4 keys to not turn a game into addiction
According to various investigations, addiction to screens, such as video games, the Internet or gambling has increased dangerously among adults and the younger population in recent years. More than 20% of adolescents develop dependency.
The restrictions and social distancing of recent years have caused much more time to be devoted to any online activity. More and more groups are showing concern about this fact. It seems necessary to review our own habits as adults in order to help and set an example for the younger ones. It is necessary to know the healthy limits and have alternative leisure options.
From the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Iowa, researchers Marta Shaw and Donald W. Black, conclude in their research that dependence on video games is part of a broader addiction. They define it as "excessive or poorly controlled concerns, impulses, or behaviors regarding computer use and Internet access that lead to impairment or distress." They claim that, as during the pandemic, using this as an escape mechanism is a risk factor for developing addictive behaviors.
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The main symptoms
Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet? Do you constantly look at your mobile and can't get away from it? Have you stopped doing other things to play? Does your routine revolve around that? Do you get irritated if you can't spend as much time as you'd like? Do you sleep less than usual? Do you spend more and more money or time on it?
Like any addiction, its impact cannot be stopped, so sooner or later the consequences will be seen in the life of the addicted person.
There are some common features between this type of addictions with addictions to substances:
- It makes you lose control over when and how the activity is carried out.
- It develops psychological dependence and produces discomfort not being able to carry out this activity.
- It generates tolerance, it requires more and more time.
- It makes you lose interest in other things, you no longer enjoy other activities as much.
- It produces, like any other addiction, a lot of interference in the life of the person who suffers from it. * * You limit your happiness little by little, until there is nothing left that makes you feel good. It is not easy to be honest with oneself, we usually innocently play it down.

Characteristics of behavioral addictions
I invite you to observe yourself and really write down the time you dedicate to it, if it interferes with your day-to-day life and if you really have control.
What type of addiction develops with the Internet, video games, mobile phones, etc.?
These addictions are included within the "behavioral addictions", which are characterized by the fact that it makes you addicted to a behavior, not to a chemical substance. The scientific community is increasingly investigating this type of addictions.
In behavioral addictions, initially harmless, routine behavior can lead to addiction if its frequency and intensity are too high.
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health (DSM-V), “Gaming disorder due to addiction” has been recognized as a behavioral addiction. gambling” (Pathological Gambling) and “Online Video Game Addiction Disorder” has been inserted in the part of disorders that require more study.
In contrast, in the International Classification of Diseases, in its most recent publication, ICD 11, if incorporated "Video game disorder" within the category of "Disorders due to behavioral addictive”.
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Why is it so difficult to detect this type of addiction?
behavioral addictions are more subtle and difficult to detect because they are part of common habits and normalized addictions such as mobile. This seems less harmful, as usual, and tends to be justified with comments such as "there is nothing to hide, everyone is to a certain extent." way”, “I do not do anything bad to anyone” or things like that that are part of the defenses that will arise if you sense that something with that habit is not right.
Admitting it means assuming that you have to change it, and if you are addicted you will be afraid that this means having to leave it.
Keys to not turn a game into addiction
Have a good body-mind balance and enjoy a wide variety of things in your life It's fundamental. They are protective habits to have good mental health and not fall into habits such as addictions. Here I summarize four key things that you can work on.
1. Regulate the time you dedicate to what you like
It should not be an obligation, nor an obsession, just It must be part of what you do among many other things to disconnect and feel good. Be clear that when you develop a dependency what you like stops being a fun activity to be something different and less and less rewarding.
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2. build your balance
Disconnect and escape are not the same, when you run away from something you eagerly cling to something else, that which makes you feel better or forget even just for a while. Do not use it as an escape mechanism, do it because you want to and not because you need it.
3. Get off autopilot
It's the one that lights up when you fall into a negative circle instead of working on yourself.. To feel differently you first have to act differently. Get involved in how you want to live, spend time doing more things you love.
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4. Learn from the traps that make you fall
For example, in economic spending, since mobile micropayments or “free to play” games become a potential slot machine. Don't forget that These types of games are focused on provoking and generating the need to spend.
Life has a lot to offer, don't reduce your well-being by depending so much on something to feel good. May your happiness depend on you.