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The 70 best phrases (and reflections) of Lady Di

Diana Frances Spencer, who was renamed Diana, Princess of Wales after her marriage to the English Crown Prince, Charles, was a British activist and philanthropist. Despite no longer bearing the title of 'her royal highness' from her, she continued to be called the 'people's princess', thanks to her actions and her humble and honest attitude.

She put the British royal family in check, by not being carried away by the rigid doctrines of royalty and above all, by not being unhappy in a damaged marriage. Instead, she always sought to be open to the public and close to the human side of her.

  • We recommend you read: "Diana of Wales (Lady Di): biography of the eternal princess"

Best quotes and phrases of Lady Di

Her life was not easy and she certainly had a very tragic and sudden end, but she left a legacy of teachings that he is still alive with her children and that we can also remember in the following best phrases of Diana Spencer.

1. Family is the most important thing in the world.

For Diana, her family was the most sacred.

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2. When you are happy you can forgive a lot.

Forgiveness is an act of nobility that prevents us from holding unnecessary grudges.

3. Hugs can do a lot of good, especially for children.

Hugs are necessary to show affection to children.

4. The biggest problem in the world today is intolerance. Everyone is so intolerant of others.

A big problem that prevents the world from moving forward.

5. Perform a random act of kindness, without expecting a reward, knowing that one day someone else might do the same for you.

By doing an act of kindness on our own, we show all the kindness of our soul.

6. The kindness and love of the public have helped me get through some of the most difficult periods of my life. Your love has always made my way easier.

A perfect example that giving love brings us love in return.

7. I think the British people need someone in public life to give them love, to make them feel important, to support them, to give them light in their dark tunnels.

One of his biggest "controversies" was the proposal to the monarchy to be more open with the people.

8. Each and every one of us must show how much we care about our community.

No community can get ahead without the help of everyone who lives in it.

9. Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society.

Philanthropic people find their destiny by helping others.

10. I believe that the greatest disease in the world today is of people who do not feel loved.

When people don't feel love, they grow unhappy.

11. I am aware that the people I have loved and died are in the spirit world taking care of me.

Keeping in mind your loved ones who are no longer by your side.

12. No, no one ever sat down in front of me with a piece of paper and told me: This is what awaits you.

Talking about how lost she felt taking on her royal duties.

13. Life is just a journey.

At each stop we learn new things and enjoy different experiences.

14. I like to touch people, it is a gesture that comes naturally to me, it is not premeditated, it springs from the bottom of my heart.

One of his greatest displays of affection towards others, especially with the sick who needed him most.

15. If you find someone you love in life, then hold on to that love.

Love is the greatest cause that moves the world, so you must take care of it when it comes into your life.

16. I always felt different, I felt I was in the wrong place.

Talking about how he felt out of place among royalty.

17. I don't need expensive gifts, I don't want to be bought. I have everything I want...

The greatest treasure of hers were her children.

18. Everyone needs to be valued, we all have the potential to offer something.

Every person deserves to have the opportunity to prove their worth.

19. I want my children to have an understanding of people's emotions, their insecurities, people's anguish, their hopes and dreams.

The greatest learning that the princess of the town left to her children.

20. Cleaning up my image and that of my children are my priorities.

Her main goal throughout her stay in royalty.

21. At that time I felt intimidated by the prospects for the future, but I also felt that I had the support of my future husband.

Being a princess was quite a challenge for Diana, but she faced it with courage and great success.

22. A woman's instinct in a relationship is the best proof that something is wrong.

Talking about the sixth sense that women have to know when something is wrong.

23. Happiness is the conjunction of many things. It is happier to the extent that they are achieved.

Happiness is a set of achievements that we accumulate throughout life.

24. If someone who needs me calls me, I will meet him no matter where he is.

Always ready to help whoever asked for her help.

25. I knew what my job was; it was going out and meeting people and loving them.

Her main goal as a princess was to show her people how much she cared.

26. Don't call me an icon. I'm just a mother trying to help.

Diana always felt a bit uncomfortable with all the fame that surrounded her.

27. I felt compelled to act. Well, when I say act, I was forced to go out there and make my commitments and not let people down, support them and love them.

Despite all the drama she was experiencing in her marriage and with her own insecurity, she had to play her princess role and present herself to her people.

28. It took me a long time to understand why people were so interested in me. I assumed it was because my husband had done a wonderful job prior to our marriage and relationship.

At first Diana believed that all her fame was thanks to the position of her husband.

29. I like to be a free spirit. Some don't like that, but that's just me.

Diana treated her whole life within British royalty, she tried to be as real as possible.

30. They say it's better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just cranky?

A sarcastic comment on her own situation.

31. Hugging has no harmful side effects.

No hug is harmful, neither for children nor for the sick.

32. Despite everything, I am lucky to have found my role, I am fully aware of it, and I love being with people.

Although she went through many difficult times, her role in royalty helped her find her passion for helping others.

