISM

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Anarchism and socialism: differences

Throughout the 19th century A series of currents appeared that sought to achieve enormous changes in the political and economic situation that at that time was centered on capitalism. It was in this context that the appearance of the anarchism and socialism, two very different currents, but they were looking for something similar: to change the system. For all these reasons, in this lesson from a Teacher we are going to discover the differences between anarchism and socialism.

It is known as anarchism to a philosophical and political system that is characterized by seeking absence of a government. This current was born in the 19th century at the hands of William Godwin, who was looking for a new system to replace capitalism.

Anarchists believe that men are good by nature, so that human beings could live without laws and without restrictions, all living in complete freedom. Anarchists think that man becomes evil by the existence of the government and that, in total freedom, they would be good.

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To better understand anarchism we must list some of its features and understand some of its particularities and what this current is looking for. The main characteristics of anarchism are the following:

  • It believes in the total freedom and autonomy of people, and there should be no type of control.
  • He is in favor of the elimination of the government, political parties and any organism that can oppress.
  • It denies private property, since it creates inequalities.
  • He attaches great importance to education, since people must be educated to be free and understand the world.
  • There should be no social classes, as they lead to inequality and all people should be equal.

late 19th century another sociopolitical and economic current appeared that sought to end capitalism and create a new system, this being the so-called socialism. The main idea of ​​this doctrine was that of distribute wealth among all people, thinking of society as a single entity instead of a set of individuals.

The idea of ​​socialism is that the state must regulate the means of production, there being no private property and distributing everything generated among all the people who make up society. It is assumed that the citizens themselves are the ones who should control everything, being the workers who should rule and not the employers.

In general, socialism says that there should be no social classess, since all people are equal, and, therefore, there should not be richer and poorer people, but everyone should have the same opportunities and properties.

To understand socialism, and as we have done with anarchism, we are going to enumerate its main features. We must bear in mind that there are many currents of socialism, with differences between them, but the common characteristics of socialism are the following:

  • He considers that there must be total social equality, and that the State must guarantee it.
  • It promotes that workers mobilize to seek changes in society and defend their rights.
  • It opposes nationalisms, since they consider that all the nations of the world are equal.
  • The means of production must belong to the people.
  • There is no private property, since they consider that it leads to inequality.
  • There is no market, so there is no free regulation of prices and everything is controlled by the State.
  • The State is of enormous importance, since it is the one who has to control everything.
  • There are no social classes, since everyone is equal.

To end this lesson on the differences between anarchism and socialism, we must analyze both philosophical currents to see in what elements they differ. Therefore, the differences between anarchism and socialism are the following:

  1. Anarchism fights against the government and political parties, since you don't want these to exist. On the other hand, socialism needs these parties and the State, because it is the State that must manage everything, although always representing the people.
  2. Socialism defends the struggle as a whole, as a group that must achieve things. While anarchism defends individual freedom above all things, being the basis of the system.
  3. Anarchism wants to destroy the State because it considers it the main problem of society, while socialism wants the State to be strong in order to maintain itself.
  4. The basis of socialism are the workers, while anarchism uses as a basis all the people in a society, regardless of their work or function.
  5. Anarchism does not seek to change anyone, while socialism considers that the entire world must convert to socialism to maintain the system.
  6. Socialism gives importance to industry and economy to support himself, while anarchism defends that each one should be able to survive with what he can get for himself.
  7. Socialism wants to distribute wealth and that there is no private property, while anarchism considers that everyone should get things for themselves, so if they can have private property.
Anarchism and socialism: differences - Differences between anarchism and socialism

Montseny, F. (1976). what is anarchism. The gay science.

Durkheim, E. (1987). socialism (Vol. 175). Akal Editions.

Stalin, i. (1972). Anarchism or socialism?. Grijalbo.

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