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Concentration problems due to addiction to new technologies

The unprecedented technological evolution that we have experienced in recent years has given us the possibility of incorporating a wide variety of new useful electronic devices into our daily lives, but not everything that it glitters

Sometimes, the misuse of these ICT-related devices leads us to develop a dependency relationship with relative ease. towards everything that has to do with the Internet and other virtual platforms such as Whatsapp, which has as one of its consequences the tendency to have trouble concentrating.

  • Related article: "The 14 most important types of addictions"

How does addiction to new technologies generate concentration problems in us?

If something characterizes the world of the Internet and the interconnected society at all times through emission and reception systems and messages, is that it allows us to be receiving stimuli constantly. This makes it very easy to lose track of time when using, for example, social networks, where an algorithm always offers us content that matches our tastes and interests and it doesn't stop until we decide to leave that page.

instagram story viewer

Thanks to this invitation to always expose ourselves to content that catches our attention, new technologies "pull us", our mind, so that even when we are not using it, we may be tempted to take our smartphone out of our pocket and see what the latest posts are on Instagram, the latest messages in the group chat from friends, etc.

Addiction to new technologies

This phenomenon is known as FOMO: fear of missing out. In other words, we are under pressure to be missing out on interesting experiences which in most cases we could access in a matter of seconds if we wanted. And the fact of being aware that this option is always there, that at any moment we could feel good or release tension by reviewing the screen, makes it very difficult to stay focused on any task or process, as well as being the seed of addiction to new technologies.

Thus, it is essential that we learn to manage our attentional focus and not always fall into the trap of reviewing the mobile, have the computer always on and in sight in case at any time we change our plans and give in to the impulse to browse internet etc

  • You may be interested: "Lack of concentration: causes and 10 tips to combat it"

How to overcome addiction to new technologies?

As in most behavioral addictions, addiction to new technologies can be successfully treated by a qualified professional.

Thus, asking for help from a psychotherapist is the first step to start to get out of the maelstrom of self-sabotage to which this dependence on devices connected to the network induces us. However, parallel to psychotherapy, a series of routines and strategies can also be used to help break this behavior pattern.

1. Use guidelines to decrease hours of device use

To start overcoming our addiction we can start our improvement reducing the hours of exposure to electronic devices imposing clear limits; for example, following a schedule that indicates in a very defined way when we can and/or can use these technologies.

  • Related article: "Time management: 13 tips to take advantage of the hours of the day"

2. Share your own feelings

Sharing the feelings generated by addiction is of great importance and this can be done, again, in the company of friends, family or a psychologist. This is a way of expressing emotions and feelings that we were not attending to and before those of us who tried to escape through distractions through video games, browsing on social networks, etc.

With the help of a psychology professional we will learn to identify our own feelings and therefore to know ourselves better.

  • You may be interested: "The 8 types of emotions (classification and description)"

3. Reincorporate daily healthy lifestyle habits

Some habits that we had lost during the course of addiction must be reincorporated into our daily lives in order to improve our quality of life.

Some of these habits can be performing daily physical activity, healthy sleep habits that allow us to rest at night or daily hygiene habits.

4. cultivate social life

Dedicate a few hours a week to cultivate our former neglected social life It will be a good way to rebuild social relationships that could have been broken.

Maintaining a healthy and active social life will have a positive effect on our mental health and will help us improve the problem.

  • Related article: "The 6 types of social skills, and what they are for"

5. Perform outdoor leisure activities

Outdoor activities are highly recommended in any type of addiction that the person may present, especially those related to new technologies.

The main activities that a psychology professional can recommend can be mountain walks, cycling, camping, climbing or rafting.

Are you looking for professional psychological assistance?

If you want psychotherapeutic help, get in touch with our team; in UPAD Psychology and Coaching We can assist you in person or online by video call.

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