33. I want to walk into a room, to be in the hospital with those who are dying or in a hospital with sick children, I want to feel that I am needed.

The situations in which she felt that she could be of most help.

34. I think there are a lot of people who don't want her to be queen. And by many people I mean in the institution that I represent because they have decided that I am unacceptable.

In a certain way, she became a threat to the traditionalism that the crown maintained.

35. My first thoughts are that I should not let people down, that I should support and love them.

She remained devoted to her princess role, thanks to the support of her people.

36. At 19 years old, she always believes that she is prepared for everything and that she knows what she is going to face.

An innocent young woman with many dreams who found herself in a harsh reality.

37. Call me Diana, not Princess Diana.

When she retired from royal life she tried to leave all her past behind her.

38. I didn't feel and don't feel strained by the responsibilities that come with my position.

Assuming his real responsibilities with his head held high.

39. I just want someone to be there for me, to feel safe and secure.

One of the things that Diana wanted most was to find a real and sincere love.

40. It is necessary that someone who has a public life can give love and affection to people, make them feel important.

Talking about how royalty should act in front of their people.

41. If we all do our part to make our children feel valued, the result will be tremendous. There are potential hugs in every home.

Education in childhood is essential to form responsible, productive and self-confident adults.

42. I think like any marriage, especially when you have had divorced parents like me; you want to try even harder to make it work.

So his failure with Carlos was the hardest blow he had to endure and overcome.

43. A mother's arms are more comforting than anyone else's.

Every child always needs the hugs of his mother to feel comfortable and loved.

44. It's vital that the monarchy stay in touch with the people, that's what I try to do.

Showing a side of royalty that was more accepted by the people.

45. During the years that you see yourself as a good product that is on the shelf and sells well, and people make a lot of money from you.

Understanding the way the media watched and cataloged her.

46. Anywhere I see suffering, that's where I want to be, doing what I can.

Trying to bring a rainbow to the people who felt the most down.

47. I live for my children, I would be lost without them.

Your biggest reason to move forward and be better.

48. I never considered myself as the queen of my country. I would like to be the queen in the heart of the village.

A public and humanitarian figure who sought to teach everyone the value of helping others.

49. In this marriage there were three of us, too many people.

The strongest statement about her situation with Carlos.

50. Everyone needs to show how much we care about each other, and in the process, we need to care about ourselves too.

It is about giving love to others, while on the way we reinforce our self-love.

51. People think that, at the end of the day, a man is the only answer. But in fact, a fulfilling job is better for me.

Our happiness should not be in the search for a partner, but in what we want to do with our lives.

52. When we got married, the press recommitted to leave us alone, but then again, and focused too much on me.

Diana lived a real hell with the harassment of the press.

53. Is it a weakness that takes me from the heart and not from the head?

Diana always gave more importance to her heart than to her reason.

54. I suffered from uncontrollable bulimia, if you can describe it that way, and also a sense of being worthless, useless, hopeless, having failed at everything.

For a long time the village princess hid her problem with bulimia.

55. She cannot comfort the afflicted by afflicting the comfortable.

Giving to some while taking from others is still a crime.

56. Practically every day it was on the front page of the newspapers, which isolates you; the higher the mids put you, the steeper the drop. And I was fully aware of that.

Diana understood that she had to walk on thin ice in front of the press to avoid any scandal that would harm her family.

57. I want to do something, not just be.

Seeking at all times to act against some injustice or need.

58. Nothing makes me happier than trying to help the weakest and most vulnerable in society.

His true place in this world.

59. I don't follow a book with rules.

He actually strayed as far as possible from royal traditions.

60. My father taught me to treat everyone equally.

A lesson that he would leave as the greatest legacy to his children.

61. You have to let yourself be guided by the heart, not just by the head.

Diana firmly believed that it is necessary to listen to our instincts.

62. I know that I can give love for a minute, half an hour, a day, a month, but I can give it and I am very happy to do it. It is what I want to do.

His greatest asset was giving love in an inexhaustible way.

63. As for becoming queen, it was not my main concern when I married my husband: that was still a long way off.

A future he didn't used to take too seriously.

64. If we take care of each other, in the process, we take care of ourselves.

When we help others, we are able to see our own value.

65. I had difficulties in my life as everyone has seen over the years, but now I want to use all that knowledge to help other people in need.

Trying to use their experiences as an example to improve the situation of others.

66. I will fight for my children at any level so that they can reach their potential as human beings and in their public duties.

Diana was the definition of 'mama lioness'.

67. I am not a political figure, I am a humanitarian figure, always have been, always will be.

Clarifying her position in society.

68. Helping those most in need is an essential part of my life, a kind of destiny.

The destiny with which she felt most identified.

69. She knew that something deep was coming towards me and that I was just treading water, waiting for it. She didn't know what she was. But I knew that she was different from my friends in the place where she went.

The moment when she realized the deep weight that came with being royal.

70. Being a princess is not as good as it seems.

A clarification for all those women who dream of the life of a princess.

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